Chapter 7

Opposites Attract

Chanyeol is a menace. Baekhyun can testify to that. All he wants from Chanyeol is for him to stop trying to help him. Really. His “help” is insufferable. Like the time he convinced Baekhyun to cook for Kyungsoo. He’d fall for you right away Baek! Just cook Kyungsoo’s favorite dish and I’ll make sure the others don’t come home that night. He’d even winked at Baekhyun furiously. And Baekhyun being the desperate fool he is, agreed to it. So, the next Saturday evening, Kyungsoo came home to the fire alarm blaring and a sauna in the kitchen. Baekhyun was coughing helplessly as he tried to get the kitchen in control.

The ruined kitchen did not sit well with Kyungsoo. Baekhyun knew he screwed up when he saw Kyungsoo’s wide eyes staring at the scene before him in shock. He smiled at him guiltily before the smoke made him cough again. Kyungsoo immediately took the wash cloth from Baekhyun and started clearing the mess up. Baekhyun wanted to cry when Kyungsoo didn’t even look at him in the eye as he said “get out” to him in a low, strained voice. He was certain Kyungsoo hated him for ruining his precious kitchen. The one place he knew that calmed the younger when in stress.

Kyungsoo hadn’t talked to Baekhyun for 2 days after that, refusing to even scold the boy for his fiasco. Baekhyun had become desperate enough to seek Chanyeol again and that’s when another one of his ‘fool-proof’ ideas came to life. This time, Chanyeol had convinced Baekhyun to buy half a dozen scented candles and prepare a bath for Kyungsoo when he comes home from filming. He’d be tired Baek. You help him relieve his stress and he’d forgive you in no time! Baekhyun didn’t want to believe in Chanyeol but he had no other ideas.

So, on Tuesday night, Kyungsoo came home to Baekhyun smiling proudly as he directed him to his bathroom. Baekhyun stood outside as he waited for Kyungsoo to exclaim in happiness when he heard the other scream his name in anger. He rushed inside to see why Kyungsoo was angry at him and the sight that greeted him made him freeze in spot. The curtain in Kyungsoo’s bathroom caught on fire, seemingly from the very candles he lighted for shorter. He was still staring at the burning curtains in alarm when Kyungsoo brushed past him to throw water on them. That was how he reinforced the silent treatment from Kyungsoo. And that was also how he ended up sitting in the living room at Minjun’s, head in his hands as he recollected the unfortunate incidents.

Minjun stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, making Baekhyun scowl at his friend. “Stop laughing at my misfortunes and tell me what I should do!” Baekhyun says in exasperation as he pushes Minjun’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry Baek but it’s just so hilarious!” Minjun responded through his laughing fit. Composing himself, he looked back at Baekhyun with a small smile. “Why don’t you just confess to him instead of doing all these-“,he started, chuckling again and then composing himself, “-weird wooing rituals?”.

Baekhyun glared at his friend, grabbing whatever was beside him to chuck it at Minjun. Minjun just laughed it off before looking back at Baekhyun with a glint in his eyes. “I know the perfect solution for your little problem Baek” he said with a smirk.

“And that is…?” Baekhyun prompted him warily. But Minjun just shook his head and pulled Baekhyun off the couch to the car.


Baekhyun is very much against this idea. He stares at the cake in front of him in hopes that it would melt away. But unfortunately for him, the words “I like you” are still as evident as ever, especially with the bright red jelly. Minjun convinced him that the best way around this fix is to confess directly. And that is why he is standing in their theatre room waiting for Chanyeol to lure Kyungsoo into it.

It’s okay Baek, you’re just gonna apologize to him for ruining his kitchen and his bathroom. Then you will confess by showing the cake. If he rejects you, well, there’s always the Han river to jump off. No big deal. His thoughts were interrupted by the slow opening of the door. He looked at the door in terror as Kyungsoo’s small frame came into view. He looks as perfect as ever, with his big eyes and heart lips. Baekhyun smiled at him tentatively as he stepped inside.

“Baek? What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo asked in confusion. Baekhyun took a deep breather and looked back at Kyungsoo.

“Soo, I… I just wanted to apologize for everything I’ve done. I swear I wasn’t trying to annoy you. And…I… uh… I…”

“Baek, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I was angry at first, sure. But I’m not anymore. So don’t worry about it” Kyungsoo reassured him with a smile and a pat on his shoulder. Before he could say anything else, Kyungsoo spotted the cake he tried desperately to hide behind him.

“What’s this? A cake? Is it for me?” Kyungsoo asked him as he went around Baekhyun to look at it. Sweat started forming on Baekhyun’s forehead as he nodded in confirmation.

“Oh you shouldn’t have! An apology is more than enough. It says ‘I like you’.” Kyungsoo observes as he reads the words. Time seemed to go agonizingly slow for Baekhyun as he waited for Kyungsoo’s reply.

Kyungsoo laughed. Baekhyun’s heart seemed to drop to his feet when he heard him laugh. But Kyungsoo looked at him after a few seconds and smiled at him. “I like you too Baek”.

Baekhyun froze as he heard that. Just as he was about to break into a huge grin and rush to hug the younger, Kyungsoo’s next words froze him again.

“I don’t hate you as you think I do. I like all the members. So, relax about it okay?”

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Finally finished the story! Sorry if its too short or the ending seems a little rushed. I will be having my exams again and I didn't wanna delay it much longer. Also, I don't know if I can edit this story yet. So, please bear with it!
PS: Thanks for reading and supporting this ty writing.


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imanma #1
Chapter 13: Ahhhh stop calling this ty writing it's so funny!!!
Chapter 13: OMG Baeksoo finally happened, thank you for this authornim..
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 13: Finally Baeksoo hehe.
Chapter 13: Awwww this cute ♡♡♡ and finally. I feel like chanyeol reacted xD but I think its good that they wanna take it slow :D so cute ♡♡♡♡ thanks for this lovely update ♡
Chapter 13: This was cute. Baeksoo happened lol XD
kei013 #6
Chapter 12: Ill be the happiest if authornim will update this quicky hehehe.. thanks for this ..
Tokyehets #7
Chapter 12: OH TTTTT
Chapter 12: Wellllll this was kinda intense o.o now I am more than excited and super curious about soos reaction *-*
Thanks for the update ♡