High School: Where everything was confusing

Confusing Feelings
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"What!? Tiffany's crying? Why?" Taeyeon bombarded questions to her friend.


"I don't know she just said like it's about you." Sooyoung said to the confused Taeyeon.


"Me!? Why? What did I do?" Taeyeon asked a bit bewildered by the information. She didn't remember anything that she did bad to Tiffany.


"We also didn't know why...like you." Sooyoung only shrugged. "Maybe it's the best if you talk to her."


"Okay, I'll do it." Sooyoung leaves after she heard Taeyeon's answer.


'Now what's the problem?'




"Hey, Sooyoung told me you cried?" Taeyeon sit beside Tiffany who's busy taking notes.Tiffany looked up and quickly go back writing .


Taeyeon noticed the red blood shot eyes.




"What?" Tiffany asked without looking at the latter.


"You heard me." Taeyeon calmly replied clasping both of her hands.


"It's nothing."


"No, it's not nothing when you cried." Taeyeon said with all seriousness."Hey talk to me, tell me the reason please..."


Tiffany shifted and finally look at Taeyeon, they're eyes met.


"Okay, it was just a silly jealousy.." Tiffany mumbled softly. But the latter heard it.


"Jealousy? Of what? Sooyoung told me I'm the reason?" Taeyeon asked she became more confused after she heard the word 'jealousy'. She thought it's because of her why Tiffany cried and then why's there's jealousy.


"Yes, that's right." Tiffany answered while looking at her lap fidgeting her fingers. Taeyeon noticed the behavior.


"Okay let's cut the chase down okay? Why did you cry?" Taeyeon grew impatient because of the short answers.


"Okay, I got je--alous because of Sunny." Taeyeon didn't respond she just waited Tiffany to continue.


"...you became more closer to her than mine.That's why I cried.... I don't know why too, why did I cry .I know I'm silly." Tiffany blabbered she's embarrassed now to her action.


Taeyeon heard the latter's explanation. It left her with amused smile .She chuckled ,amazed by the silly yet flattering reason. Tiffany heard the chuckle.


"Go laugh at me I know I'm silly..." Tiffany huffed and sulked.She bowed her head because of the embarrassment.


"No, I'm not laughing at you.And for what it is, I'm flattered." Taeyeon patted Tiffany's head like a kid.




"Okay, don't be jealous to Sunny. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel neglected. I didn't do it on a purpose. You know I always treated my friends--our friends equally even you.So don't be jealous anymore okay?" She gave Tiffany a hugged and the latter hugged her back.


"I'm sorry."


"No worries, Maybe it's just the busy schedule that's why I neglected you .My mind also now has a lot of things to keep.You know the practices in our small play?" Taeyeon break the hug.


"Yes, I'm sorry again."


"It's okay, stop apologizing."


Taeyeon was really flattered of what Tiffany had just said.It made her felt so good to know that there's someone like Tiffany cared that way.Maybe the jealousy over on their friends was silly, but Tiffany's way of treating their friendship made her feel warm.




After that warming confrontation in their first year Taeyeon and Tiffany became more close to each other.They treated now each other as best friends.She got to knew too the reason of Tiffany's constant jealousy over to their friends ,it's because the girl was the only child.So she now understand the clingy Tiffany and jealous girl.In other words Tiffany was grew being spoiled .


But months came she noticed something to Tiffany. It's like the latter was hiding something on her. She just didn't entertained it so much because she had a lot of things to do about school.


Last week she got a weird encounter to her new boy transferee classmate,Siwon.It's weird because she didn't talk or close to the boy but suddenly the boy approached her and greeted her.She didn't thought that the boy may crushing on her because she can saw it, it's just a friendly gesture and the boy was not trying to hit on her.


Talking about weird things, Tiffany asked something weird question to her ,she suddenly remember their talk almost three weeks ago.




"Taetae, can I asked you something?" Asked the girl who's leaning on Taeyeon's shoulder.




