
Your Importance

If anyones confused, the italics are part of the flashback or their inner thoughts.




Myungsoo sighed, and quickly took a breath inhaling the strong scent of coffee. He looked around the packed Starbucks searching for a familiar face, but failed. Turning his face to the side, he stared out the window focusing on the heavy rain.


It’s been days since he’s seen Sungyeol and Myungoo’s deprived.  He’s lost sleep, smiles less, laughs less, and just misses Sungyeol. He certainly can’t focus in class, his mind always wondering off to think about his chubby cheeked hyung.


He thought waiting at Starbucks everyday after class would give him a chance to meet Sungyeol, knowing just how much he loves the place. To no avail, Myungsoo doesn’t even get too see Sungyeol because he never drops by.


Myungsoo sighs again, laying his head down on the table.  He thinks hard about what happened a few nights ago, regretting everything.


Myungsoo unlocks the door to his shared apartment, letting out a deep sigh. He’s had classes all day and he’s tired. Tired of professors, tired of lectures, tired of work and just plain old tired.


His mood doesn’t lift when he sees the mess that is his apartment. All the furniture was misplaced, sofa cushions flipped over, clothes strewn all over the place and random knick-knacks littered the floor. Myungsoo doesn’t remember leaving the place like this. He gets angry just looking at the mess and ruffles his hair in frustration.


After placing his bag on the ground he walks into the kitchen to get a drink of water and his jaw drops at the clutter. He eyes the kitchen, staring at the dirty dishes, untidy glasses and a variation of spills that he can’t even identify.


Myungsoo’s lost his patience, feeling a migraine coming. He didn’t want to come home to this mess. He wanted to come home and relax, sleep, eat and sleep. Not this.


“Soo, you’re finally home.” Sungyeol chirped happily walking into the kitchen. Myungsoo turns to look at Sungyeol, anger sketched onto his handsome face.


“What the hell Sungyeol, why does the place look like this?” Myungsoo yells motioning his arms to emphasize his point.


"I just wanted to change up the apartment a little, I guess it's a little messy." he said shyly.


"Just a little? Seriously Sungyeol, grow up and look around you. This is not just a little messy." Myungsoo gritted out.


Sungyeol looked away, frustrated.


Myungsoo rubs his temples trying to calm down, but as he looks down he spots his favourite shirt in Sungyeols grasp.


"And what are you doing with my favorite shirt?" he spat.


Before Sungyeol could utter a word, Myungsoo roughly grabbed the plaid shirt out of his hands. Sungyeol flinched at the sudden movement and looked away awkwardly. The younger boy lifted the shirt in front of his face to inspect it. And instead of seeing the bright blue pattern, he was faced with a nervous looking Sungyeol.

A hole. A large hole. His favorite shirt had a huge gaping hole. Seeing Myungsoo's reaction made Sungyeol look down in shame. Of course he didn't mean to burn a hole into the shirt. Myungsoo fisted the remains of the shirt in his hand, knuckles going white.


"Are you kidding me? I come home to this mess that I know for a fact I will be cleaning, no food because we all know you can't cook and now my favorite shirt has a huge hole in it." Myungsoo's words were laced in annoyance. After Myungsoo's epiphany, Sungyeol still hadn't looked up.


"I don't even know why I bother with you, you're such a kid and all I ever do is clean after your useless ,” he muttered.


Sungyeols head shot up at the harsh words and gave Myungsoo a look of hurt. Myungsoo instantly regretted the words after seeing Sungyeols watery eyes and hurt filled glare. Without a word, Sungyeol swiftly made his way into his room; Myungsoo trailing after him.


"I'm sorry, hyung I didn't mean to say that." Sungyeol emerged from the room, tears staining his chubby cheeks. "Save it." he growled and slapped away Myungsoo's hands before he could grab a hold of Sungyeol. The older made a quick exit slamming the door shut and leaving Myungsoo all by himself.


Myungsoo let out an exasperated sigh and sat down, letting the previous events unfold in his mind.


Myungsoo stood up, irritated at his current situation. Quickly, he made his way out into the pouring rain ignoring the blistering cold. Maybe I’ll skip class tomorrow he though to himself. He didn’t want to deal with anything right now. All he wanted was Sungyeol.


He knew that without Sungyeols warmth he’d never be able to fall asleep. He was so used to his hyung tightly wrapping his arms around his torso that he didn’t know how much he needed him. He missed the smell of bitter coffee every morning. And most of all he missed Sungyeols welcoming smile that greeted him every morning.


I need Sungyeol.





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is there a sequel? *-*
Yes i want sequel
sequel please!!!
Is this the end
JongKey2min #5
Awwwwww this is so cute!!<3 I'm glad yeolie is back with myungsoo now!!:D I hope you can update soon!!!
New reader! Awesome story you got here! Keep on doing your thing and update soon dearest :D
Aww is Yeollie back
With Myungie house<3
menikkey #8
can't wait till myungmyung awake and seeing yeollie there~ <3 <3

good story. I like it. >.<
please update soon..
rain_sound #9
please make up with myungsoo, yeol. And same goes to you, myungsoo!
Nice chapter btw :)