Chapter 3

THE Ongniel


I'M SO SORRY!!!! My summer class just ended this week, and I went to KCON last weekend, so I've been really busy!!!! I also work a full-time job so... ugh. I should have a lot more time to write now I swear!!! CRIES

Also I lied. The characters will be more in chapter 4. This chapter is like all ongniel (not that any of you will probably complain lol)

Ok anyways happy reading! Sorry it's so short.


“Seongwoo!  Yah!  Seongwoo!  Wake up!”

Seongwoo sleepily cracked his eyes open upon hearing his name.  He could see the top of his hyung’s head, the rest of his body hidden by the bunk bed. 

“Sungwoon hyung,” he mumbled, “you’re really short.”  Seongwoo yawned, rolled over to face the wall, and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

Before Sungwoon could open his mouth to retaliate, a person with a much deeper voice called out, “I got this.”

Not two seconds later, a heavy weight pressed Seongwoo down into the bed.  His eyes shot open to find a smirking Daniel lying on top of him.  He let out a hoarse shout of surprise, limbs flailing in an attempt to push his assailant off of him, but to no avail.  Daniel was simply too strong. 

Letting out a heavy sigh of defeat, Seongwoo gave up and shyly looked Daniel in the eyes.  “Would you mind?”

Daniel’s smile grew wider as he wiggled his body in mischief, not helping Seongwoo’s already hardened morning wood in his southern region.  “Not until you promise you’re actually awake."

If Seongwoo had a hand to palm himself in the face, he would, because it seemed like Daniel had no idea the affect he had on him.  If he would’ve known Daniel’s cute, puffy morning face only half a foot away from his would be his punishment, he would’ve been out of bed before Sungwoon could say ‘boo.’

Too embarrassed to keep looking directly into Daniel’s warm, brown eyes, he turned his face away and conceded.  Daniel slowly and gently lifted himself off of Seongwoo’s body and leapt off the bed.

Seongwoo continued to lie there, contemplating his life choices, when he heard Daniel threaten, “Don’t make me come back up there!” 

Seongwoo raised his arm and hurriedly answered, “I’m up!”  He crawled out of bed and raced to the bathroom to take care of his little problem before any of the other boys could notice.

If Seongwoo had any inkling the morning would set the pace for the rest of the day, he definitely would’ve stayed in bed.

The Get Ugly team was currently sitting in a circle in the middle of the practice room to decide positions when Seongwoo realized he was the oldest one on the team.  He couldn’t believe how young the other four boys were, minus Daniel, who was only a year younger than him.  He about choked when he realized Samuel was 7 years younger.  Damn, did Seongwoo feel old.

He had no problems when Daniel volunteered to be the leader.  He preferred it, actually.  The real problem was deciding the center, especially between the current number 1 and 2 trainees.  Seongwoo could see the fire in their eyes as they raised their hands to relay their interest in the position.  Seongwoo wasn’t interested in getting between the two, especially since he was so new to the show. 

“Woojin, be confident and raise your hand higher,” Daniel whispered to the shy redheaded boy.  In support, a grinning Hyungseop grabbed onto Woojin’s arm and lifted it higher, much to Woojin’s embarrassment.  The boy peeked at Hyungseop in thanks, his ears tinged crimson. 

Seongwoo smiled at the member’s interactions, touched by how caring Daniel was with his dongsaengs.  Daniel caught Seongwoo’s eye, smiled, and gave him a quick thumbs up.  Seongwoo smiled back, his heart swelling at the gesture.

Eventually Samuel was picked as the center since he was the best at English.  Seongwoo was surprised at how smart Jihoon was, to give up the position in favor of making a decision that would help the team do better overall. 

Daniel and Samuel were in charge of the choreography, and Seongwoo somehow ended up being the main vocalist, much to his pleasure.  Everything seemed to be going really well until it was time to start learning the choreography.

Hyungseop was a bit slow in learning the dance moves, but he was nothing compared to how Seongwoo was holding up.  Seongwoo was naturally slow at learning choreography, but the killing part was that Daniel was the one teaching Seongwoo and Hyungseop, which meant a huge distraction.  Rather than paying attention to what the dance moves actually were, he was paying more attention to Daniel’s fleshy, thick thighs, the slick sweat that would roll down his face and into his moist shirt, and the veins that protruded from his arms with each motion.

