
Love Gone Wrong

I finally agreed to go on this date with Mr. Park's son. I never got his name. All I was told was where to go and what time to be there. Begrudginly, I took a shower and got ready to go. My anxiety was up, and all I wanted was for the hospital to call me to tell me that Baekhyun was up. I made it a point to wear one of the neckalces that he had bought for me, and also my engagement ring. I wanted this guy to know that I was not interested in him at all. 

When I got to the restaurant, I walked up to the woman at the podium and told her that I was meeting some guy there, by the last name of Park. She smiled. "You are a very lucky woman." she stated. I followed her to the table, where my date was waiting. My mouth dropped. Chanyeol? Why was he at the table where I was meeting Mr. Park's son? He stood up, and pulled my chair out. "It is finally nice to meet you somewhere that is not on top of a hospital." I sat down. "What are you doing here?" I asked, getting straight to the point. He smiled, his eyes catching the light from the chandelier above. He was a very handsome man. "Well, my father told me about a coworker that had a beautiful young daughter, whom just recently started to get her life on track and needed a night out." I scoffed. I have had plenty of nights out. Alone. But out nontheless. "Well, I am not interested. I have someone that I love dearly. He just isn't with me at the moment...." I trailed off. He seemed to be figuring out how to phrase the next words from his mouth. He was thinking very hard. "Byun Baekhyun." Was all he said. My jaw dropped. He knew my love, but how? Why? "I know all about Baekhyun's accident. I am the doctor that is handeling his care at the moment. I have seen you come and go. I was there the day you tried to jump, remember?" How could I forget? My life was in shambles. I sent a silent prayer up that Baekhyun would wake up before dinner even arrived at the table. "Look, Chanyeol, I know that he will wake up. He just needs more time. Don't let that hospital end his life. Please." There was a chuckle from the other side of the table. "No one is ending anyone's life. At least not this week. So, maybe we could enjoy dinner, and talk about other things." I tried to focus. How could I trust this man? Granted, he did stop me from jumping, but how could I know for sure that he wasn't going to just take advantage of my emotions, get what he wanted, and then end Baek's life?

I didn't. 

But I was going to make sure he didn't get anything from me, except a kick to the throat if something happened to Baekhyun.

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