Chapter 2

Opposites Attract

Kyungsoo hates being sick. He hates it because he is rendered useless and needy. He hates it because he feels like he’s disappointing s and his fans when he had to skip on schedules. One year into debut and he’s proud to say he has never been sick. Until now. But why is he secretly glad that he’s caught the flu? Kyungsoo reckons it’s just the flu making him have weird thoughts. After all, he does have a 103^ fever and a runny nose.

It’s the perfect time for Baekhyun to stick to Kyungsoo. When the latter’s body is too weak to kick the pesky little puppy off. Baekhyun loves it when Kyungsoo is sick. He can bother the younger as much as he wants and get away with it.

Kyungsoo should have seen it coming. The headache, body pains and tiredness he felt the night before should have been the clear-cut signs of his flu. But he ignored them, attributing them to their schedule and questionable eating habits. Luckily, they had a break from their schedule that day, and instead of spending his day going to the movies alone like he originally planned to, he ended up sleeping in. The other members didn’t wake him up, figuring he was just tired. But Kyungsoo didn’t wake up even by noon and Suho, ever known for his motherly instincts, went to check up on him.

“Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo yah! Do Kyungsoo!” he called, his voice raising each time he called the name, while shaking the younger to wake him up. Kyungsoo groaned as he shifted further into his comforter, effectively covering his whole body excluding his head. Realization flashed on Suho’s face as he put his hands on Kyungsoo’s forehead to check for his temperature.

“!” he muttered as his face laces with worry, his hand slowly patting Kyungsoo’s hair. He quickly went out of the room, carefully closing the door so as not to wake the sleeping boy. He went to get the first aid box from his room quietly, his thoughts already on taking care of . Just as he found the box; his phone rang in his pocket. Without looking at the caller ID, he answered it, still looking for the medication for flu.

‘Hyung! Chanyeol wants to go visit his sister now and I’m gonna be lonely! Go with me to a movie please?? Kyungsoo wouldn’t take me with him, as much as I’d begged him yesterday!’ came Baekhyun’s singsong voice. Suho sighed.

“I can’t Baekhyun ah. Kyungsoo came down with a flu. I must stay home to take care of him. Why don’t you ask Sehun? He said he’d just wander around today” Suho tried to suggest apologetically.

“What?! Kyungsoo is sick? When? How?” Baekhyun started shouting into the phone in surprise, making Suho wince as he lifted his phone away from his ear. Bringing back the phone to his ear, Suho started to talk when he heard static in his ear. ‘Always impatient’ he muttered to himself while shaking his head. He finally found the meds and grabbing them, he made his way to the kitchen to look for something Kyungsoo can eat before he took them.

After 20 mins of pondering over what to feed Kyungsoo, he gave up and decided to order some soup. Just as he was about to call his favorite restaurant, the front door burst open and a disheveled Baekhyun walked towards him, carrying a bag in his hand.

“I bought some porridge for Kyungsoo. He needs to eat before he takes his medicines, right?” Baekhyun asked Suho, not really expecting an affirmation. After his initial surprise, Suho just smiled as he messed up Baekhyun’s hair with an almost proud look adorning his face.

Kyungsoo hates being sick. Has he mentioned it before? Well, he really does hate it. He woke up to Suho’s soft patting and a headache which could rival getting hit with a hammer. A really heavy hammer.

“Hyung, what are you doing here?” he asked in confusion, his voice hoarse, as he looked at the clock on his wall.

“You’re sick Kyungsoo, have this porridge first. You can then have some meds and sleep for a while. I will inform manager hyung” Suho told him as he placed the spoon in his hands. Kyungsoo smiled and started to drink the porridge gratefully.

“Thank you hyung, I feel better” Kyungsoo mumbled as he finished it. Suho chucked as he collected the bowl.

“Thank Baekhyun, not me. He was the one who bought you the porridge as he rushed back after hearing you’re sick” he revealed as he left the room.

Needless to say, Kyungsoo was surprised to hear this. Baekhyun came back home after hearing that I’m sick? That did not sound like Baekhyun at all.

“Soo!” he heard Baekhyun call softly as the door opened. Kyungsoo looked at him blankly, waiting for him to continue.

“Here you go, have one now and go to sleep” he extended his hands to Kyungsoo, tablets on his palm. Kyungsoo took them wordlessly and grabbed the bottle near his bed, gulping them immediately. Baekhyun grinned as he lunged towards Kyungsoo to hug him. Kyungsoo’s eyes widen as Baekhyun embraces him. He struggles against Baek’s stronger hands at first, stopping a few seconds later, his body too weak to resist anymore. Baekhyun releases him a minute later, smile wide and rectangular.

“You should be sick more often, Soo! You let me hug you!” Baekhyun teased as he started to leave.

Kyungsoo stared at him blankly again before whispering a soft ‘Thank You’. Baek smiled as he heard that.

“Get some sleep Soo, I will come to bother you later again” he joked as he closed the door behind him. Kyungsoo fought a smile as he lay back on the bed. That was the second time he didn’t want to bury Baekhyun for invading his personal space.

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Finally finished the story! Sorry if its too short or the ending seems a little rushed. I will be having my exams again and I didn't wanna delay it much longer. Also, I don't know if I can edit this story yet. So, please bear with it!
PS: Thanks for reading and supporting this ty writing.


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imanma #1
Chapter 13: Ahhhh stop calling this ty writing it's so funny!!!
Chapter 13: OMG Baeksoo finally happened, thank you for this authornim..
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 13: Finally Baeksoo hehe.
Chapter 13: Awwww this cute ♡♡♡ and finally. I feel like chanyeol reacted xD but I think its good that they wanna take it slow :D so cute ♡♡♡♡ thanks for this lovely update ♡
Chapter 13: This was cute. Baeksoo happened lol XD
kei013 #6
Chapter 12: Ill be the happiest if authornim will update this quicky hehehe.. thanks for this ..
Tokyehets #7
Chapter 12: OH TTTTT
Chapter 12: Wellllll this was kinda intense o.o now I am more than excited and super curious about soos reaction *-*
Thanks for the update ♡