Because Of You

Another Chance

(Last time)


"I need you to tutor a student starting tomorrow, Can you? The teacher looked at me with hope and I smiled.

"Sure, of course. I would love to." I said happily as I could.

"Thank you, Bambam your a life saver." Mr. Yamato smiled back at me and I nodded. As I turned I remembered an important fact.

"Oh what's the students name?"

"The students name is Jackson Wang." the teacher said calmly. M-m-m-my C-cr-crush Jackson Wang? I nodded slowly and walked out the door closing it behind me. I froze after I close the door. I have to tutor him?

'No, I don't like you so please keep those disgusting feeling to yourself, and this?' He held up my letter. 'I don't need it nor want it since you told me what it has. So what I want is for you is to get away from me, I don't want you one step near me or even to look at me. You .'

No no NOOO!! I can't tutor him after what he said to me. He's a jerk that I still like. I cried for so long because of him.

"AISH!!! WHY ME!? WHY ME WHY ME WHY ME WHY ME ?!?!?! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEE!?!?!?" I screamed causing the people in the Hallway to look at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?!?! DO I HAVE A ON MY FOREHEAD DAMN IT LOOK AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled louder. I guess you could say my tempter grew since Jackson rejected me but I really can't control it, when I get mad I have to let it out at the moment. I stormed away to the go home when I opened the door I took out my phone and called Mark.

"YELLO~" Mark said as he answered the phone.

"Yah Mark, I have a problem." I said walking on the side walk sighing a little bit.

"And what would that be? It can't be that Ba-"

"Mr. Yamato is making me tutor Jackson Wang. I don't...I can't do it." I said as I stopped walking.


"Hello dickface, I would of said that if I was smart enough and asked the name first. Consumed by a ? You dumb that's stupid ex-" I raised an eyebrow.

"You seriously, need to go to anger management."

"And if you don't shut the up you will go to Physical therapy!" I snapped while stomping my foot.

"Geez~ So mean~"Mark whined and I rolled my eyes. I soon heard voices behind me saying.

"Damn, that boy is mad. He looks like a girl yelling at her boyfriend." They laughed. OH HELL NO I AM IN NO ING MOOD FOR THIS BULL! I put the phone down and turned my head to face the boys.

"Do me a huge favor and get a and hop off mine." I said than my eyes widen as I noticed who said that. J-Jack-s-son W-Wang.

"Oh! It's you. I didn't even recognize you. What happen to that flashy blonde and blue hair?" Jackson said looking at me. I sighed and turned my body around to face him.

"You. I have to tutor you. We start tomorrow. I dan't care what you have against it we go by my time and not yours. M'kay?" I said sternly.

"Oh but-"

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to. It's a necessity, you need to do it or you repeat your senior year and watch your friends find someone to replace you. You'll disappear from their brains." I crossed my arms giving him the most serious face I could manage.


"I am in no good mood so shut your mouth and we will both be alright. Meet me in Mr Yamato's classroom tomorrow after school and if you don't come. I will send people to hunt you down painfully. Am I clear?" I said . Jackson, plus his friends, nodded slowly. I walked away and put the phone back to my ear.

"When do you want me to schedule an appointment for anger management?" Mark asked in a teasing tone and I shook my head.

"Shut up, Mark!" I laughed as I walked away trying to calm down a bit.

(3 Hours later)

I sat on my couch and sighed eating ice cream with Mark sitting next to me.

"That Junior guy, is so cute let me tell you BamBam-"

"DabDab." I smirked changing the channel.

"DabDab?" Mark sounded confused and I laughed.

"What? It's a good nickname for me, unless you want me to name myself Naenae?" I asked.

"Oh please no. Even God knows that's not right."Mark shook his head and I laughed. Mark is my best friend. As I must mention like a thousand times. He is a good guy, and loves to do anything for his friends but he knows his limits. Which is what I love about him the most.

"How am I supposed to tutor Jackson Wang, when I can barely talk to people?" I asked and Mark looked at me and pouted while thinking.

