
We're Having A Baby

Chapter 16: Forever




Doctors and nurses rushed over to Taemin, immediately grabbing the electric-pedals. Minho stood there, completely frozen in shock. His vision became blurry as tears started to form in his eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off of the flat line of the heart monitor. The sounds of the doctors yelling completely muted. It seemed like a thousand years since he stared at the monitor, feeling like his world was crashing around him in slow-motion.

"No...This is a dream...Taemin...he's not dead..." Minho said softly, still completely frozen. Paralyzed. There you go. There's a better word. Minho was completely paralyzed.

His eyes slowly trailed to the younger, warm tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared at the still body. This can't be happening. That was the only thought that came into Minho's mind.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.

That one sentence, that one single sentence, just kept running through his mind. But suddenly...Beep. Minho's eyes doubled in size and he looked at the monitor. And then his knees gave out. He dropped to his knees, making sure he held the baby securely to his chest. Minho tightly closed his eyes shut and rests his cheek at the baby's head. No word's escaped his mouth. But the constant beeping sound coming from the heart monitor was like life itself was pouring into Taemin.

"Thank god..." Minho murmured softly.



Few days later



Taemin cradled baby Minnie in his arms, making sure the milk bottle didn't falter as he held it a little high so the baby could drink it. 'Course he was still in the hospital because of the surgery, he's unable to walk for a few weeks. A smile crawled onto Taemin's lips as he took the bottle away and the baby cooed.

"Little Minnie, huh?" Taemin said softly as he set the bottle down and held the baby to his shoulder. Minnie rested his head on his "umma's" shoulder, his tiny hands on Taemin's sleeve. "Minho, you crazy frog-boy..." Taemin giggled low as he gently began to burp the baby. Taemin raised his head when the door opened and smiled wide. Minho smiled back, holding a tray of food for Taemin and some baby food.

"Did the baby wake you up?" Minho asked as he shut the door behind him. Taemin nodded. Minho chuckled and sat on the bed, putting the tray on his lap. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit tired but okay. My hip isn't that numb like it was yesterday." He said. Minho smiled.

"That's good, Minnie." He said and leaned to kiss Taemin's lips softly. Taemin smiled when they seperated. "How's baby Minnie going anyways? Is he hungry? I brought his favorite." He said and held up the cinnamon applesauce. Baby Minnie cooed as he looked at the applesauce. Taemin laughed as Minnie reached for the patch of applesauce and started to gently bite it.

"He's so cute." Taemin said. Minho smiled.

"Just like you." He said. Taemin blushed and Minho laughed low. He took the applesauce and opened it up, taking the baby spoon and began to spoon feed the baby. "Taemin...Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?" Taemin said as he looked up at Minho. Minho stopped spoon feeding the baby but Taemin willingly decided to. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. Taemin's eyes grew wide and Minho smiled.

"Marry me, Minnie..." He said and opened the box to reveal a beautiful, silver ring. "I love you so much and I'm sorry for being such a douche about having the baby." He said. Taemin slowly smiled and the baby cooed.

"Yes, Minho-ah...I'll marry you." He said.






the end...







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Chapter 18: I can't get access to the sequel ..... help please ^_^
Btw nice story ^_^
Keep writing many more stuffs
Authornim Hwighting !!
I've read the sequel before. But I can't seem to access it anymore now. Are you editing the chapters?
Chapter 13: Can you rewrite the chapter? I mean I understand why you are frustrated. I wanted to update my story one time but lost the chapter twice but I still rewrote it. I would gladly want to read about Key giving birth, Minho's nightmare and 2min reuniting
Baek100 #5
Chapter 12: How is Taemin giving birth before Key, And how does he give birth in 4 months? Besides thoose mistakes, it was an okay story. ;)
Chapter 16: Quick tidbit babies under about six months of age cannot have baby food though if a doctor says too you can just thought you would like to know that. Sorry if that comes off as rude it is just that I have two nieces so I like to help people out when it comes to stuff like that.
Chapter 1: I love this story so much I've read in so many numerous times X3
RENderedspeechless #8
Chapter 6: OMG, in the gifs when Onew dropped the mic and fell... he is amazing. Anyway, I like your story so far :) and love the jongkey
susumiya08 #9
hahaha it was quite fast and it made me laugh, Iknow you give your best... but why taemin has 2 months of pregnancy and then have the child, and then from nowhere key too(and before him!!!) tae gives birth to his beloved child, and a FEW-____IN'-DAYS-LATER he's eating apple whatever???? that was a huge fail hahaha babies cant eat until 6th month...u made me laugh so hard!!

btw,I'm happy that minnie is alive!!! I want more jongkeyyyyy!!!
Taeminwife #10