

Sohee pov


Namjoon told us about his tragic love story and now we have to find a Kim Seokjin. He told us that this happened at the 21st of September,I think i remember seeing him with Kim Seokjin that day. I will find this Kim Seokjin! I am very determine which is surprising because i am rarely determine. I looked online, couldn't find him. Went to every restaurant, couldn't find him. I don't think this kim seokjin can be found anywhere in seoul or so i thought.

December 10,is the day i finally got my day off and i decided to go grocery shopping. At the dairy aisle I SAW HIM. I saw him as he picked up three carton of eggs and moved along. I followed him and making sure i didn't look like a stalker. How do i go up to him? What do i say?

I followed him to the meat aisle i needed to stop wasting time. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder,he turned around and waited to hear what i had to say.


Me: uh Kim Seokjin right?

Seokjin: What?

Me: You're kim seokjin... Right?

Seokjin: are you a stalker!?

Me: n-no I'm a um i just wanted to say that Why haven't you come back to visit namjoon?

Seokjin: Nam-what!?

Me: Namjoon…...Kim Namjoon

Seokjin: Never heard of that name

Me: are you sure, because on the 21st of September you went to the club “ Tiger Tornado” and met a guy

Seokjin: Uh well miss I'm sorry to say that i have no idea what you are talking about

Me: So you don't know Kim Namjoon?

Seokjin: I don't know who that is,well bye

Me: Wait no don't leave!!!


I grabbed onto his shirt,i know it was a bad idea but i wasn't going to have him leave just like that.


Seokjin: Let go!!!

Me: No don't leave

Seokjin: Who are you to tell me what to do!?

Me: Just hear me out!!!

Seokjin: Can you let go!!!

Me: Noooo!!!

Seokjin: Let go!!!!

Me: Just listen to me!!!

Seokjin: I already told you i have no idea what you are talking about!!!!

Me: Please don't leave, you should at least visit namjoon!!!

Seokjin: I told you to let go!!!! Do you want me to report you!!!????

Me: I'm not scared of the cops,just come with me!!!!!!

Seokjin: You're crazy!!!!!!


He got out of my hold and ran off,I didn't want to run after him or else i would most likely get reported. I failed….Why did seokjin said he doesn't know namjoon? I would have sworn i saw him with namjoon. But namjoon said Kim Seokjin and that was him…..i need help from the daegu guys.

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