Crushing On Mark Tuan

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It was honestly not a simple crush, call her insane but she loved Mark Tuan—a lot




Crushed feels #

Nothing’s gonna change my love for you — George Benson

You were pretty — Day6

Letting Go — Day6

Hug Me —
(BOTH Chanyeol & Taehyung’s cover)

I hate you — Jung In

Really really — AOA



It was utterly funny the way
fate works, sometimes karma just hits you
out of nowhere and at the wrong goddamn time






SUBSCRIBERS ONLY will be removed 
once this story is completed.
My note: This plot is purely from my head.
I do not own, anyone except the characters I made up.


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784 streak #1
Chapter 1: I will admit this is cute! The wishes and the spying! *chuckles* Loved it!
784 streak #2
This one sounds fun!
Jessica_Sica #3
This is awesome..update soon