Chapter 28

Trillins Academy of The Vaeli
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Chapter twenty-eight:


~Yoomi’s POV~

Yoomi couldn’t stop thinking about what happened with Yeri earlier that afternoon when the other girl had seemingly realized something shocking after seeing her charm bracelet. Yeri had just brushed it off as nothing and left right away after saying all that about something being impossible and now Yoomi is left curious and frustrated without knowing anything. Just what the hell had that been about?

“Are you thinking about me, kitten?” Yoomi almost shrieked aloud when Kai’s head suddenly popped up right beside her face. Yoomi, her friends, and the S-ranks were all leisurely walking to the dining area for the school-wide dinner. Earlier, after Yeri had left and Yoomi got settled into her room, she and Sumin toured around their dormitory areas together and spent some quality girl time that consisted mostly of the other girl trying to fish all kinds of information out of the S-rank about her harem and whatnot.

Back to the situation at hand, Yoomi could only push Kai’s face away from her, too flustered and nervous by their close proximity to send back a biting comment like she usually would. Her mind was still half distracted.

“Aww, come on, you’re no fun,” Kai grumbled, although a wide smirk made its way onto his face only a moment later. “Wait, are you being shy right now?” His smirk seemed to become wider and his dark eyes sparkle as he realized her flustered and unfocused state, leading him to only invade her personal space further to get a good look at her expression.

“Shut up, Kim Jongin,” she complained under her breath, avoiding his eyes. When the other first year continued to , she pulled her high card right away, no longer afraid to abuse its power. “Junmyeon, Yixing, Baekhyun oppa! Jongin’s bothering me again.”

In less than three seconds, all three of her precious mates had whisked her away, bringing her to walk in between them instead. Yoomi could not help but turn back to stick her tongue out at Kai mockingly.


During dinner, the overseer of Gamssin-Sam Institute gave a little speech, welcoming the current students of Trillins Academy to the historical institute and wished them all a great stay. The speech and continued welcoming ceremony were both simple and straight to the point, but sincere nonetheless. If anything, their briefness was appreciated by the hungry students, many of whom had probably already heard the same speech given before and didn’t care to listen to it again. Dinner itself was a feast of traditional dishes, each looking delicious and well prepared, with more than enough for every student to have second helpings if they so wished. In keeping with the theme of tradition, dinner seating for the first night was based solely on rank, meaning that Sumin and Jinwoo were not joining Yoomi and the boys like they usually would for school meals.

Currently, Yoomi was discussing the various traditional cuisines they served here with D.O., who was sitting next to her on one side and Lay on the other, occasionally joining in their conversation with a comment or two about something interesting he knew. It was always interesting to talk about cooking with D.O., who was the best chef in the house and who was even able to teach Yoomi many things when she helped him out in the kitchen sometimes. She enjoyed helping him prepare meals when she got the chance, the experience always so peaceful and relaxing, not to mention any chance to possibly spend time with and tease the adorable tsundere was a chance Yoomi would eagerly take.

“Kyungsoo oppa, you need to make this dessert for me sometime back at home. I really like it, it’s so sweet and chewy!” Yoomi excitedly chattered while munching on the rice cake sweets she was talking about with both of her hands.

“Who said I need to? You? Are you giving me orders right now, brat?”

“I would make it myself, but I don’t know how, oppa. Only you could teach me, because I know how much of a great cook you are and surely you know how to make this.” Making sure to give him the best sparkly eyes she could muster, Yoomi blinked slowly at the older boy. She was sure that her subtle compliment would get to him. Plus, she was the only one in the house who ever showed her appreciation for his cooking anyway, so she already knew he would make it for her.

“That’s right, I do know how to make this,” he agreed easily.

“You’re the best, Kyungie oppa!”

