how real she was

my real life looking doll girlfriend

--jaejoong who was still clueless on whats happening, he managed to take a look closer at the shapely doll, examining every parts of her body.. he slowly touch her skin.. it was soft and delicate as baby skin, he look at her ash brown eyes, who's very life- like, but not blinking at all.. he run his fingers towards her chest..


'no heartbeat....!'


--he looks at the clock on the wall it was 3;20 pm, he counted off six hours on his fingers-9;20


--he looks at the doll again,


'she looks like an angel.....right i'll call you angel.. now you have a name, what else did she say??


--he notice the doll was still ..


'aah.. clothes!!'


--he felt his hands pocket, he still had his car keys and wallet, he slipped out the door, locking it behind him and he jumped back in his car.. walmart was right around the corner and it took him less than five minutes to get there and park his car. he felt more than a little self-concious,venturing into the women's apparel department.. jaejoong made his way through the racks of old lady dresses until he found the clothing that young women seemed to prefer


'the doll look like she might be in her early twenties..'


--he picked out a cute pink fitted dress and a white dress with polkadots, having gotten used to looking through the womens clothing,jaejoong discomfort return when he moved into the lingerie section,there were counters and counters of underwears and bra. he picked out some cute pair for her..after that he drove back home and race inside with his purchased,the doll still hadnt move.. it was only 5;00 PM.. looking at the doll jaejoong appreciated her sheer physical beauty like he hadnt before..he pulled the two dresses out of the bag and held them up infront of her,one after the other,though they had seemed incredibly tiny in the store,they now looked as if it would fit her..


--he look around the house,this made him think about everything else that was lying around the house,he had company now.. well,sort of.. he felt an urge to clean up.. he clean the whole house,after all done.. he stopped to make himself a suffer, a ham sandwhich which he ate along with diet pepsi and handful of potato chips,he stood in the dining room,chewing and looking through the passage at the shapely form of the doll still standing where he had left her, he walk closer to the refrigerator to drink some water, when jaejoong turned around,he jumped out.. the doll was standing behind him, lookiing at him..


'the primary set up procedure is complete...' she said


'what did you do? in your primary set up i mean..' asked jaejoong


'there are one thousand sixty seven individual task accomplished..'


'oh..oh well that's good, oh there are some clothes for you in the living room' he pointed over her shoulder


--she turned around and walked in the living room, jaejoong followed her, she picked out the two dresses and held them infront her,one after the other,smiling..


'i wasnt sure what size you wore, uhmm.. angel, thats what i decided to name you by the way.. its ANGEL..'


'an..gel...' she said slowly


'thats a very good name.. what should i call you...?'


'just call me on my name.. jaejoong..'




'which dress do you like me to wear jaejoong?


'i think the pink one.. it matches your underwear which is still in the paperbag there...'


'may i use the bathroom to washed up and get dressed jaejoong??'


'oh yeah.. sure. well,you dont have to say my name everytime..'


'during the set up procedure,i will be adjusting my diction and vocabulary so that i am better able to communicate with you jaejoong..'


'i.. i see..'


'which way to the bathroom, jaejoong..?


--jaejoong pointed the way, when she returned,he marveled at how real, how human she looked.. she was dressed and the plastic over her hair was gone,her hair was long golden brown and cut with bangs on her forehead. she stepped to the center of the room and twirled around,then bounced up and down twice on her tip toes, this made her look really young.


 Wang Jia Yun 王嘉韻


'! i forgot you to buy any shoes!'


'its ok, i can choose and purchase my own wardrobe if you like..'


'ah ok.. but you have a limited budget, you know.. im just a student..'


'i understand jaejoong, i wont spend any money until i am not sure about our finances..'


'our finances?? are you going to be my secretary too?'




--she said with a cute smile..

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Chapter 6: Updateeee~ JUSEYOOO
I love this so much ♥
bad-but-good #3
update fast!!!!!!!!!111
13senyorita #5
@matsuyaney- it can really cause heavy traffic.. lols XD
i can imagine angel wearing only her bikinis~ lol,
yep absolute boyfriend~~ haven't watched it either, i just only know they robot guy. lol.
13senyorita #8
@matsuyaney-i just search about uve mention 'zettai kareshi' also known as absolute boyfriend?,dont know about it yet,but yeah i think was something the same.. =D
this is really interesting~ inspired of zettai kareshi...?
this is really interesting~ inspired of zettai kareshi...?