Thailand to Korea

Another Chance


Bambam's POV
I walked down the hallway of the the big highschool. It was a couples weeks into school and I just transfered into a school so far away from Thailand. I transferred to a school in Korea such a big change and I barely had time to prepare. Good thing I took that Korean class in thailand that really helped me imagine if I didn't take it I would be in hell right now. I didn't know schools in korea were so big and filled with lots of activities and talent. I just passed a dance club classroom I think and those people are talented. I don't think I have a chance chance to survive here. I walked inside the office and the lady smiled at me while I smiled back at her.
"Hello how may I help you sir?" She asked with a happy voice.
"Ne I'm the transfer student from Thailand my name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul." when I finished my sentence The lady gave me a look.
"Can you repeat the name please?"
"Kunpimook Bhuwakul." I repeated nicely but a bit louder.
"How would you spell that sweety?" She asked taking out a pen and a little note pad.
"K. U. N. P. I. M. O. O. K is my first name than my last name is spelled B.H.U.W.A.K.U.L. But Everyone calls me Bambam." I said kind of Embarrassed about my birth name. What kind of women is pregnant with a baby boy and thinks of the name Kunpimook? And why is dad's last name Bhuwakul? Is there history to it? why could I have moms easy last name Ru?
"Oh yes. Here is your schedule and the principle will be with you in a moment. Please Take a seat." I smiled and nodded and felt my face start to warm. I'm getting scared again. I sat down in the chair and thought about what my mom told me before I left the car for school.

"Bambam, look I understand change. This is hard, very hard and you have been very understanding of this move and haven't complained at all but you shouldn't worry about being lonely Bambam because you are an amazing Young man with many abilities. You can be something big. I believe in you Kunpimook. Good luck."

"Kunpimook Bhuwakul?" I heard a man ask. I looked up to see a man in a Hot pink business suit. I stood up and my eyes became wide. Why is the principle wearing Pink?
"Ne." I said softly looking at the man and he led me to his office.
"Hello my name is Mr Park but most of the Students call me JYP." The man smiled at me and I felt comfortable with him.
"People call me Bambam 'cause they can't say my real name." I said softly looking down at the ground.
"Your from Thailand. It's only once a month we get people right from Thailand. Some of our students are from Thailand but it's because one of their parents are Thai. In your case both ur parents are from Thailand. Impressive." He said and I nodded. Than he started to go through all the rules of the school and explained all the dress codes and stuff like that. At least I don't have to wear those dumb Thai uniforms anymore. They were starting to annoy me, but I know I will miss the blue shorts and white shirt. As soon as the principle Finished speaking, a blonde/pink haird boy with a yellow sweater that had donuts on it walked in.

