
Caving In

Jungkook wasn't new to the term 'Golden Maknae', given by the BTS's leader. But sometimes he felt pressured, knowing that if he let one slip up show he would no longer deserve such a honoured title.

And thats leaves him to now, dancing his heart out three hours after practise had ended, still repeating the same routine over and over.

His clothes were practically soaked, and his forehead was dripping with sweat but he refused to stop. His hyungs had already gone home, after Jungkook had said he just wanted to work on his vocal and write some new songs. They were lies, of course, but he was far too determind to care.

Although they said that they would get someone to pick him up an hour ago, he wasn't upset because he expected them to forget.

Shows how important you are, he thought bitterly before shaking his heads. Now wasn't worry about your reputation time, now was keep your reputation time.

Jungkook's playlist consisted of the same song repeated 151 times. He wouldn't done more, if he hadn't been lazy and bored of retapping over and over.

When Jungkook neared the 100s mark, his legs faltered and he slammed into the dance studio ground. It didn't take long for him to realize something was wrong. He'd neglected his body and forced it to work, not even wondering if it could handle to speed.

His breaths weren't normal, instead they were laboured and heavy. Wheezing for a few seconds, he let out a dry cough. He still didn't manage to get enough air it.
Crap, he thought, I need help. He deprestely crawling towards his bag, searching for his phone. Once he found it he pressed the call button for 'Taehyung' and listened to the ringing noises.

While waiting and panting heavily, he wondered if it was a good idea to call him. After all, it would only show that he was NOT  a Golden Maknae if he couldn't even dance for a while without nearly choking to death.

"Kookie?" Taehyung's voice sounded far away.

Jungkook tried to open his mouth to say 'Nevermind', but all that came out was wheezing and coughing. He could hear more voices in the distance, but he shut them out.

Black spots started to appear, and they grew in mass quickly before taking over completely.



Taehyung's POV


We were all playing Hide and Seek in the dark - even Yoongi was for once! - when we heard a phone ringing. The game was put on pause and the lights were as we hunted for my phone.

"Found it! Here, V," Jimin passed the device towards me.

I was suprised to see Jungkook's name displayed on the screen. He hardly ever calls me, and when he does it's always 'Can you get some pills? I've got a headache, hyung.' or 'Food. Bring me some.' early in the morning.

So late at night? It's 10pm for goodness sake! What's the point of the call, anyway? Isn't he in his room- why cant he just come out. Lazy maknae.
"Kookie?" I questioned with an accusing tone.

There was something off about the silence on the other end. Everybody was now gathered around me, trying to listen in. I guess they were curious about Kookie's sudden call as well and wanted his answer.

We didn't get an answer, however. Instead we got the noises of someone choking on the other line. "Kookie!" I exclaimed, confused, "Are you okay?"

"Just go into his room-"

"HE'S STILL AT THE DANCE STUDIO!" Yoongi yelled out. He wasn't the type to yell out, so it shocked us.

Thats when we realized. Jungkook was still at the dance studio, six hours after practise. Did he not keep track of the time...? We were supposed to send him a van four hours ago. How could we forget...?

"Kookie, can you hear me?" I tried again. The sound of something banging, followed by a thump announced it's presence. That's when everybody started to freak out.
Namjoon was the first to run towards the van. Even though he doesn't have a liscence, he still knew how to drive thanks to the manager. Everybody piled into the van, sweating with worry.

Namjoon was quick to speed off, heading towards the dance studio.

. He's choking.

He's gonna suffocate.

And die.



3rd POV


When the white van had finally pulled up outside the studio, Taehyung and Yoongi were already out of the van before it had stopped. The green haired boy who acted cold hearted but had a secret soft spot's face was more stiff than anyone had ever seen.

Soon Seokjin was screaming out "KOOKIE" while rushing inside behind Taehyung, the others following.

They wasted no time to split ways. Seokjin and Namjoon went to the voice recording  studio, J-Hope, Jimin and Taehyung rushed towards the changing rooms while Yoongi went to the dance room.

They were starting to seriously worry. All of them had thought that Jungkook had come home, which only led them to wondering what he was doing here for so long.
A sudden yell, short and loud made J-Hope, Taehyung, Seokjin and Namjoon bolt out of the rooms they were searching. Rushing towards where the sound had come from, they saw Yoongi leaning over something on the ground.

"Jungkook, wake up!" The frantic noise echoed through the empty room.

The others rushed over.

Yoongi was furiously shaking a boy who was covered in cold sweat, panting hard. He was obviously unconcious, but small whimpers left his mouth anyway. A slight amount of blood was in the corner of his mouth, showing that he had bitten down on his lips.

"Oh my god, Kookie!" Seokjin cried out as he rushed past the frozen members, cradling his son's head in his lap. the wet, sweaty hair, Seokjin let out a whimper.

Namjoon fell to the ground beside Jungkook, staring with his jaw wide open before placing his head in his hands. The leader was overwhelmed, more overwhelmed than he usually is when blocking anti-fans and dealing with everybody's stress before a show.

Yoongi suddenly broke out of his forceful shaking and took responsibilaty as being the leader. He placed to cold hands against the maknae's burning neck, making sure that there wasn't a too weak pulse. It wasn't the strongest, but it wasn't the coldest.

A whimper broke out of the boy and hot hands wrapped around Yoongi's. The boy forced Yoongi's hand onto his skin, which Yoongi realized he liked the cold. "Put your hands on him," Yoongi ordered.

Everyone was too afraid to disobey Yoongi (not like they ever did anyway) so they did so. Taehyung immedietly recoiled his hands when they burnt too much.
Yoongi was determind too find what had caused Jungkook to be wheezing, whimpering and burning. Searching around, he saw his phone was still open and hadn't gone to sleep yet.

Opening the tabs, he saw the music playlist and his eyes nearly buldged out of his head. "Holy !"

Everybody looked up at Yoongi. Some even had tears in their eyes.

"He's overworked himself." He said in a disbelieving tone.

"What? But he's already perfect in every cherography, is singing is beautiful-" Taehyung trembled.

Namjoon lifted Jungkook between his arms, carrying him bridal style. "L-let's talk about this at home," Namjoon said, rushing out of the building.

The dance studio didn't have everything they needed to treat Jungkook, and so they need to leave. They didn't have enough money to go to the hospital, but they knew they had to do something.

Because their little maknae wasn't looking so well, both mentally and physically.



Oh man holy snakeu.


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Wwafe3as #1
Chapter 1: This is really good and enjoyable to read.