sorry that i hurt u



hey dear viewer's...

how bout d previous chapter...??

wondering sooo much bout d cause of their breaking up...???

who's backstabbing..??

keep'll be answered...




"i wanna forget everything that happened today...i really wanna forget it... i can't endured d pain anymore...oh GOD...plese help me fogetting all d things...i wanna forget it...." ljoe's screaming as all those words passing by on his mind continuously..he's crying out loud till he fell on d ground...where there's no one surrounding..he seen everything's going blurry n it went he fainted d park..alone by himself...


while from d other side..

"when did u see them arguing...???" asked CAP

"an hour ago..." said changjo...

" why ur telling us late....what happened to them??" yelling niel

"i cant find u guys....i just followed ljoe hyung running away...but i could'nt reached i turned to looked at him..he was disappear from my sight..." answering determinely changjo

"why did they break up??" asked ricky worries

"i don hve an answer for that..better asked chunji hyung bout this..."

"well..we cant just stay here waiting for them...there's no point..."

"now let's searched for them..."

"i'm kindly worried alredy....ljoe hyung...whre he'll be...??"

"i followed him then lets continue from that way..."

"alrite then..."

"hh..hhow bout chunji hyung...??"

"i just got a message from him...he said he's going home...i guess he's pretty sad rite now..."

"why must he b sad...he's d one who wanna break up rite..."

"no ricky...dont say that...we know how he felt towards ljoe...he luv him sooo much..."

"there's must b something behind this..."

"there is...but chunji hyung kept hiding it..."

"naaa...lets stop it...n let's start searching for ljoe hyung..i alredy got a bad feelings now..."

"cant u stop thinking bout useless stuff...." yelled niel...

"now....lets go!!!" command CAP...

as all four going to searched for ljoe...while at home..there's chunji...who still crying...fell on his knees...thinking about his luver feelings after he dumped him an hour ago..


Chunji POV

"ljoe baby...i'm sorry..i have to do family did'nt approve our relationship....for them...our family dignity was d most important....i'm really sorry"



"chanhee...what is this....??? is it u n byunghun on d pictures....??? r u guys dating each other???" asked chunji's father angrily...

"yy...yyyeesss appa..were date each other...."

"what..??? r u crazy chanhee...?? ur trying embarassing us by dating with a guy....????" spoke his mother with an anger painted on her...

"umma...appa...please accept it...i luv him sooo much...i really luv him.."

"no...we'll never accepted it...we r respectable family...were nobles...everyone giv us their respects...what will hapened to our fmily reputation if peoples know about this..." yeled his father...


"no any but chanhee ahh...i wanna u guys to stop this stupid is impossible....luckily someone send those pictures to us..if not..we're sure that u'll never told us bout this embarassing thing" his mother said angrily...

"i luv him...i don wanna break up..."

"if u don...never think to live in d dorm anymore....n don ever dream to b teen top members again..."


"we will let u stayed there...but u must break up with that kid...understand that...??"

"uu..uummmaaa..cant u understand my feelings..u both also in love bfore...but cant u understand hurt to break from d person that u luv..."

"enough chanhee...we don wanna hear it anymore...our luv was rite..but yours r nonsence...."


End of flashback....


as chunji crying non-stop...until he felt sooo tired to cry..he tried hardly to stand up...but he was too exhausted....he just stay on d floor...silently...


at d park...


"ljoe hyung...."

"hyungieeee...where r u...???"


"where he is??? we're searching everywhere...but still cant find him..." said ricky giv up...

"naaa...don giv up...lets try searching for him again...besides his legs were small...he'll possibly not running so far..." said changjo comforting his friend...

"did u find him??" ask CAP..

"no.." both maknaes answer it simultaneously...

"lets try searching over there.." suggest niel...

"u mean d dark side...hyung??????" asked ricky pointing to d dark place 


"lets go..." said changjo immediately running to d way...

"i got an instinct that ljoe was there..." said CAP...running following changjo from behind...

as d other two following their back...

"ljoe hyunggggg..." screaming changjo..

as CAP was walk slowly he just felt that he was accidentally kicked he looked down...he found ljoe body was laid lifelessly on d ground....

"omo...ljoe...ljoe...wake up...ljoe...wake up...!!!" he tried to waking up his dongsaeng but seems there's no signed for him waking up...

CAP set him on his lap as he tapping ljoe's face n started to panic...

"changjooooo..nielllllll....ricky....." he's shouting for d other loudly...

"hyunnnggg...did u found....omoo..ljoe hyung...!!!" shocking niel

"hyunggg..." changjo running towards CAP n ljoe as he kneeled down after looking for his lifeless hyung body

"i...iis he'll...b...alriiii..iite" stuttering ricky as tears was flowing down on his cheeks...

"i..iii don know...maybe he's fine....i guess...his bodies warmth...i think he got fever..." answered CAP as he took off his sweater n rapping it around ljoe...

"lets bring him to hospital then.." niel suggested again

"no...we cant..." changjo interrupted

"why not...don u see...hyung is sick rite now...??" said ricky sobbings...

"changjo was rite...we better take him home..we'll called a doc to check on him..." CAP said fluently

"ljoe hyung hates to b hospitalized...dont u remember before...he was running away when he found out that he was in d hospital....all of us..taking soo much time searching for him..." changjo's explaining

"yeah..everyone was worried that ljoe still in weak condition...but he still had an energy to ran from d hospital..." continuous CAP...

" i remembered...lets take him home then..." niel said as he stoked his hyung forehead with the back of his hand...

"thenn...hurry up..lets gg...ggooo home...hyung will freezing here..." said ricky...almost stuttering

CAP lifted ljoe all of them was walking fastly towards their home...

when they reached home...their eyes bcome bigger when they saw one more lifeless body lays on d floor...

"chunji hyunggg!!!"

"wae...wae chunji hyung this time..??"

"hyung..hyung....wake up..." changjo shooking his hyung body...trying to wake him up...

"there's no point...he must be under stressed...lets take them both to bed...changjo..carried chunji...niel...col d doc...ricky...take all their stuff n bring it to their room..." command CAP as he still holding ljoe bridally n walked upstairs ahead to chunji n ljoe's shares room...


==================================================================================== bout this chappy..

well...its answered why chunji n  ljoe broke up huh...

family ...cant i think for something else..

seems i cant...coz i'm alredy sleepy rite now....hehehe

btw...who's send those pictures to chunji's parents...????

wait for'll reveal soon^^

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kpopmichelle #1
Author nim if it was gonna be this sad then why didnt u put angst in the tags!?!? U could have at least warned us!!! T^T
ken_eya #2
Chapter 14: Authornim makes me cry. T^T
My ChunJoe. :(
Chapter 14: Omg authornim. Im cried like hell you know. This story really really daebak! From chapter one until the end , im crying non stop! My eyes now hurts like hell. Hahahaha good job authornim! ♥
Chapter 14: from the beginning i m not cry..but when i read this story untill the end cry as loud as i chunjoe ever....
Chapter 14: cry...i think i not cry when i read this...but...i hate chunji parents in this story...i hate them so much..*still crying*....sob ...sob...i love chunjoe couple ever.........and i love your much..
TT^TT ME CRIED. My ultimate bias L.Joe DIED. ;(;(
awwwww ;~~~; they're tgt ♥♥♥♥