He wasn't so bad looking. When he walked in he showed me a bright smile and stood right in front of the desk where the principle was.
"Bambam this is Mark Tuan. He will show you around and you have every class together but one. Mark is a very remarkable student gets decent grades, plays sports, and is in the Music program. He also is very fluent in english, Plus he's an awesome guy. Hopefully you two will become friends. You guys are dismissed." As soon As he said those words my heart stopped and I became more nervous than I already was. Mark and I left the principle's office and he smiled at me.
"I see you met JYP. He's a weird principle but an awesome one as well. What Locker number did they give you?" Mark asked biting his bottom lip.
"I have locker...Um 2079." I said slowly and he smiled at me brightly when he heard the number.
"Really? That perfect because my locker is 2076. We're two lockers apart." He laughed and so did I. We walked out the office and were walking to a stair well.
"So what do you like?" Mark asked and looked at me.
"Um... what do you mean?" I asked shyly. I'm not very good at talking most people can read me like a book most of the time.
"I mean like what do you like. Like sports, food, Music. Stuff like that." Mark explained opening a door for me and we entered a hallway.
"Um well I like every kind of music and Food I guess. Sports? I'm no good at them so I avoid the topic." Mark nodded and stopped walking and put his arm out so I could stop as well as he did.
"Alright Bambam let me warn you some people in there might give you some test for trust and like that. I don't want you to let them get in your head okay." Suddenly mark's soft look was replaced by a dark one and I think a bit angered expression on his face. I think I should call mark Masked Joker.
Before anything I nodded softly a bit scared. Why did he have this reaction all of a sudded?
"Kaja." we continued walking and I noticed some students in the Hallway looking at my direction. Oh boy I hate attention. Mostly when I didnt ask for it. I kept my eyes forward avoiding looking from anyone.
"How did you learn Korean?" Mark asked as we stopped in front of my locker. I Looked at Mark shyly and than looked at my conbination.
"They had a Korean class at my school." I said softly opening my locker.
"Was hard for you?" Mark asked. I shook my head softly.
"No not really. I had trouble with some words but I always got them right on the big test." I explained as my Locker finally opened. I put my Backpack in the locker and looked at him.
"Is there anything I''m gonna need?" I asked. Mark smiled at me.
"Nah, its not like their gonna give you a giant test on your first day maybe tomorrow but not today." Mark laughed and I laughed with him.
"Um Mark How do you get into that Music program?" I asked as I closed my locker and we started walking.
"You Intrested? I can get you in." Mark Wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed a bit.
"No I cant sing or dance. Plus I don't want to be noticed." I sighed.
"Thats gonna be hard your the only New student we've gotten this year and plus your from thailand. You will most likely attract some ladies with your looks." Mark said poking my side. We walked to the end of the hall in front of a classroom.
"This is Homeroom with Mr Yamato. He is a fun teacher and some students that are in here are cool but you habe to be careful. Some of them are terrible people and deadly." Mark explained before he opened the door. When he opened the door I could see the teacher at his desk and the students have their conversations. I followed mark in the room and we made our way to the teachers desk. I heard the classroom slowly Quiet down as we walked to the teacher's desk.
"Mr Yamato This is the New Thai student." Mark said pushing me next to him. I smiled softly to the teacher and he smiled back at me.
"Hello, What is your name?" Mr Yamato asked. I hate this question.
"Kunpimook Bhuwakul but please Just call me Bambam." I said only for him and Mark to hear.
"Bambam is a cute Nickname. You can sit with Mark in the back over there." Mr Yamato pointed to the back near the windows. As I was following the teachers finger I made eye contact with a very attractive black haired boy the boy blink twice before looking away. Who was he? He...I think I...
Once I saw mark walk to his desk I followed him to the back and Mark sat right next to the Hot black haired boy while I sat by the window.
"Hey Mark~" Mark bro fived a really tall boy who sat in front of him.
"Hey Chanyeol." Mark smiled at him sticking his hand out.
"You owe me a dollar." Mark smiled smugly at him. The taller boy rolled his eyes.
"Look the new student is Adorable so Hand it over." Mark said looking at Chanyeol with a pout. The taller boy pulled out a dollar and gave to mark. Mark looked at me.
"Chanyeol and I had a bet he guessed you would be Ugly/Ok and I said You would be cute/Adorable. And I was right." Mark started to do a victory dance. I looked behind Mark and saw the Hot black haried boy talking to a female next him and than he looked forward looking at the board. I smiled sheepishly I cant believe this. I have a crush already!! I have only been here for like 20 minutes plus I don't even know his name and we haven't had a conversation. I bit my bottom lip.

"Hey New Kid-" Chanyeol was about to say until mark slapped his arm.

"YAH! He has a name he likes to be called, Bambam. So don't call him new kid that gets annoying."Mark frown and Chanyeol nodded.

"I have some friends in Thailand. Did you know Frame and Fuse?" Chanyeol asked and I smiled hearing the familiar names.

"Yeah I knew frame but I didn't really speak to fuse, but their was a in my school rumor that Fuse slept with a boy named Tee." I said remembering what Frame told me.

"Tee? Oh yeah he would always stick to fuse right?" Chanyeol asked with a smile.

"Well fuse always ran off after class but I'm guessing he went to him. You speak Thai?" I asked looking at Chanyeol, he just smiled.

"No not really I've been trying to learn and learned enough to get me around the place. I went there with my dad on a business trip for 2 mouths and met them since I had to go to school there for a short amount of time." Chanyeol explained looking proud of himself.

"I didn't get to know them that long either, I would of liked to but I didn't want to give my parents a hard time by asking to stay because after all you have to get used to change. If it wasn't now I was gonna move to Korea someday." I said explaining my point of view and suddenly mark took his hand out again.

"Chanyeol you owe me another dollar because he's smart." Mark smiled proudly at me. Chanyeol sighed and gave mark another dollar.

"Bambam your gonna be the thing that makes me rich." I smiled as mark pinched my cheeks.

So technically that was my high school life for 2 years with Mark by my side showing me off to people in the school. I met Youngjae and Yugyeom who are both very awesome people, they are also in the music program with mark. Everyday for 2 years Mark and I would always go to this Cafe and help out I only did it because Mark asked me to be his wing man because he wants to be friends with one of the workers so I did that.