"What will you do when you liked someone? And that someone was you didn't knew for so long but you felt the feeling was right?what will your move?" Taeyeon was surprised by the question. She suddenly asked where did Tiffany get that kind of question.




"You heard it, what will you do when like someone not that long but the feeling was so right? Taetae what will you do?"


Taeyeon thinks for a while, she's starting to think that maybe Tiffany has a crush on someone else. And it didn't make her feel good about that. She suddenly felt confused of why she didn't like the idea of Tiffany crushing on someone else.


"You know, I'm not expert when it comes about love talk right? But since you personally asked my opinion I'll try my to answer it. But don't expect too much okay?"Taeyeon ruffles Tiffany's hair.


"That's why I personally asks it to you because I know you wouldn't disappoint me."Tiffany gave Taeyeon a side hugged. She again felt the slight goosebumps every time Tiffany hugged her or they would hugged each other.She started to felt that on the past months.


She composed herself gathering all of her thoughts about Tiffany's question.


"For me, Maybe you still not knew each other for so long but you feel like the feelings you started to grew on him felt right....maybe because you're comfortable on him and you both clicked well that's why you even started to feel that way.So , it's okay if you get the chance and gave a shot because you said it does feel right,right?"


"Wow! Taetae you sound like a love expert there." Tiffany laughed while clapping it's hands.


"Yah!yah! Okay stop, and what's with these questions?" Taeyeon asked with furrowed brows.


"Nothing just wanted your brain to be productive not just staying silent in this corner of this classroom." Tiffany poke Taeyeon's forehead.


"Yah! What's with the insults!? After what I did to you...such a good friend I have here." Taeyeon sulks.


"Soweee~ you're not my friend, you're best friend forever!" Tiffany hugged her.Taeyeon dismissed her disliked about the feeling of not liking being Tiffany's bestfriend forever.


End of flashback


She's really confused about those sudden questions. And to the shiver, goosebumps and fluttering feelings she started to feel with Tiffany. She's still confused about those , questioning why she does have those feelings towards her best friend.


"Hey Taengoo!" Taeyeon stops her thoughts and look at Heechul.He was her first best friend even before she met Tiffany. They've been best friend since 3rd grade of elementary.




"Why are you alone here ? Where's Tiffany?" Heechul seated on the table.


"That's what I didn't know.Maybe with the girls." She shrugged because it's true, Tiffany these past days had became busy.Tiffany was always on the other group of girls and sometimes with boys.She understand that Tiffany was a social butterfly girl.She also noticed that Tiffany always talked to the Siwon boy a lot these past days.


"Me I know." Taeyeon look up at Heechul .


"Oh, why did you asked me when you knew where she was?"


"Just checking if you knew."


"So where she is?" Taeyeon starts to draw doodles on her scratch notebook.


"She's with Siwon being all lovey dovey there." Heechul nonchalantly answered.


That stopped Taeyeon from doodling. She looked at Heechul with furrowed brows.


"She what?"


"I know you heard that, let's make it simple. I think she's dating that boy.Because I can tell you my eyes are still okay, what my eyes saw even our friends their behavior and gesture to each other was telling they're a couple."


Taeyeon didn't know why she suddenly felt suffocated and like for air.Her stomach lurch like a wild typhoon.She looked around and find where was Tiffany. She finally found her at the group of students talking where she can see Tiffany laughing to Siwon.


'Why does it felt like I lose something big on me?'


Heechul saw the reaction, for Taeyeon not able to react immediately and mouth agape because of shocked.


He knew all along and had suspected that Taeyeon have grow feelings to the eye smiling girl.He just didn't tell it to the latter because he just let Taeyeon confirm it.He's not against about it because himself was open to his preference with their friends and to Taeyeon.


"How come I d--idnt know?"Her eyes still starring at Tiffany.


"Me neither , asked her later.Talk t---"


"Mr.Kim maybe it's best if you take off your on that table?" Heechul's word cut by their teacher.Loud roar of laughters erupted.


"Oh, I'm sorry Mrs.Park." Heechul immediately take off his and seated to his chair.


