And I'm Still Yours

I'm Still Your Peterpan
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Not completely proof read.

I'm sorry for this.


“‘You’ve change’? Really, Jongin?” Kyungsoo ask in disbelief.

“I’m sorry okay, I got caught up in the moment.” Jongin defended himself.

“Are you being serious?” Kyungsoo scoffed. The younger stands up reaching to hold Kyungsoo’s hand “Hyung, please-”

“You know what, just forget it.” Kyungsoo said and left.

Jongin pinch the bridge of his nose and sighed exasperatedly. He lay down on the sofa, closing his eyes to calm himself.

“So, what have you done this time, Jongin-ah?” Jongin curse--to whoever it is--when someone slap his legs to make a space on the sofa.

“Brat, I’m talking to you.”

“Go away, Baekhyun hyung.”

“Not until I got the answer. Is this about what you said at the fan meeting?” Baekhyun asked and Jongin rolled his eyes “Well duh, obviously.”



Japan Fan meeting

“Jongin has this bad habit where he kept forgetting his things. Yesterday, he almost left his passport at the dorm. Even though I reminded him many times he still forgets it.” Kyungsoo kept on talking about his concern about Jongin’s fatefulness and

“I gave up on him” he said making other members burts into a laugh while the translator translates it into Japanese. Jongin stare at Kyungsoo for a long time once the translator done translating he said;

"You've change, hyung." successfully silenced the older.

End of flashback.


Baekhyun laugh "If I was Kyungsoo I would be furious too."

"Huh, why?"

"Don't you notice?"

"Notice wha- hyung, stop beating around the bush, just say it!"

"You've been treating him differently lately, Jongin-ah. Don't tell me you don't realize it yourself."

Baekhyun look at Jongin who lowered his gaze "You treat him the same like before the datin--.... it’s just that you're giving him hope only to be crush again later. Stop hurting him, Jongin-ah"


Baekhyun sigh "Do you perhaps...have problem? With her?" and that successfully make Jongin look up to meet Baekhyun's eyes as if he hit the correct spot. Baekhyun chuckles "I'm right, aren't I?"

".... It’s just another small argument" Jongin return his gaze to the floor.

"Another? So it's not the first time." The younger knew better that it's not a question.

When he receives no reply from Jongin, Baekhyun ask again "Do you know what happen to Peter Pan after he left Tinkerbell?"

"Why does everyone keep mentioning about Peter Pan?" Jongin grunted.

Baekhyun's lips curl up into a small smile "Peter Pan taught us many lessons, Jongin-ah." he pat Jongin's shoulder and left.




“Have anyone saw Jongin?” Xiumin asked when everyone busy eating dinner, making 6 pair of eyes stare at him.

“Jongin is not in his room?” the maknae asked back.

“He’s rarely in the room lately” Chanyeol, Jongin’s roommate said monotonously.

Xiumin sigh, of course he notices that Jongin was rarely at home nowadays, it’s almost impossible to see him around unless at the practice room. The sound of someone opening the door make all their heads turn to it, some of them secretly hope it would be Jongin--to their disappointment, Junmyeon appear behind the door and went straight to the dining table where they all gathered.

“Where’s Jongin?” the first thing the leader ask after disappearing the whole evening.

“I don’t know. We were talking about him too.” Xiumin answered, “Where were you? You’re not home since evening.” the older ask.

“The company called me, it’s about Jongin.” Kyungsoo’s ears perked up at the mention of Jongin.

“Is it what I think it is?” Baekhyun asked.

Junmyeon sigh and nodded, “They said they have broken up. Officially. Jongin and her.” a loud screeching noise are heard and Kyungsoo walk away leaving the dining table, slamming the front door after he went out.



Kyungsoo enters the practice room and as expected, there sat Jongin on the floor at the corner of the room, legs to his chest and head between his knees. Kyungsoo walk to the younger and stop in front of him before kicking his shoe making the younger look up to him.

"So that's why you were treating me nicely all this time, huh?"

He kick the younger again, "So that's why you were paying attention to me lately, huh?" Jongin stared blankly at Kyungsoo.

Another kick from Kyungsoo, "You know things will end up with her so you decided to get close to me again?"

Yet another kick, "What am I? Your rebound?"

Kick "You left me for her and when she wanted to leave you, you came back to me?" Jongin still didn't respond.

Kick "Are you that heartless?"

Kick and another kick. Kyungsoo is about to throw another kick when Jongin caught a hold on his ankle. He looks up at the older with watery eyes, begging.

"Let me go."

"Hyung......" Jongin finally utter a word.

"I said let me go" Kyungsoo struggle out of Jongin's hold. Jongin lower his gaze onto the floor still not letting go.

"Hyung, I--Can you hug me?" Kyungsoo scoff in disbelief.

"Are kidding me right now? Let me go, Jongin!" he demanded again.

"Hyung, please...just this once. I--It hurts too much." the younger started to cry.