All in all, Seongwoo was frustrated, and Daniel was having an even worse time trying to coach him.  Seongwoo was embarrassed with himself.  Daniel finally called a break time when he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere with Seongwoo.  He gulped as Daniel ran a hand through his sweaty hair, a look that made Seongwoo hang his head in realization that he was pining after Daniel yet again.

“Seongwoo hyung.”  He looked up to see a dissatisfied Daniel with his arms crossed, staring at Seongwoo in a type of confused vexation.  “Are you okay?  You seem to be kind of out of it…?  I can go slower if you need me to.” 

Seongwoo looked away from Daniel’s questioning eyes.  “I-I’m not sure.”  Before he could think about what he was saying, he asked, “What if Samuel was the one who taught me?”

Daniel’s bright eyes suddenly darkened in disappointment.  Before Seongwoo could explain or take back what he said, Daniel defeatedly answered with slumped shoulders, “Yeah…I guess Samuel could teach you better.”  He dejectedly turned away and walked to the corner of the practice room to be by himself.

Seongwoo felt so guilty.  He didn’t mean to imply that Daniel wasn’t a very good teacher, but he couldn’t just say that he was just too to learn correctly.  Seongwoo sighed and also slid to the floor.

Hours later, in all honesty, it was probably a good decision to switch to Samuel, but watching Daniel from across the room made Seongwoo feel even worse.  Daniel no longer had a spring in his step and was just going through the moves.  If one positive thing came out of the switch, it’s that Woojin was now paired up with Hyungseop, who seemed more than willing to help Hyungseop when he was stuck with a move. 

Daniel eventually realized he was no help to Hyungseop and Woojin, either.  The team leader looked lost, his eyes sad like a kicked puppy.  Not realizing what he was doing until he was right in front of the taller blonde male, Seongwoo asked, “Hey, so there’s this move I’ve been struggling with, could you help me?” 

Daniel’s eyes widen in slight surprise, but replied calmly, “Yea, what’s up?”

And so Seongwoo did his very best to ignore his and listen to his brain as Seongwoo paired up with Daniel for the rest of the night.  Daniel’s expression continued to get lighter and lighter until he was his usual cheery self again.  Having successfully caught Seongwoo up to everyone else, Daniel called it a day. 

Proud of himself for both improving his dance and cheering Daniel back up, his heart about leapt out of his chest when he realized how late it was.  Seongwoo ran to his bag to look at the time on his phone.   Seongwoo had an hour until his meet-up with Euigeon. 

“!”  Seongwoo hurriedly packed up his stuff and announced his departure to the guys before running out of the practice room. 

He showered and got dressed in record time.  It seemed the guys were still eating in the cafeteria, save Daniel who Seongwoo ran past on his way out the door.

“Going somewhere?”  Daniel yelled after him.

“Running errands!”  Seongwoo shouted back.

“Be safe!”

Seongwoo looked at his phone again.  He had a half hour. 

He started off at a brisk pace, pulling his jacket around him tighter to ward off the chilly night air.  Even though he had barely eaten all day, his nerves were getting the best of him.  He still wasn’t sure if Euigeon wanted to be casual friends or wanted something more.  Seongwoo was hoping to find out tonight.

He arrived fifteen minutes early and grabbed a booth in the corner of the restaurant so they could both be hidden.  Because it was Friday, a new episode of Produce 101 aired, and Seongwoo’s entrance into the show was in it.  He had to be especially careful now that people knew who he was.  Hopefully Euigeon wouldn’t mind his extra precautionary clothing.  Seongwoo even remembered to wear his mask with a hold cut in the mouth so he could eat without taking it off. 

Seongwoo figured he had some time to check his SNS to see what people were saying about him before Euigeon got there.  Lost in the netizen’s comments, a deep voice chuckled in his ear, “You watch Produce 101?” 

Seongwoo jumped and spun around in his chair to take a look at his accuser.  He put a hand over his heart in relief when he found it was just Euigeon.  “You scared me!” he accused.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.  You were just so concentrated that I had to tease you a bit.”  Euigeon pat Seongwoo’s hat a couple times before taking a seat across from him.

