

Yoongi Pov

I was waiting outside the ramen shop alone,it was already dark outside. I was waiting for him to finally leave the ramen shop. Half an hour later i saw him walking out.


Me: Hey

Seokjin: Huh

Me: Sorry about earlier

Seokjin: were you waiting for me?

Me: Yes….But only to talk to you

Seokjin: Just talking?...No sniffing?

Me: No sniffing i promise

Seokjin: I'll hear what you got to say

Me: I don't know where to start….Do you remember the 21st of September?

Seokjin: I don't remember

Me: Sorry if this is personal but do you have amnesia

Seokjin:...Kind of….but my father says I'm getting better

Me: So you lost memory of that night?

Seokjin: I guess so…..do you know what happened that night?

Me: I wasn't there to see it,but the guy you had fun with that night,Kim Namjoon told me about it

Seokjin: I had fun? That doesn't sound like me

Me: But you did have fun and you were dancing too!

Seokjin: Dancing!?

Me: yeah dancing….it was the best night for both of you

Seokjin: I wish i can remember….I want to remember...b-but none of this is making sense

Me: I'll help you remember!

Seokjin: But How!?

Me: I'll take to Kim Namjoon

Seokjin: Kim Namjoon?

Me: Yeah Kim Namjoon, he's really nice and awesome,You met him at the club he works at

Seokjin: If i was the happiest i ever was that night, I'll love to relive it!

Me: Great come with me!


I grabbed his hand and ran as fast as i could, I have to take him to where he first met Namjoon.


We finally got to the club and music was blasting and i can smell the awful sweat and alcohol smell hitting my face. I led him through the crowd,he was covering both his ears with his hands. I saw taehyung walking by me.


Me: Hey tae!!!

Taehyung: Oh yoongi you finally came!!! And you brought KIM SEOKJIN!!!!!

Me: Yeah,um can you bring namjoon to the dance floor

Taehyung: I'll try,he doesn't look like he's in the mood

Me: Just try ok,good luck


Seokjin was still covering his ears,he looked like a lost child. I was stilling pushing him in the crowd,there was too many people and i don't think namjoon was going to be at the dance floor anytime soon. I decided to push Kim Seokjin to the club coaches so we can wait for namjoon and also for me to finally rest.


Me: Do you remember!?

Seokjin: I think I'm starting to remember….This feels familiar!

Me: Good,just stay here I'll be right back!


I ran through the crowd not giving a ,I need to go look for namjoon. After almost giving on looking for him i saw him,he was talking to taehyung.


Namjoon: Stop lying taehyung!

Taehyung: Why would I lie about that!?

Namjoon: So you're telling me he's really here!?

Taehyung: For the millionths time YES!!!

Me: Namjoon he's telling the truth Kim Seokjin is here

Namjoon: Kim Seokjin….

Me: Do you want me to take you to him

Namjoon: Yes please!


AGAIN we ran into the crowd not giving a ,I could see where Kim Seokjin is at and I pointed at him for namjoon to see.


Me: He's right there!


Kim seokjin was still covering his ears and was staring deeply at the ground.

Namjoon walked towards him

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