“Don’t call me with that nickname here-”

“Do Kyungsoo.” The deep voice of an older man suddenly sounded from behind them, interrupting D.O.’s words and effectively attracting the attention of their entire table to him. Yoomi turned around to be met with a tall man who looked to be in his early forties, his features dark and harsh with pulled down brows and a permanent scowl, although still evidently carrying that ethereal beauty about him just like every other vaeli she had met. His voice and appearance both gave off the impression of strict, cold  authority, the kind one would expect from a king or executioner.

D.O. seemed to recognize the voice right away and stood up to bow rigidly at him without a moment to waste. “Hello, Uncle,” he greeted, his voice steeled and reserved. D.O. often delivered sarcastic lines in deadpan, but this was even more flat and detached. “You seem to be on official business at the moment. I would hate to take up your time.”

“That does not matter,” the man cut through swiftly, tone professional and cold, “my business is finished.”

“Would you like to take a seat, Uncle?” Kyungsoo bowed his head in a sign of respect, just the slightest dip and gesture towards the space next to him.

“There is no need. I will not be staying long.” Then he raked his eyes over their table, doing a quick onceover of everyone. His gaze was just as reserved as the way he carried himself and gave the impression of cold judgement.

“These are the members of my circle,” D.O. noticed his gaze immediately and explained, understanding the silent message in his uncle’s stare. “We are currently the only active circle at the academy.”

Upon D.O.’s introduction, they all stood to bow politely to the elder before sitting back down and continuing their own conversations. As D.O’s uncle continued asking him basic questions about classes and his training, Yoomi voiced her curiosity to Yixing, making sure to keep her voice low so as to not draw attention to herself. This uncle of D.O. 's was more than intimidating and she definitely wouldn’t want any of his questions directed towards her.

“Yixing oppa, what is this ‘circle’ thing Kyungsoo oppa was talking about? And why are we the only active one?”

“I’m surprised you don’t already know this, Yoomi-ah.” Confusion was etched onto Lay’s face at her question, as if this was something really obvious that she should’ve known about all along. Although, with Yoomi’s spontaneous self and her tendency to get distracted, she wasn’t surprised she had missed something crucial.

“Every four years, all the S-ranks currently studying at Trillins Academy from first to fourth year are registered together with the Vaeli Ministry as a fixed group called a ‘circle’ and a bond is formed between them.” Yoomi nodded in understanding, urging the older to continue with his explanation.

“We are currently the only active circle because this is the fourth year since the completion of the previous circle. The thirteen of us, too, will have our completion ceremony at the end of this academic year to seal our bond. So if there were to be new S-ranks in the next academic year, they would not be a part of our circle but would be in a new circle because it is the start of the next four-year period.”

“So they follow academic years then and start over when fourth-year S-ranks graduate?” Yoomi clarified, making sure that she was absorbing the new information correctly.

“The bond between members of a circle is very tight and strong; it also cannot be broken. They will have strong affection and protectiveness for one another. Bonds also transcend the Academy’s walls, lasting a lifetime.” That was something easy to see. Even without having a completion ceremony yet, everyone could see that all the S-rank guys were as close as brothers and definitely loved each other like so.

Then, Lay bopped a finger lightly on her small nose, leaning close to whisper in her ear now, “Also, if you, my dear mate, were to bond with anymore vaeli, your potential mates would be limited to most if not all of the male S-ranks in your circle.”

Yoomi’s face heated up at the mention of bonding to anymore of the guys as if somebody had flicked a switch in her. She kind of had a hunch about that already, but now that this piece of information made it official, she didn’t know what to do with herself.

“This girl...” Yoomi’s head instantly whipped around at the one comment she knew was directed towards her. “Has she always been in your circle?”

“She is our newest member that joined just weeks ago,” D.O. explained right away. “Uncle, this is Lee Yoomi. Yoomi, this is my uncle Do Hyun Shik.”

Per his introduction, Yoomi rose to her feet and delivered a polite bow. “Pleased to meet you, Hyun Shik-shi.”