Euigeon looked the same as usual.  A mask, hat, and his blonde fringe almost covering his eyes. 

“Ong Seongwoo, though.  That’s who you were looking up, right?”  Euigeon questioned.

Seongwoo’s eyes grew wide in warning.  “Y-yeah.  The new guy.”  And then realization hit Seongwoo.  “Wait.  You watch the show, too?” 

“Hmmm.  You could say that, yeah.  Are you a fan of his?”  Euigeon asked with a curious edge to his voice.

“His fan?  Nah.  I’m just curious how the netizens feel about him joining the show and all.  Are you?”  Seongwoo tried to answer as calm as he could.   His nerves were almost shot at this point.  How the hell did it come to them talking about the real him? 

Euigeon took longer than Seongwoo would have liked to answer, with Seongwoo fidgeting in the process.  “I’m actually not sure yet.  He’s really handsome and seems to have a lot of talent, but we’ll see.  I’m rooting for him, anyway.” 

It wasn’t quite the answer Seongwoo wanted, but at least Euigeon thought he was handsome!  That was definitely a plus.

At that moment the waitress decided to make her appearance.  The boys ordered their boneless chicken wings and fries. 

“Will this be on the same or separate checks?” she asked.

“Se-” Seongwoo started, but Euigeon announced, “Same.”  He looked at Seongwoo and winked, “I’ll be paying tonight.” 

The waitress raised her eyebrows at the interaction between the two boys, but shrugged it off as she continued with her job.

“T-Thanks.  You really don’t have to, though,” Seongwoo confessed, his face red from embarrassment. 

Euigeon’s eye smile reappeared through his bangs, amused at the flustered brunette.

Seongwoo found out that Euigeon was from Busan, which would explain his Busan accent that would slip out whenever he’d get excited, and he’d been dancing since he was a little kid, traveling hours in just one day because he was so passionate about his love for dance. 

Honestly, at first Seongwoo just wanted to be an actor.  That’s what he grew up hearing from people.  That his frame was the perfect size, and his face was made to be on the tv screen.  But then he was introduced to the life of an idol and grew to love singing and dancing just as much.  That’s how he found his way to Fantagio. 

If possible, Seongwoo grew to like Euigeon more and more.  He was kind, selfless, and loved what he was doing with his life.  Seongwoo hoped Euigeon would somehow want to include Seongwoo in his life, too. 

Seongwoo looked down at their now empty plates, sad the night was about to end.  “Would you want to, maybe, do something else after this?” he asked in a hopeful voice.

Euigeon’s eyes brightened at the question.  “Sure!  What do you have in mind?” 

“Well, if it’s not too late, would you want to go to the movies or something?  I heard that the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie is out now, if you like that kind of stuff.”

“I love Pirates of the Caribbean!”  Euigeon exclaimed.  He swiftly whipped his phone out of his pocket.  “There’s a showing that starts in 15 minutes.  We could make it to that one?”

Giddy with excitement, the boys made their way to the theater down the street, occasionally bumping shoulders with bright smiles on their faces. 

Armed with popcorn and large cokes, they sat down in the dark theater.  Being that it was so late, there were only a few other couples scattered around the room, which was a relief to the two trainees. 

To be completely honest, Seongwoo wasn’t able to really concentrate on the movie.  About a fourth of the way into it, Euigeon wrapped his arm around Seongwoo’s shoulder.  Seongwoo had grown as stiff as a board, not sure whether he was reading too much into the gesture or if he was simply just stretching his arm.  But then Euigeon started rubbing his shoulder with his thumb.  Seongwoo’s heart was beating a million miles a minute. 

That wasn’t normal friend behavior.  Euigeon liked him, or so he hoped.  Now hyper-aware of all the movements, about halfway into the movie, Seongwoo’s heart sunk when Euigeon removed his arm from around his chair.  He didn’t dare look at Euigeon, he was too nervous and didn’t want to give himself away. 