Taeyeon can help but to laughed along with her classmates. She unconsciously take her sight to Tiffany's seat. She saw the laughing Tiffany too.They're eyes met and Tiffany smiles to her where she immediately look away and concentrated her eyes on the board.


She didn't know why she did that, but she felt like not wanting to see or talk to the latter right now.


'Fany-ah, what's happening to me? Why do I feel like, I like you?'




"Hi, Taetae!" Tiffany cheerfully greeted Taeyeon who's busy doodling on her notebook.


"Oh, Hi."Taeyeon heard the familiar nickname and answered shortly .She didn't know why she like the nickname. Tiffany was the one who called her that.She once asked why 'Taetae' the latter just answered because it's cute and short cut to her name.


"Yah! What's with the gloomy mood..and why are you not in the cafeteria?" Tiffany seated beside Taeyeon and lean her head on the latter's shoulder.


Taeyeon tensed at the skin ship.


"Nothing, I'm not hungry."


"Why do I feel like you're not liking my presence ?" Taeyeon mentally face palmed herself. She forgot Tiffany was good at detecting whether she's in a good mood or not and everything.


"Maybe, because someone has been hiding something on me." Taeyeon can't stopped herself now.She looked at Tiffany.


'She's really beautiful.... Gorgeous. Yah! Kim Taeyeon what's with you?!'


"Huh?" She can see the confused look of Tiffany.


"What's the deal between you and Siwon?" She bravely asked even though she knew that she would not like the answer.


She can see that Tiffany was contemplating .


"Fany-ah, I thought I'm your best friend?"


"Yes! You are."Tiffany immediately replied.


"Then answer my question."


"Okay, remember the question I asked? " Taeyeon nodded. " We'll that's for my decision of giving a chance to Siwon. We're together. " Tiffany answered shyly with matching pink cheeks.


Taeyeon gulped big before recovering from shocked.


"Since when?" She managed to said the words correctly.


"Since last week."


'I should have known it. Her questions,her suspicious actions and that suddenly approached of Siwon to me.! I should have known! Why does it hurt?'


Taeyeon thought and become silent.


"Taetae I wanted to tell it to you but he said that we should wait at least another week." Tiffany fidgeted her hands.


'Right... You listened to him more now? '


"It's okay I understand. It's both your decision. So congrats?" She extended her hands to Tiffany but only received a hugged instead.


Tiffany felt Taeyeon was not happy to what she did.But she really like Siwon, the guy was funny,witty and gentleman. They clicked so very well that's why she gave them a shot.


"I'm sorry Taetae, if I didn't tell it earlier." Tiffany apologized again she didn't want Taeyeon thought that she didn't trust her.Taeyeon is very special to her hurting her was the least thing she would do to the latter.


Too bad she already did.


Taeyeon absorbed the hugged .She can feel her tears but she fight it.She break the hugged.


"It's okay I un-derstand." She patted Tiffany's left cheek.They're eyes locked.


Tiffany saw the glistening eyes.


"Hey, are you crying?" She checked Taeyeon's eyes.Taeyeon immediately dismissed the checking and wiped her glistening eyes.It hurt she thought because the girl who's the reason of her dilemma of wether she like her for real more than best friend, was now someone else's.


"What? No! It's just your hair strands sticks to my eyes.Yes that is." She lied.


"Ooops , sorry." Tiffany smiled to her sheepishly.


'Is it because of your smile? Or the warmth you always gave to me?that made me start to like you?'


"Come on, Let's go to the cafeteria."Taeyeon stand up.


"I thought you're not hungry." Tiffany stands too.


"Now I am.You're talkativeness made me." Taeyeon sticks out her tongue and quickly escaped to run.Like what she want to her feelings for Tiffany.


"Yah! You kid! Wait for me!" Tiffany chased her running best friend.




"I noticed you and Tiffany has not been hanging out together lately?" Heechul asked Taeyeon who's playing with her phone.


"I've noticed that too." Sunny said.