"You snapped at him pretty well earlier today. I'm sure you'll be fine. It's just a few extra hours at school. What could possibly go wrong because all you have to do is talk about is school and trust me it's not like anyone loves school like we did back in the old days." Mark explained.

"You've got a good point, but who knows how long this torturing might go. Time is Gold. I also have a job to attend to."I said checking the time. I sighed and looked at Mark.

"You can stay here if you want I have to go to the Cafe if I want to get a pay check. I'll see you at 10:35." I said grabbing my work bag.

"You come home that late almost everyday and still have the best grades in the whole school. Your truly amazing Bammie." Mark smiled.

"With that being said, I still don't have a love life so I can't be that amazing." I smirked shaking my head a bit.

"You can just date the books and me." He laughed.

"Okay whatever. See you later Mark."I said waving behind me.

"I'M SLEEPING HERE BY THE WAY!!" Mark said to make sure I heard.

"Alright bye."

"BAI!!!" Mark yelled and I just rolled my eyes at him. I walked to the Cafe I worked at, don't really remember how I got that job but somehow I managed to get it. I walked through stained glass doors with a sigh.

"Hey, Bambam." Baekhyun said while smiling, the other male who always seemed content with life, he graduated high school last year.

"Your so lucky your out of High school." I said walking in to the locker room in the back of the cafe as Baekhyun followed me.

"Your gonna be done with High school next year. I'm pretty sure you'll survive. You have mark and you 2 are literary like those 2 in one shampoos." Baekhyun smiled at me. I shook my head and sighed.

"But you had the most scariest guy in the school as your best friend though. I don't have many friends." I said, putting on the uniform pants.

"Bammie, your personality changed ever since you got rejected by this Jackson guy. You've become super hard for people to know, you... need to open up a little." Baekhyun said. Everyone I know has been saying that, have I really changed because of Jackson? Or are they just seeing things? I feel like I was meant to change like this it wasn't completely Jackson but it was my parents too. They left me without a trace or a hint telling me where they went. I guess I realized that life isn't always a rainbow and changed but even I don't think I've changed much.

"Baek, I haven't changed. I just don't trust people like I used to." I said and Baekhyun nodded. I put on the tie trying to tie it the the best I could.

"You look like a different person and you act like different person. Bam, I understand that you don't trust people like you used too, but even I know that's a lie you tell yourself." Baekhyun said while sighing. I looked into my locker to see the picture of Mark and I the day of his birthday 3 years ago on my locker.

"Baekhyun, I know you care about me but this was 3 years ago why would I change of something that small?" Can I really tutor Jackson Wang? This question repeats in my mind.

"You 2 can continue this chit chat after work."Kyungsoo said Walking inside the locker room and pulling Baekhyun out to the cafe. I laughed and looked once more at the picture with a small smile.

"If I am New, we will still one." I said softly, Mark was the only person who never said anything of my changing personality. I smiled and finally closed the locker and went to work.

(Next Day)

"Kunpimook~ come on please. You have a way to inspire thousands with your words, Please." Youngjae begged as I walked quickly through the hallway.

"Youngjae, how many times do I have to say it. No is a no!!!" I walked into the classroom, Mark sitting up seeing me in a bad mood.

"Youngjae what did you do?" Mark asked.

"I want Bambam, to give a speech to the freshmen at the Assembly today. Use your ability to convince Bambam and make him say yes." Youngjae begged Mark. Mark laughed and shook his head.

"He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to." Mark said with a small smile. "But just imagine how many opportunities you're missing here with colleges, Bambi." Mark said and my expression changed to a more interested one.

"I mean a few words couldn't hurt right?" I laughed a bit and Youngjae smiled brightly.

"Honestly Mark how do you do it?" Youngjae asked amused at the fact. I shook my head a little at the comment.

"I didn't do it because of him. It was just a-"

"A what bammie? I bet you, I can convince you to kiss someone." Mark said and I looked at him with small smile.

"Highly doudt it and if you try I will not hesitate to kick your ." I said loosing my smile.