“And who are your parents?” At this question, Yoomi found herself frozen in place and unable to speak. A hard realization hit her in that moment. She didn’t even know the names of her deceased parents. In the back of her mind, she knew she had been avoiding it. A part of her was still so hurt about her parents’ deaths and not yet ready to discover more about them.

Luckily, D.O. answered him in her stead, sensing that Yoomi may not yet be ready for such questions. Plus, this was hardly the kind of question people asked in a first meeting, but of course, Do Hyun Shik was no normal man. “Yoomi is the granddaughter of Trillins Academy’s headmaster, Lee Minki.”

“Very well.” Do Hyun Shik accepted the answer easily enough, although there was an unreadable expression on his face. “I assume you must be in your first year, girl. What major do you have in mind for the choosing in your second year?”

Yoomi tensed up once again at his question. This was something she had been debating over on her own for quite some time already. She wasn’t ready or confident enough to tell the other guys yet, that is why she had just been keeping it to herself. However, it wasn’t like her to straight up lie, either, so she decided to just voice her thoughts with confidence. “I plan to choose Guardian Training, sir.”

Xiumin, whose family was renowned for their guardian capabilities and majored in it himself, let out an odd hum that could have been approving or disapproving, Yoomi wasn’t honestly sure. After all, he was the one who helped her with power training privately, so he knew both her lack of progress and her potential strength that one time she accidentally lashed out at him with her ability.

D.O., for his part, immediately stiffened up and refused to meet her eyes, body frozen and gaze glued to his uncle. He looked unbelievably tense.

Kai was the first to respond verbally, taking her declaration in stride. He had a smirk on his face that promised teasing, although luckily for Yoomi, she wasn’t his target at the moment. “I think you’d make a good Guardian, kitten. After all, you sure knocked Sehun flat on his during that sparring match before.”

“Yah,” Sehun complained, half scowling and half pouting. “I don’t plan on majoring in Guardian Training, so it doesn’t matter to me.” Despite his previous defeat in class being embarrassing, he couldn’t bring himself to snap insults like he usually would to cover his wounded pride. After all, Yoomi had won their match fair and square, and he wasn’t actually upset about it. If anything, he had fun sparring with her and after that fight was probably one of the first times they had ever managed to get along with one another. He couldn’t be mad at her. However, that didn’t mean that he appreciated Chanyeol and Kai laughing at him either.

“Mimi’s just that amazing! She’ll definitely do great,” Baekhyun praised, shooting her his infamous bright smile. His eyes were soft and proud, just like her other two mates as they joined in on encouraging her. They all knew how worried she felt about her powers blooming late, Baekhyun especially since he had walked in on her frustration during practice recently, and wanted to make sure she knew they believed in her. Her powers would develop soon enough, and in the meantime, she’s made great improvements in her telepathic abilities, learning to use her wings and adapting to vaeli culture in just a few weeks. Plus, like Kai had mentioned, she already had a strong foundation when it came to fighting and physical abilities.

As the other boys also jumped in with a few comments, or grunts in the case of Luhan and Tao, D.O.’s shoulders began to hike higher with tension and nerves. He had remained silent since Yoomi’s announcement, but looked almost like he was ready to pounce and start a fight at any given moment. His eyes were still focused on his uncle in a cold glare, as if trying to simply will the older man to turn around and walk away.

He didn’t though. Instead, Do Hyun Shik broke through their table’s chatter and smiles with a harsh, dismissive scoff that cut through the air like a blade. It was a sound filled with acute judgement and disappointment, one that D.O. was unfortunately very familiar with. At the noise, all eyes turned back to Do Hyun Shik, finding his icy gaze staring haughtily down at them and the corners of his lips almost curling in clear distaste.

“For a woman to enter Guardian Training seems a bit ambitious, doesn't it? Wouldn't you prefer something more... tame and lady-like?"

“Uncle-” D.O. interrupted sharply. However, he was quickly cut off himself.

