Down the Rabbit Hole

Ali in Dreamland

Alison sat down on the bench and sighed heavily. It had been a crap day, one ty thing after another. First, she had overslept and was late to work. As she sped down the road to get there, she had gotten into a car accident and ended up in the emergency room. When she called her boss to tell her that she wouldn’t be in, she had gotten fired. As she sat in the ER she called her fiancé to tell him what had happened. His response was, “Ali, I wish I didn’t have to tell you this today but I want to break up. I’m in love with my best friend.” Yeah and as if it couldn’t get worse, that best friend was a man. Her freaking fiancé dumped her for a man on the day that she got into a car accident and ended up with a concussion and lost her job. Could things get any worse? She pulled the pills the doctor had given her for the pain out of her purse.


She let out a shrill laugh as she read the label.

“Real funny, doctor man. My car is totaled; I’ll be riding the bus until I get my insurance check…. which I need to live on since I got fired and I just sunk all savings into a wedding that will never happen because my fiancé waited until a month to the day…. The exact freaking day!!...... to tell me he’s gay and in love with his best friend.”

A couple of older women walked past her and looked at her like she was crazy and hurried to get past her.

“That’s right, run away from the crazy girl on the park bench!”, she called at their backs. She turned her attention back to the pill bottle and opened it and shook out two pills and popped them into and took a gulp from the water bottle in her purse.

She still had the lunch she had grabbed on her way out the door that morning. She pulled out the sandwich and took an angry bite out of it. With her other hand, she grabbed her phone and deleted her now ex fiancé’s number from her contacts and with a sigh, checked her email. Her phone bill was due in two weeks; her internet was due in a week and she also now had a hospital bill to worry about. Reality was suddenly too depressing so she opened her Netflix…. Just another thing that was going to go unpaid in a few days and started to watch a Kdrama. She ate as she watched and soon the pain pills started to kick in. Her eyelids got droopy and as she fell asleep, her sandwich fell out of her hand to the ground, where a hungry squirrel sniffed it out and sat down for a free lunch.

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I really do want to finish this but I seem to be stuck. Hopefully this cute little chapter will give you hope of an update in the near future.


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Chapter 5: This is sooo creative. And yes the writer from the Greek mythology story is stuck and wannie is bleeding on a hill because of generic batteries
Chapter 3: I was seriously laughing out loud
loveandstuff #3
Chapter 2: This is such a fun story! Mad Hatter is quite nagging lol and it is only fitting that she should be in an orange dress instead :D
Chapter 2: This is very cute
Hopefully her dream will be better than her day lol
loveandstuff #6
Chapter 1: Oh boy now she just fell asleep on a bench, this is most definitely not her day lol
LurkerMcGee #7
Very funny. I have had days like this
Chapter 1: dang squirrel