One day I was walking home with Mark and for some reason I had a really bad feeling in my chest so When I was in front of my house I made sure Mark went home before I went in. Right when he left I was about to put the key in until I noticed the door was already open. I opened the door slowly and saw Everything was empty. My eyes widen as I ran into my home looking for my parents than something came to me everything but my stuff was gone. I walked to the kitchen and saw an envelope on the counter that said my name. My eyes started to tear up as conclusions came to my head. My hand was shaking as I reached for the letter. I opened it and saw money and a letter. Tears fell down my cheeks as I started to read the letter.

Kunpimook, Your mother and I are very sorry how we left you, but we had no other choice.

We will come back someday in the future but we are not sure when. We will come back to this address and live as a happy family.

We love you Kunpimook

Mom and Dad

I shook my head. I should of seen this coming. I wiped my tears and grabbed the money throwing both the letter and the phone numbers they left.

"You guys can come to this address but I won't be here. You guys abandoned me, You didn't leave me. you two I can do well without you two I have Mark, Youngjae and Yugyeom." I went to my room and packed everything quickly and called Youngjae.

"Hello Bammie~" Youngjae sang into the phone. "Wassup, baby cakes?" I smiled and bit my bottom lip.

"Youngjae I need your help." I said simplely.

"I will be right there." Youngjae hang up with those words and I smiled. In 10 minutes or so I went to the door I saw Mark Yugyeom and Youngjae smiling and I teared up even more. Mark was the first to hug me.

"Awe Bambammie what's wrong?" Mark said rubbing circles on my back. I let everyone inside and they looked around and saw everything was gone than they looked at me.

"You were robbed?!?!" Yugyeom asked in a scared tone. I shook my head and let go of Mark while wiping my tears.

"Left behind." I walked to where I threw the letter earlier and handed it to them.

"They knew they were gonna leave me for a while but still kept it a secret and surprised me. I'm so stupid and never noticed how everything looked emptier by day." I said shaking my head. Youngjae looked at me.

"Knowing you, you don't want to be here when they comeback." Youngjae said and I nodded.

"I already know where I want to move into All I need is help. Will you guys help me?" I asked looking at them.

"HELL YEAH OF COURSE I WILL." Mark screamed in English causing me to laugh a bit.

"We can use my car." Youngjae said swinging his keys. I smiled brighter and looked at Yugyeom.

"Guess I can be your strong hand." Yugyeom shrugged. We got to work quickly and put almost everything in Youngjae's car. I gave Youngjae Directions to the place and we got there in 3 minutes.

"Wow this place looks nice." Mark said looking out the window in his cramped space.

"You guys wait here." I said. I walked out the car and to the apartments office and did my dirty work, walked out with a key for an apartment and Low rent. When I got back in the car and said.

"My apartment is B20." Everyone looked at me wide eyed.

"YOU GOT AN APARTMENT?!?!?!?" They all said at the same time and I just nodded smiling.

"How did you do that?" Yugyeom asked.

"Well its kind of called blackmail." I smirked.

"Bammie your serectly evil." Mark smiled.

"Oh boo its not a secret. Kajah." I said. YADA YADA YADA you get it when i finished moving in it looked like this.
My room:

The living room:

The living room:

The living room:




Yeah I am very proud of myself

Yeah I am very proud of myself. The apartment looks so cute and is super cheap for me.

