
Caving In

When Jungkook had woken in the afternoon. He had a icepack to his head, could taste the sugary bits of medicine still in his mouth and felt sore all over.

He looked around to realize he was in Jimin's bed.  Yellow sunlit was pouring through the drawn curtain, and he couldn't help but wish they had brought black out curtains instead.

Taking the icepack off, he wondered how he had gotten to thre dorms. All he could remember was thinking about how proud they will be during the concert of his amazing dancing.

Standing up with a growling tummy and parched mouth, he wobbled slightly before opening the dorm door.

Just as he was about to enter the kitchen, he could hear the hushed whispers of the other members.

"Stress, the doctor said it was from stress. Pressure, stress, and so on. But... what from...?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin replied, "Maybe it was because we keep calling him the Golden Maknae, and wanted to keep his reputration?"

"No, that's not it- YES, THAT'S IT!" Seokjin pointed towards the other male.

"Shush, keep your voice down!" Yoongi scolded forcefully. Seokjin looked down, afraid of the intimidating eyes of the maknae.

Namjoon spoke up, "I would say that's it too. I mean, come on, why else would he want to practise until late at night to the point he passed out... for, what, two days? I mean, come on, the doctors said he'll just be unconcious for a while, but it's not like he just walked around and said 'LET'S OVERWORK MYSELF UNTIL I GET TO THE POINT I NEARLY DIE FOR FUN'!"

He was losing his cool.

But Jungkook had already lost his. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" The brunette shouted angrily, glaring at his hyungs.

The six whipped around, suprised to see the boy who was clutching the wall as if his life depended on it.

"I DIDN'T OVERWORK MYSELF. I CAN STILL DO MORE!" This was it. He was going to lose his title for working hard, what an unexpected turn of events.
Seokjin tried to calm down the usually calm maknae. "He didn't mean it like that, you just gotta stay healthy, Kookie-"



Jungkook slammed his hand over his mouth.

What... had he just... said?

Tears started pouring out faster than he ever had them pour out in his life. He fell to the ground, sobbing and choking in air. "I-I'm so sorry, hyungs, I- I didn't mean it!" He begged for forgiveness.

Congratulations, Jungkook, you have now just forced yourself into being the Dirt Maknae.

He continued to repeat and beg for forgiveness, not looking up to see the hyung's expression.

Cold hands were placed on his back. "You called this 'whole group stupid', but the thing is that you are part of this group as well." The cold, monotonous voice bit smartly, but softly as well.

"Yo-Yoongi!" Jungkook cried and threw himself into the hyung's open arms.

"Such a baby."
"YOONGI!" The others cried deprestely - trying to stop Yoongi from being so harsh.

Yoongi whispered close to Jungkook's ear, "Overworking yourself isn't the way to become better, Jungkook. You just set yourself back a whole two days now because you got too tired. Trust me when I say this, you always do much better at your healthiest. To be honest, you're useless the way you are now."

The others were silently screaming for him to stop.

Jungkook pushed back, sniffing furiously before asking quietly, "I... am?"

Yoongi gave a short nod. "Yes, you are. So I suggest you heal up quick, yes?"

Jungkook wiped his tears quickly.

He didn't want to be useless.

So he would follow Yoongi's every command. The hyung was Jungkook's hyung - cold but soft.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.



holy snakeu.

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Wwafe3as #1
Chapter 1: This is really good and enjoyable to read.