"Who would not? Tiffany was always with Siwon."Sooyoung joined the talk.


She just listened to her friends.She felt that changed Tiffany had reduced it's time hanging out with her.She's lying if she tell that she's not hurt.But no, it hurts so much.


Now that she realized that she really like Tiffany more than word itself. Her constant jealousy over the sweet couple tells it.Her grumpy mood every time Tiffany had to cancel their hang outs because of Siwon made her realized.


She also realized why she's been so attentive when it comes to eye smiling girl.How she treated the girl with so much care.All she knew she just been doing of what best friend's duty.Now she knew ,it's because she silently grew a feelings. She knew it's wrong but blame her stubborn heart.


"Hey Taengoo I'm asking you." Heechul persists. He needs to know his best friend thoughts. Because the latter didn't want to open to him.


"Didn't you heard Sooyoung? That's the answer." She flatly answered.


Heechul sense the irritation and he knew Taeyeon was hurt.She just gave a pat on Taeyeon's back.


Taeyeon looked up at Heechul and gestures what's that all about.He just shrugged.


"Weird." Taeyeon mumbled.


Heechul just chuckled and shakes it's head.


'Oh, Taengoo I'm telling you we're both weird.'




The next days , Taeyeon purposely avoided Tiffany. She made so many excuses just to not be around Tiffany. She didn't know where the sour treatment came.But she only knew was she's really hurt.


Who would have not, seeing the girl you like being all lovey dovey to someone else was hurt like a hell she said.


She got to heard bad things about Siwon that the guy was a suave player. She heard that the guy was a charmer.She became worried that he might just playing with Tiffany's heart.She didn't believed to it first.


So she and with their friends confronted and talked to Tiffany .They asked what's her opinion about those rumors. Tiffany just said that don't believe to those rumors because they're just messing with Siwon.


Taeyeon that time was so hurt because she can see how Tiffany like the guy, base on how the latter defended the guy.


They also talked to Siwon giving a warning to not ever play with Tiffany's heart. The guy just calmly and coolly answered 'No, Never.'


That shuts them up.They can see that Siwon was not that bad but you can also see that he's not that stick-to-one guy.He definitely suits to a playboy.


They stopped messing with the two and let them continue their relationship. Taeyeon reasoned as long as Tiffany is happy.




Taeyeon was bobbing her head enjoying the music she's listening. It's the only thing that taking her mind away from thinking about Tiffany.


Last time Tiffany talked to her asking why she's avoiding the latter.She stopped texting and didn't answers any calls of Tiffany.  She just told the latter that they would eventually used to it.


She knew her answer was a bit rude. But there's nothing more rude than hurting so much that made her more preserved person. That time she can saw the sadness in the latter's eyes but she can't help it.


'I just like you too much...and I think I love you now Fany-ah.'


"Taengoo hey." She felt the tap on her shoulder. She take off her headset.


"Why Heechul?"


"Tiffany's crying and even Siwon can't make her stop."


"Then what's my matter to that?" She said flatly. She's worried that's the fact but she knew they became awkward for the past months.Even though she wanted to be there and comfort Tiffany but she was clue less on how.


"But I think you might have."


"How ?"


"I guess she's crying because of what's happening between you two."




"Taeng just talk to her she's been crying there for how long I didn't know." He throws both of his hand.


"Aish!!! ." She frustratedly hissed. She knew she have to."Okay give me a minute.By the way where she is?"


"At the school's gym."






She saw Siwon was consoling the crying Tiffany. She clenched her jaws at the sight where Siwon hugging Tiffany.


She calmed herself and walk to the couple. She feels like to not continue her steps and just go back to their classroom.


But no, she had too.She still care to Tiffany.


"Err..." She don't know what she would tell.The couple look to her.Tiffany detached herself to Siwon.




"Tiffany... Ahmm." She look at Tiffany and then to Siwon. Tiffany understand and she saw Tiffany said to Siwon to go first.She again to have witnessed the couple's affection.