When I finished with my home I called the guys for a guys night and thought to dye my blonde hair by adding a little blue. My mom dyed my hair blonde a long time ago and told me never to die it again. I dont live under her roof so I can do what I want. Mark bought the blue dye and Youngjae was the one to actually dye it. Mark also gave me piercings Homemade of course. They also thougt I should change my good boy image and maybe try a fashionista look. They bought me some clothes and I paid them back by buying them dinner. Mark often slept over at my house it was like he lived there it was fun having him around 24/7 instead of being alone. Imstead of sleeping in my room he loved to doze on the couch which was funny. I also got a job at a Cafe to keep paying the rent on time. Youngjae always came over with his mom from time to time to make sure I was eating right because According to him I got thinner since I started living on my own.
Yugyeom makes sure I stay fit and makes us go to the gym every Morning.
Yeah Yeah yeah blah blah blah lets just skip to my third year of high school which is the one you guys will really like.
Remember that Hot boy with the black hair? Well his name is Jackson Wang and I still have a huge crush on the guy. On my third year I thought that I should confess my love to him so I wrote a love letter.
"Bammie are you sure you want to do this?" Mark asked me. I looked at him with scared eyes and shook my head no.
"I don't. I'm not sure I want to do this anymore. Lets go back to class now." I was about to walk away until Mark grabbed my arm and gave me a look while shaking his head.
"Yah Bambam have you not learned anything from your best friend in these 3 years. You have liked Jackson forever so Just confess already. This year I actually got you this far and your not backing down now." Mark said holding me in place. I gave him a look and bit my bottom lip.
"Than why did you ask if you were gonna keep me here anyway." I pouted. Mark laughed and sighed.
"It was to test you my friend, a test that you failed. The only test you will fail because your smart as . So you won't end up like Oh Ha Ni." Mark said looking into space smiling.
"You watch to many dramas." I rolled my eyes.
"You told me to watch the drama." Mark looked at me and than we both saw him. Jackson Wang. My heart started to speed up as if they were drums. I hid behind Mark but Mark pushed me out from behind him , doing the 'You better do it or imma kick your .' look, at me. I slowly walked forward and bumped into Jackson Accentdently. Really Bambam?!?!? NOW HE'S GONNA THINK I DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!! Jackson looked at me and I froze in place. I showed him a Smile and stood up striaght.
"J-J-Jackson, I was wondering if you c-could-" I about to say.
"What? Can you make it quick? I've got class you know." Jackson said and I nodded.
"Can you r-read this?" I said taking the letter out and handing it to him. Jackson took it in his hands looked at it than looked at me.
"What is this about?" Jackson asked bluntly.
"Um...Well its saids that I." I paused gathering air for my next sentence.
"I really Like you Jackson. More than a friend." I finally said. I bit my bottom lip and heard Jackson sigh deeply.
"No. I don't like you so please keep your disgusting feelings to yourself. And this? I don't need this since you already told me what its about." Jackson started to rip the papers in to tiny peices and blew it in my face.
"Get away from me I dont want you near me or to even look you at me you dumb ." Jackson walked away his shoulder his hitting mine. Everything seemed to slow down at this moment and my eyes watered.
Soon I saw Mark Storming after Jackson angerly. I took a deep breath and shook my head maki NH sure I didn't cry.
"Mark Tuan. Come here." I said firmly but Mark just stopped walking and turned his head back. My eyes started to tear up again and I spoke once again my voice cracking this time.
"Mark Tuan. I said Come here." Than Mark turned around, walked to me and hugged me while walking me to the bathroom.
"Mian, Bammie its my fault we should of just escaped like you wanted." Mark cupped my cheeks giving me a concerning look and I shook my head pushing his hands away.
"No I need to give up on him it's been long enough." I nodded Tears falling out my eyes.
"Bammie, He's a jerk I told you that when you told me you liked him." Mark said. I remember that memory as if it happened yesterday.

"You like Jackson Wang?!?! Your to nice for him!! HE'S A PIECE OF THAT THINKS HE'S ALL THAT! He's a jerk Bambam you can't like him, but I guess as long as you don't cry over him it will be okay. If I see one tear one your face because of Him he is immediately dead. You hear me bambam?" I nodded and hugged Mark

I told him that in the last mouth of school in our freshmen year. I smiled at the memory of blonde/pink haird Mark and shook my head wiping my tears.
"I miss your pink and blonde, Tuan." I laughed and Mark just made at face at me and than thought.
"I was thinking of dying back. How about you?" Mark put an eyebrow up smirking.
"Here's a crazy idea senior Year I become a black head and change my style to innocent badboy." I smirked ignoring my need to cry.
"My baby is growing up mently." Mark put an arm around my shoulders as we both looked at the mirror at out old selves.

That summer we did everything in our power to become as cool as we could. Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom, and I got a Job for the summer. Mark bought an awesome car to drive us in to school plus has all the girl's heart in our school for his looks. Yugyeom got the ladies behind because he's cute and clumsy. Youngjae got the ladies because he can trap them in his singing voice because it's it's so beautiful. I on the other hand have changed a bunch in stead if that shy blonde boy from day one now I am now the confident boy. I have to admit I'm still shy but like before but who I have crawling behind me are males and females which Mark saids is the thing in the world.

"Are you ready for the new year? Our last year." Mark looked at me and I nodded.
"More than ready, Tuan." We push the doors open and I smiled the air I have been smelling for 3 years now. This is my last year. This year is gonna be crazy. A months after I got called after class by one of my teachers so I went to him.
"Mr. Yamato?" I asked as I knocked and I saw the teacher by his desk. I fixed my black leather Jacket as I walked into the room.
"What did you need sir?" I asked.
"I need you to tutor a student starting tomorrow. Can you?" The teacher looked at me and I smiled.
"Sure of Coure."
"Thank you Bambam your a life saver." My Yamato smiled I was about to leave the class room until something came to my mind.
"What's his name?"
"His name is Jackson Wang. "


Jackson Wang....AKA MY CRUSH JACKSON WANG?!?!?!?!?!?




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