Kyungsoo knows he's supposed to hate Jongin, he knows he's not the best person to comfort him but watching Jongin broken like that, he can't fight it. Kyungsoo kneel down in front of the younger, opening his arm for an embrace which Jongin more than glad to let himself fall into. Kyungsoo caress Jongin's soft locks softly when the younger sobs into his shoulder.

The sobs gradually stop and only small hiccups was heard. Jongin lean his head on Kyungsoo's left shoulder.

"Hyung...." he calls out and receive a soft hmm from the older.

"It hurts, hyung.” Kyungsoo hum again.

'You hurt me more, Jongin-ah.' Kyungsoo thought.

"She was drifting away. I-I did everything for her, I gave her everything--"

"Stop it, Jongin" Kyungsoo sternly said, hands no longer on Jongin.

"--b-but she left. She said she love me but she left me. They said she just us--" Kyungsoo shoved Jongin harshly by the shoulder making the younger fall backward with a loud thud.

"How dare you talk about her in front of me! You freaking dumped me--in the worst way possible--for her and you have the guts to talk about her in front of me? Just how dare you, Kim Jongin!" Kyungsoo's tears fall wetting his cheek. Jongin look at him with guilt in his eyes but Kyungsoo didn't wavered at all.

"I love you too, Jongin!!" Kyungsoo shouted.

"I love you and I never leave you so why you left me?!!"

Kyungsoo wipe his tears with his hand roughly and left the practice room without even sparing a glance to the younger only to bump into Chanyeol who is leaning beside the door, cross arm. Their eyes met and Kyungsoo almost sure Chanyeol heard all of it but he couldn't careless and ran away.


After all, he got hurt the most.




"I thought you would be here." Kyungsoo look up to see Chanyeol leaning by the balcony's door but didn’t make any attempt to acknowledge the other and return his gaze to the city lights. Receive no respond, Chanyeol then went to sit next to the other on the floor.

"Were you there the whole time?" Kyungsoo asked.

Chanyeol shrug.

"Did you heard everything?" he asked again.

"I've heard enough."

"So you know that Jongin is using me......." Kyungsoo chuckle darkly.

".....No he's not" Chanyeol said. Kyungsoo gave him a confused look, so he continued. "Maybe you thought of him like that but...but I'm sure he doesn't-"

"Are you defending him, Chanyeol? Out of all people, YOU defending him?"

"I'm not defending him, Kyungsoo-ya. It's just that...."

'Just tell him' Chanyeol's heart whisper.

"It's just that he loves you." Kyungsoo open his mouth to interrupt but Chanyeol cut him.

"Listen to me first. He loves you but he--he's confuse and hurt. He may be sad about the break up but you know he can't live without you. Just look at him, since you left him-"

"He dumped me!" Kyungsoo shouted and Chanyeol winced.

"Sorry, since that, he changed. We all know he changed. I hate him, God knows I hate him for breaking up with you, I hate him for hurting you, I hate him because he broke you." Chanyeol take Kyungsoo hand in his.

"But I can't just ignore the way he looks at you when you didn't realise it, Kyungsoo-ya." Kyungsoo look at the other with watery eyes.

"You care for him too, didn't you? You're still hoping" Chanyeol let out a small-pained-smile.


"Be honest to me, Kyungsoo-ya." Chanyeol interrupt patting the younger hand softly.

"He hurt me, Chanyeol. He hurt me so bad, he left me for her without even thinking--without having second thoughts. I--maybe I do still care about him but…." Kyungsoo stop.

When Chanyeol said nothing but a nod and a small smile, Kyungsoo shake his hand--which is still in Chanyeol's hold--and said; "Believe me, Chanyeol."

"Of course I believe you, Kyungsoo-ya." Chanyeol chuckle softly. "I always believe in you and you know I'm always there for you when you need me." Chanyeol smile.

Kyungsoo jumps into the older embrac

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Chapter 1: well, i'm glad Kyungsoo is not going back to Jongin (yet, at least) hehe

this story is a proof if love is a fool :D
Tinkerbell know exactly that she is never can be with Peter Pan, but she still there always beside him forever :) Wendy also refused to live in Neverland and choose to went home, but Peter always lovin her and wait for her :)
such a fool, but beautiful, this story teach us a lot of things honestly :)

thankyou for the sequel, authornim xoxo ❤
Chapter 1: what about Chanyeol !? He should end up with him ㅠ-ㅠ Kyungsoo Chanyeol loves you he had been there for you whenever you needed him who dont you see that?!
Chapter 1: I'd prefer chansoo..
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 1: Oh my... Jongin let himself to be used by the company haha (that's what i believe hehe).
Chapter 1: Nahhh....dont accept him kyungsoo....
Didado #6
Chapter 1: Chansoo pls
Wait what...
Please be kaisoo..kaistal is supposed to be broken
OMG?! Chansoo n kaisoo? Babe i hope the end game will be kaisoo!!