Not five minutes later, Euigeon’s hand was searching.  For what, Seongwoo wasn’t sure, but when Euigeon’s hand laced through Seongwoo’s, he could barely breathe.  Not caring anymore about giving himself away, Seongwoo turned to look at Euigeon, whose eyes were smiling away in complete and utter happiness.  Seongwoo returned the gesture and squeezed Euigoen’s hand with his in contentment.

Seongwoo’s heart was absolutely soaring on cloud nine.  He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this way about someone.  He spent the rest of the movie honed in on everything Euigeon did.  Seongwoo’s favorite thing about the blonde was that he always laughed so freely.  Euigeon was just a happy person in general, and Seongwoo couldn’t get enough of it; he wanted more. 

When the movie ended, Euigeon went to unclasp their hands, but Seongwoo held on tight.  “D-do you mind… If we stay like this for a bit longer?”

Euigeon’s chest rumbled with his deep chuckle.  He cutely bumped Seongwoo’s shoulder, “I don’t mind at all.”

As they left, the two boys had a huge bounce in their step, living off the chill, crisp air of the cloudless night. 

“In Busan,” Euigeon broke the happy silence, “when you’re not near the city lights, you can see the Milky Way and all the little stars in the sky.  Maybe someday we can go together.”

Was this guy perfect?  Seongwoo certainly wasn’t a romantic, but Euigeon certainly seemed like he knew what he was doing.

“I’ve never seen the Milky Way before.  I’d love to, that sounds perfect.” 

They walked in a peaceful quietness, only the sounds of occasional car engines breaking their jovial daze.  Neither one cared where they were walking as long as it was with each other.

“I hate to part, but training starts early tomorrow,” Seongwoo nodded, agreeing that he was in the same boat as Euigeon.

“I’d walk you home, but that would kind of give away your company, so we should probably part ways here?”  Seongwoo sadly nodded again.

The boys stopped on the sidewalk to look at each other, but Euigeon quietly asked, “Do you trust me?” 

Not sure what Euigeon was about, and not sure that he even cared, Seongwoo whispered, “Yes.”

Euigeon looked around before quickly pulling Seongwoo into a dark alley, where nothing could be seen.

Euigeon gently backed Seongwoo up into the brick wall of the alley.  He heard a rustling and felt Euigeon’s hands around his ears; he took off Seongwoo’s facemask.  Before Seongwoo could respond, Euigeon pressed his soft lips to Seongwoo’s, who squeaked in surprise.  Seongwoo could feel Euigeon smile into the kiss and deepened it even further until Seongwoo was instead.  Euigeon pulled away all too soon, much to Seongwoo’s disappointment.

Euigeon gently caressed Seongwoo’s cheek before placing a quick kiss there, too.  “Seong, I really like you.”

Seongwoo’s chest swelled with joy and quickly replied, “I really like you, too.”  He stressed the really part and Euigeon laughed.

“I guess that means we should probably date then?” Euigeon asked hesitantly.

Seongwoo stood on his tiptoes to peck Euigeon on the lips and answered back, “I think so, too.”

The boys wrapped their arms around each other and stood in each other’s warm embrace, just purely enjoying the other’s company. 

Seongwoo was the first to announce that he should probably go, not that he wanted to in the least.  Euigeon nodded, adding that he had to run an errand or two before going back to the dorms. 

One last peck and one last longing look behind him, Seongwoo found himself on his way home.  It was about 3 in the morning, and he was sure the guys would start to worry about him soon. 

The fatigue from the long day was finally catching up to him as he set foot into the dorms.  He quickly changed into his pajamas and instantly fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, not realizing he wasn’t the last one to find his way home that night.

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nana0415 #1
Chapter 4: Please update..I really like this story^^
fymeanie #2
InGukiiieee #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon. ;)
InGukiiieee #4
Chapter 4: Hello from the other sideeeeee. Please update soon authornim xD
InGukiiieee #5
Chapter 4: Please update soon. Imma spam this comment section HAHAHAHA
Kaisoo546 #6
Chapter 4: Love this soooo much! So I hope you update soon!!
InGukiiieee #7
Chapter 4: Please updateeee
InGukiiieee #8
Chapter 4: Please update soon ;)
ayame-noel #9
Chapter 4: I really love this story!!
InGukiiieee #10
Chapter 4: Please updateu hehehe