“Excuse me?” Yoomi asked, not entirely sure she heard what came out of his mouth correctly. She might’ve interpreted his words incorrectly, but even so, part of her had already taken offense to his seemingly well-intentioned advice.

“History shows women are only a pain out on the battlefield. You are much more suited to tasks that ensure the protection and wellbeing of males. It is the role of women to prepare and raise the next generation through care and proper education.”

Instantly, Yoomi felt her face heat up from the sudden spike of anger that hit her. Before she could think of a reply, a voice entered her head.

I can feel your anger, Yoomi-ah. Tone it down. He’ll leave soon— just ignore him. Antagonizing or trying to argue with him will only make him stay longer.

Glancing sideways to meet eyes with Suho, she felt the anger being washed away as soon as she met his eyes. Suho was right, when she looked down, there were the tiniest bits of sparks on her fingertips, evidence of her power being triggered by her emotions. She had to keep it under control or risk something bad happening.

“I thank you for your considerate advice, sir,” Yoomi grit out in the most polite tone she could manage at the moment. She wanted, more than anything, to oppose and give the old man a piece of her mind, but she also knew he was no one important to her and there was no use in trying to change a stranger’s mind. Plus, she had a feeling Suho’s warning earlier was one given as the leader of her circle, not just her kind mate— it was a warning that he expected her to abide by.

“Our dinner time is almost over now. Shall I walk you out, Uncle?” D.O. took the chance to speak up while Do Hyun Shik continued to stare at Yoomi with a strange look. His tone was still formal and respectful, but his posture was just as stiff and his words, accompanied by his dark glare, were clearly hinting his uncle should take his leave.

“There is no need. I shall see you again another time, Kyungsoo.” With a sharp turn, the older man was gone. Yoomi instantly felt a relieved sigh leave her in a shaky breath. She hadn’t even realized how much she was actually holding back until she glanced down and spotted her reflection in one of the silverwares— her eyes had turned the familiar mystical pink purple swirls of her real vaeli eye color and it probably wasn’t hard to guess what kinds of emotions triggered it.

Suho came over to her side to give her a reassuring hug and complimented her on her self-control. “Don’t take his words to heart, Yoomi-ah. You must never forget that you are an S-rank. That Do Hyun Shik is of no importance to us and his personal opinions hold no weight.”

“I understand, Junmyeon oppa. Thank you.” Yoomi returned his hug just a little tighter, already feeling much better after the strange encounter. 

Unbeknownst to Yoomi and the rest, Kim Yeri was watching them, taking note of their interactions with each other and especially every little detail of the only female member of S-class. She had been paying special attention to the girl since discovering one particular charm on her bracelet. Her keen gaze caught the change in Yoomi’s eye color immediately, her breath hitching in shock.

Those eyes… that has to be her. I can’t believe it, but there’s no denying it. The charm could have been an accident, but I’ve never seen eyes that color before…

Just who are you Lee Yoomi? Could you really be...


We’re coming in, Kitten.

In no more than a second after that, two boys materialized in Yoomi’s shared room with Sumin, the other girl letting out a surprised shriek from the unexpected visit. Having received the warning, although on extremely short notice, Yoomi was a little more composed. Kai had teleported into her room in the middle of the night— just as Yoomi and Sumin had greeted each other goodnight—, Chanyeol with him, and they both sported huge grins on their faces that couldn’t mean anything good. She was sure they were up to no good again and was prepared to scold them both but had no time to get even a single word out.

Kai had grabbed her abruptly, bringing her into his hold, princess style. “I’m taking Kitten first, hyung! Make sure you bring everything she needs.” 

“Hey! We were supposed to go tog-” Before Chanyeol had the chance to finish complaining, Kai and Yoomi were long gone, only the slightest trace of a wispy white smoke left behind.

The two reappeared somewhere in a dense forest. It was dark all around them and if Yoomi didn’t have her enhanced vaeli sight she wouldn’t be able to see a single thing around her.

