
Your Importance

I woke up feeling sluggish and tried in vain to get up. I still felt pretty weak so I fell back onto the mattress, exhausted. I reached to my left for a pillow but I felt something warm and squishy. Turning to my side I was faced with a sleeping Sungyeol. Immediately, I was flushed in relief. The feelings of anxiety and constant worry were gone. I cheekily grinned to myself and made an effort to Sungyeols chubby cheeks. I was so happy to see him after almost a week. I know it may not seem like a long time, but to me it felt like forever without him. Everything just felt so empty and void when I wasn't with Sungyeol.


Sungyeol started to wake, so I pulled away to give him space. Surprisingly, he moved towards me and wrapped his arms around my torso. Then gently, nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I felt his warm breath right before he spoke, "I'm sorry."


He spoke in such a quiet voice that I could barely hear him over our breathing, but I managed to catch what he said.


"I should be apologizing to you. I was the one that was careless and didn't consider your feelings before lashing out on you. I'm sorry Yeol." I mustered all my willpower so I could lift my arms and wrap them tightly around Sungyeol. To convey my apology sincerely I gently pecked him on the forehead and his cheek.


He instantly brightened up and replied, "Alright, now that that's over with let's eat." It was just like him to completely change the mood of the situation. I meekly got up into a sitting position and got comfortable when Sungyeol handed me a bowl of noodles and soup. I looked at it carefully, scanning the bowl for anything suspicious. Sungyeol just pouted at me, "Eat it, I made it just for you." his smile was so bright I couldn't resist. I gingerly took a sip of the soup and to my great relief I didn't die. I looked up at him and smiled, "It tastes great hyung, thank you." His lips curved upwards reaching his ears, he looked so happy at the moment that I couldn't help but pinch his chubby cheeks.


"Yah, what do you think you're doing?" he frowned.


"Nothing hyung, I just miss you." At those words he quickly softened and rubbed my arms in an attempt to keep me warm.


While slowly consuming my food I asked him, "Where'd you suddenly learn how to cook?"


He scratched his head thinking of a response. "Well, while I was gone I stayed with Sungjong and Sora.." I looked up to him, he seemed to be expecting a reaction. The thing was, ever since we've known Sora she'd had this infatuation with Sungyeol. Despite her current relationship with Sungjong, she still had this adoration for him. So it troubled me sometimes when they'd be together.


He chuckled at the frown forming on my lips. "Must you worry all the time when I'm with her? She's head or heels for Sungjong, she just sees me as someone to look up to. I'm an amazing person after all," he smiled and held my hands in his own.


I softened and replied with a grin, " Well I see her as a man eating vixen, Sungjong is totally whipped."


"Ahahaha, you're so right."



After I'd finished my soup Sungyeol quickly got to cleaning up after me. A very rare sight, I could only laugh at his seriousness. He came back with a pile of movies and his laptop.



"Since you're bedridden I thought we could spend the rest of the day watching movies in bed." He laid the laptop in from of the bed and settled in beside me. "What do you wanna watch first? The Notebook or A Walk to Remember?"


"The Notebook."


We both grinned in unison.


"I'll get the tissues."



By the end of the movie the bed was covered in tear stained tissues, Sungyeol being the main contributor. He was currently clutching my arm and sobbing into a pillow.


"Why is this movie so sad.." he sobbed. "Seriously Yeol, you've watched this hundreds of times but you cry just as much every time."


He playfully punched me in the arm and wiped away his tears. Feeling a lot better than I had a few hours ago I wrapped my arms around Sungyeols waist and inched closer to him. I relaxed into my chest and sighed in content. We stayed like that for a while, content with each others presence.


This was it, just being beside the person I love makes me feel like I could die happy. Nothing in the world could ever change how I feel about Sungyeol. I nuzzled my nose into his long neck and tested my arms on his flat stomach.


"Hyung.. Thank you."


"For what?"


"Just for being here."


"Is that so? Well thank you for loving me."


He kissed the top of my head and I smiled, genuinely in bliss.


// The ending was so bad, I'm sorry. But I wanted to update by Valentines Day so yeah lol.

Anyway, I don't know why this took me forever to write. It was all in my head I just couldn't get the words down. 

Thanks to everyone who subscribed and commented. This was just a little experiment to help me improve my creative writing but i'll still be writing more. I've already started a story staring you and Zelo yaaay. I should be posting it soon, but in the meanwhile you can make a request and if I have time I'd love to write  it for you.

I wonder if anyone actually reads these author notes lol. So thank you everyone. Bye bye.

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is there a sequel? *-*
Yes i want sequel
sequel please!!!
Is this the end
JongKey2min #5
Awwwwww this is so cute!!<3 I'm glad yeolie is back with myungsoo now!!:D I hope you can update soon!!!
New reader! Awesome story you got here! Keep on doing your thing and update soon dearest :D
Aww is Yeollie back
With Myungie house<3
menikkey #8
can't wait till myungmyung awake and seeing yeollie there~ <3 <3

good story. I like it. >.<
please update soon..
rain_sound #9
please make up with myungsoo, yeol. And same goes to you, myungsoo!
Nice chapter btw :)