She clutched her hands tightly.She saw Siwon leave.




Taeyeon felt the awkwardness.


"Uhmm...Heechul said you're crying." Taeyeon started."Why are you crying? "


Tiffany signaled to Taeyeon to sit beside her.Taeyeon obeyed.


Tiffany's head was bowed and Taeyeon really don't know what to do.


"Why a--re you avoi--ding me?" Taeyeon heard a sniffed.She looked to the crying girl.


'So my attention towards you was still a big deal huh? You're selfish Fany-ah... You have Siwon now.Why still need my attention. I'm just going to be hurt.But I know you didn't intended it because you didn't knew my feelings for you.'


Tiffany didn't heard any response. That made her sobs.Taeyeon was shocked when she heard it.And because of reflexed she immediately hugged the crying latter.


"Sorry Fany-ah... Don't cry." She soothed Tiffany's back.


"Why Tae--tae? Wh--y are you a--voiding me?"


"It's because you have Siwon now.I thought maybe you don't need my attention anymore... You know." Taeyeon blabbered and lied at the same time.She didn't exactly knew what she gonna tell.And her only reason was so impossible for her to tell.She intended to kept it no matter what.


"You! Babo!" Tiffany slapped her shoulder and glared at her.


"..How could you thought that way!"


"Hey, I'm sorry to have those thoughts but I really thought it was because you're always with Siwon." She mumbled the last part but Tiffany caught it.


She suddenly felt guilty because she didn't know that her best friend had been feeling those.She didn't noticed that she's been spending her time with Siwon too much.


"I'm sorry Taetae. I really am."


"It's okay  I understand." She patted Tiffany's head.


"Please don't avoid me again huh?" Tiffany asked eyes pleading. Taeyeon can't do something on that it's her biggest weakness to Tiffany.


"Okay, okay." She finally gave up.


'Oh, I guest I just have to play a masochists for now. '




Taeyeon and Tiffany eventually go back to what they were before. Tiffany lessen her time with Siwon, the latter understand it.


Taeyeon was still playing masochists, she don't have any choice but to be the supportive best friend.


A year passed, they're now in their senior year.Many things had happened including the break up of Siwon and Tiffany.


Taeyeon was shocked to know about it.She just one day pounced by a crying Tiffany. She didn't knew exactly how to consoled the girl or what words have to said.She just there soothed and made the girl cried it's pain about the break up.


She again felt the hurt that time, she saw how sad and broken Tiffany about the break up.She's mad at Siwon , because she got to know that real reason of break up was because Siwon was liking another girl.It took a lot of calming from her friends to not punch the face of Siwon.


It just week passed when she heard the most ridiculous information she ever heard.The information was Tiffany told her that Siwon wanted to get back with her. She almost lost control that time.She thought how could that guy asked something like that after what happened. What's Tiffany to him a toy he s

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Chapter 2: Happy ending! Yes!
This is very nice and nostalgic.
The pain Taeyeon felt everytime she is reminded that best friends is all they ever could be is like piercing my heart, also when Tiffany is dating someone, the pain doubles. And she endures that for years. It's brave of her to try to create distance to avoid herself from self-destructing and finally admitting her feelings regardless of the consequences. Tiffany on the other hand is wise enough to think of the future they might have if she ever admit the feeling is mutual, and wise enough to plan what to do. Good thing they're still head over heels for each other even after the years that passed.
I can say that this story relates to me too, the highschool thingy. I was confused too. 😁
maemae08 #2
Chapter 2: So Beautiful, so well written, sooooooooo sweeeeettttt
Chapter 2: Well it's so well written story even me confused about my uality hahahaha btw I love confusing-sweet-fluffy story❤
Beetlebee #4
Chapter 2: It is so cuteee!! It made my chest tingly at first but overall.. GREAT STORY xD
Bumella #5
Chapter 2: Woohhoo I like stuttering tae..haha
hamcheese #6
This story looks interesting
noura30 #7
Chapter 1: it was really good :) can wait for the next update
take care