
The heart wants what it wants

P.o.V.: YoungJae


"Hey! YoungJae! Where's my black shirt?!", JB shouted from his side of the room.

"First of, you don't have to scream, we are in the same room", I said slightly annoyed.

"And secondly, how should I know where you left it? Ask one of your one-night-stands".

"Well I hoped my boyfriend would know", JB said and looked at me but I turned to face the wall and packed my bag, avoiding eye contact.

He doesn't have to see me blush. I thought.

"Well then ask him not me", I said trying to sound cold but it sounded more like a question.

"Well I just did and he told me to 'ask one of my one-night-stands' and turned his back on me"

I didn't even need to see my face to know that I was blushing madly.

"Well then he maybe knows that you're a playboy and doesn't like you", I said and left the room to go to my class.

P.o.V.: JB

Wow JaeBum. You screwed up. Now he is gone. And he thinks you're a playboy. Good job. I mentally facepalmed. I'm so stupid. I walked around the room, not knowing what to wear. Then an idea popped up in my head.

Okay maybe I'm a genius. I thought as I changed and then went to my class.

As I entered the classroom Jackson, BamBam and JinYoung walked towards me.

"Hey. Is that your shirt?". "No BamBam. It's YoungJaes", I answered and saw YoungJaes head turn in our direction. He looked at me and it took him some time to realise what I was wearing.

"He has such shirts?", Jackson asked, now also looking at YoungJae. "Yeah and I bet JaeBum would do anything to see him wear it", Jinyoung said, smiling knowingly. I don't know what made me blush more, the fact that he's right or the fact that he said it so loud that everyone was now looking at us. YoungJae stood up and walked towards me, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the class. All I could see were the questioning looks of my classmates and the big smiles on my friends faces.

"Where did you find this and why the hell are you wearing it?", YoungJae asked as he pointed at his shirt that I was wearing.

"I needed something to wear but I can take it off if you want", I said, looking into his eyes and grinning as he turned red.

"You're acting as if you've never seen me ", I said to a bit. While I talked, I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"ing ert", YoungJae said and turned to face the window in the halway, putting his hand over his mouth.

"Says the one that wears see through shirts. Why actually do you have them? You never wear them", I asked.

"Well I wear them but not in class and not in front of you". "Wait. Are you wearing them for someone?", I asked, getting mad at the thought of someone touching my YoungJae.

"No! I'm not a little boy like you who would do anything just to get a ", He said coldly and entered the class again. I followed him and all heads were me. 

Crap. Maybe they heard our conversation. 

~Time skip: after the class~

P.o.V.: YoungJae

Luckly I only had this class. I don't want to see JB. He has his gym class now. Normally I'd wait for him and bring him a drink and food but after I called him 'a ing ert' and 'a boy' I just couldn't. I could feel his eyes on me the whole lesson but if I turned around to look back at him he looked down at his papers, even though he never wrote something.

I decided to get my homework done. It was easy so it took me around 25 minutes to finish it. After that I sat on my bed, listening to music and singing along, when I suddenly heard a loud bang and as I looked outside the window I instantly regretted it. Just as I looked outside I saw a lightning strike. Tears formed in my eyes and I curled up into a ball, covering myself with my blanket and crying. 

I'm so scared. I hate storms. Why does this always happen to me? Why now? Now when Yugyeom and Mark aren't here to calm me down.

P.o.V.: JB

After our talk YoungJae ignored me. And after the lesson he left without even looking at me. Normally he'd tell me to be careful in gym class and to not hurt myself. He would ask what I wanted to eat and what I wanted to drink but he just left. I didn't want to annoy him so I just headed for my gym class.

We decided to go outside because the weather was good but after half an hour it started to rain and soon there were thunders and lightning strikes. I was in the locker as I got a call.

"Hello?"."Hey JaeBum. Can you please go home and check on YoungJae? He doesn't reply to our texts and he doesn't answer our calls eighter. Mark and I are worried". "Sure Yugyeom. I'm on my way". After hanging up I excused myself and ran to the building our rooms were in. I sprinted up the stairs and to our room door. I unlocked and opened it and the view I got made my heart ache.

YoungJae was laying there on his bed, curled into a ball with the blanket covering him. He was shaking and I could hear him cry. I didn't care about anything but YoungJae right now. I dropped my bag to the ground and closed the door. YoungJae seemed to notice that I was in here because he tried to control his shaking breath. I looked at him. He was sitting there, looking down at his lap.

"YoungJae, are you okay?". "Yeah I'm perfectly fine", he smiled. "Really you can lea-", he was cut off by thunder and instantly started crying as he curled back into a ball again. "I don't think so", I said moving over to his bed. I started petting his side. He seemed scared at first but then relaxed.

"It's okay. I'm here", I said and laid down next to him. I wrapped him in my arms and started  his back. He pulled me even closer. I started to sing his favorite song quietly and he sometimes sang along as he relaxed and his sobbing slowly started to stop. Shortly after, he fell asleep and I laid there, still humming the melodie quietly and his head.

I may not deserve you but I'll take care of you no matter what happens. I will always love you. I have since we firts met. Maybe I will never be able to call you mine but I will never give you up. I'm okay with us just being friends, if you even consider me as one, because as long as I'm with you it's worth the pain. As long as I can see your smile, even if it isn't for me, I'm happy. I will always want to be with you because the heart wants what it wants.

"I love you, Choi YoungJae", I whispered before I fell asleep as well, dreaming about waking up next to the person I love.

"I love you too. But you'll never know". I thought I heard him say that but it was probably just a part of my dream.



Soooo. That's it. I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading.

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Chapter 3: It depend on your imagination.. haha ^^"
Chapter 2: Aww simple but cute ! Hehe
Chapter 1: No, I don't liked it...I loved it !

That was funny and cute

Aww, Youngjae is scared of storms..Maybe they remember as some bad events...
2jaenoona #4
Chapter 3: Could u make another story like dis again? Pleaseeee~~
Chapter 2: this was sooo fluffy!!!!
Chapter 2: they are super duper cute<33333
mollysomerville #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this extra chap ♥
mollysomerville #8
Chapter 1: You GOTTA make a SEQUEL PLEASE. They have to be togetherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Chapter 1: What's with that ending!? Ufvghhh. Tell them to it up already. These idiots probably haven't dated anyone ever. (Communication is key!) Other than the revisions the story needs, you did a nice job of conveying emotion in your characters.
1313jae #10
Chapter 1: this is nice :-----)