“Jongin, where are we?” Yoomi looked around, making out her surroundings but not catching sight of any of the other guys. “Where are the others?”

“The others?” Kai smirked, a predatory glint appearing in his dark eyes. “There’s only me and you right now, kitten.” As he said so, he slowly advanced on her, taking another step forward as Yoomi took a step back until her back hit a tree and she was cornered. 

“Y-yah, Jongin-ah. Stop playing around already.” Yoomi tried to give him her best stern glare, but she was definitely no Suho or Kris and it lacked the same kind of parental authority and intimidation.

The boy paid no heed to her words, instead catching both her wrists and holding them up above her head in a strong grip. In normal circumstances, Yoomi would’ve kicked him in the balls or knocked some sense into his head already. But for some reason, perhaps because of how dark it was, in that moment she couldn’t muster up the strength to push him away. A part of her mind just couldn’t connect Kai, or any of the boys, with something bad or with the idea of hurting them purposefully.

One of his hands that wasn’t keeping her wrists in place came down to tuck her hair behind her ear on one side before he leaned down to whisper into it in that incredibly deep and y voice of his. “I can hear your heartbeat, Kitten.”

True enough, Yoomi felt her heart hammering away in her ribcage. A deep blush formed on her face at the realization that the boy was fully aware of this, but Yoomi was glad that at least the dense darkness managed to conceal it.

“S-stop it, Jongin-ah.” Yoomi wanted to hit herself for stuttering. Why did she stutter? She could joke and fake flirt all she liked, but even with three mates now, the fact remained that when it came to sincere heart-fluttering moments like this that seemed to come straight out of a romance drama, she still got unbelievably flustered.

“Stop what? I’m not doing anything,” he replied, his voice still coming out in a low whisper near her face. “Or do you want me to?” His signature smirk could be heard in his words, even if it was too dark and he was too close for her to see it properly.

At his teasingly suggestive question, the hand that was previously petting her hair moved to caress her face ever so gently and his deep dark eyes bore into hers in an intense gaze. Yoomi was frozen in place, unable to push him away or get herself out of his hold. A thousand thoughts ran through her head in that moment and in her nervous frenzy, the protective barrier she usually put around her mind was neglected, letting her thoughts run free. 

Oh my gosh, what’s he doing? What am I doing? Is this really happening right now? Wait, what exactly is this? Is he going to… no, why am I thinking of that right now, stupid Sumin and her harem talks. I-

Suddenly a chuckle broke off her rapid train of thoughts. Kai was full out laughing now, letting go of her wrists in order to clutch at his stomach and sides that ached from laughing so hard.

“Seriously, what am I gonna do with you, Lee Yoomi? You’re just too adorable.” He gave her a charming, boyish grin around his words and laughter, one completely different from the roguish smirk he wore seconds ago. His dark eyes were crinkled at the corners, turned into happy little crescents as his laughter slowly died down into softer chuckles. She wasn’t sure she had ever seen Kai laugh so much or look so happy before.

“What? Why are you say

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Chap 30 of Trillins Academy is up! Make sure to reread the previous chapter if you don't remember what was going on xD


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dysphoricavery #1
Chapter 38: this fic is so fun! I hope you are alright and doing well, I am eagerly waiting for anything you put out
Grace1356 #2
Chapter 38: I love this story so much and I will continue re reading it while waiting and hoping for a new update ^^
Hi are you guys alright? It's over a year you last updated.. Is this story discontinued?
MadhuDeepti #4
Re read the story, can't wait for another update! 🥰
MadhuDeepti #5
Chapter 38: This is a beautiful story . Can't wait for next update. Pls 🙏 update soon
Chapter 38: Re-reading this again
Chapter 38: Reread this story and ahh I can’t wait for another update!
Chapter 38: I will wait for the next update! :)
Daliance #9
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update!! I love it!!
Whoa, Yoomi is amazing!!
And their interactions are soo cuteeee
Chapter 38: Update soon
Yomi and kris momentos please