"Youngjae, we can over details before the thing okay?" I said and Youngjae nodded with a very big bright smile. After class ended I printed out some papers for Jackson to do when I tutor him today. It's so weird how he has the worst grades and I have the best ones when I'm a foreign student. I laughed a bit and put the papers in my binder. What time is it? Oh I'm gonna be late for the speech I promised I would do. I ran out the room to tried to run as fast as I could to the auditorium but I bumped into someone.

"Oh it's you, Mr. sassy pants." I heard a voice say. I quickly looked up and saw Jackson looking at me. My eyes widen, why do I have to bump into him now?

"Look, I've been wanting to talk to you about tutoring-"

"I can't real-"

"If you applied for this just to tutor me, know that I'm not gonna fall in love with you." Jackson said. For some reason I felt a ball of pain build up inside me.

"Your still stuck on that?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Yes I am, because people do nasty stuff when they want me." Jackson putting a hand out for me to help him.

"Well you don't have to worry I was forced to do this, I'm also doing this to look good on my college application so please don't assume your all that when truth be told your the opposite." I walked away without helping him up. I felt my eyes tear up and shook my head. You could call that conversion whatever you want but I'm calling it another rejection. I walked backstage and saw Youngjae.

"Oh your here." Youngjae smiled and than looked at another boy with black hair. "Kunpimook, this jinyoung the student body president. Jinyoung, this Kunpimook but he likes to be called Bambam. You can call both but I like saying Kunpimook." He smiled.

"You came in time we were about to start your speech." Jinyoung said and I just nodded not really knowing why I felt so sad. Jinyoung, Youngjae, and I walked on to the stage with watery eyes. Why did this hurt me so much? I looked at the crowd and saw Mark, he smiled and than lost it. He knew already that I was close to crying my heart out.

"Giving a speech today is our A student senior Kunpimook Bhuwakul." Youngjae smiled and Walked to the where he was and I put the mic to my lips and started my speech.

"Youngjae is almost the only one that knows how to say my name." I said trying to put a smile.

"But you guys can just call me Bambam, and I guess you guys can tell that I was a foreign student from Thailand. I was  learning Korean in Thailand but still didn't know how to speak Korean fluently when Ii first cam here"

~ "Bambam let's take a selfie, to remember this day." Mark smiled holding his phone.

"To remember what?" I asked looking at Mark.

"Today, January 20th, the day I claim you my best friend." Mark smiled at me brightly and I smiled back at him.

"I guess we have to." ~

 I just need a hug from Mark. I noticed Mark walking to backstage and I also noticed Jackson frowned a bit. I need to say this and he needs to hear it.

"No one is perfect. No matter what you do here you will make a mistake, its bound to happen. I made a mistake with something but I always had those people to help me get through the hard times I had. Don't try to find Romance here, because you will never find it. You just have to find your true friends, don't look for that perfect someone because if you do that person will make you miss the person you use to be. That person will destroy you just like that and make the old you disappear." I looked away from Jackson and to the floor. This feeling was clenched inside my chest, I've thought this for a while but was to afraid to admit it.

"My freshman year was hard, but I would of never have gotten through it without my best friends Mark, Youngjae, and Yugyeom. Time is gold in high school, you have to work hard and when your done with it will all be worth it. My heart was broken freshmen year because I was distracted with a dumb crush. So the point I'm making is," I looked up and made perfect eye contact with Jackson, with noticeable tears coming into my eyes.

"Jackson is an , and you have to work hard."My voice cracked (Taemintaco23: HE A SAVAGE!!!!). I gave the freshman a fake smile, while I saw almost all the freshmen with motivated smiles. I walked off stage seeing Mark with open arms, I ran into them and cried a bit.

(Taemintaco23: Is it sad that I'm the author of this Jackbam story and I'm shipping Markbam right now??)

"What did Jackson say to you?" Mark said hugging me back.

"That doesn't matter. I just need a hug from you." I said digging my face into his chest and feeling Mark pet the top of my head, suddenly I felt calm.



HEEYYYYYY TAEMINTACO23 HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back with another chapter of this story, please Comment, and follow me. And I don't have a story to tell so ENNNJJJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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