Chapter 2

THE Ongniel

“Ong Seongwoo, can you please come to the stage?”  BoA’s gentle voice called out to him from beyond the small, dark waiting room. 

Taking a deep, nervous breath, he entered the walkway that led to the stage where he would be performing a short song in front of the 59 boys and highly skilled producers.  It was a Bruno Mars song he had danced to in his spare time, never knowing it would come in handy in this great time of need.

He was only a couple steps into the hallway when he realized could hear a low murmur coming from beyond the stage, most likely where the curious trainees were sitting, waiting in anticipation for their newest competitor. 

Just a couple seconds later he found that he was, indeed, correct.  To his left appeared the iconic platform of numbered chairs he had seen so many times over the period of watching Produce 101.  Refusing to make eye contact with any of the trainees, he vaguely wondered which number would be his first as he eyed their numbers. 

All too soon, he centered himself on the stage and looked up.  The first thing that caught his eye was the blaring white screen that read his company in pitch-black letters:  Fantagio.  He gulped.  Not only was he here for himself, but also he was the only trainee here to represent his company.  Seongwoo felt a twang of jealousy for the trainees that came with multiple members.

Seongwoo knew he wasted enough time ogling the stage, so he went straight into his introduction with his signature, charming smile, “Hello.  My name is Ong Seongwoo, and I’ve been a trainee at Fantagio Entertainment for 8 months.” 

The boys burst into a low murmur once again, with the words “handsome” and “attractive” sticking out amongst what Seongwoo could hear.  He looked down a bit and blushed.  Seongwoo was well aware he was very above average in terms of looks but wasn’t used to so many people staring at him at once.

He snapped his head up when Cheetah spoke into the mic, “Is your last name really Ong?”  Seongwoo openly sighed; he got that question a lot and was used to people getting his name wrong in disbelief that Ong was really his last name.

“Yes, it is.” 

Small gasps escaped from some of the trainees and even some of the producers.  Seongwoo did not expect this was how he was first going to be introduced on the show. 

Once the gasps died down, BoA spoke again, “Are you ready to show us what you have prepared?”

Seongwoo rolled his neck and squared up his shoulders in preparation, “Yes.”

Not two seconds later, the music started, and so did Seongwoo.  

Breathing heavily, he ended his performance, not remembering even for one second what he just did.  His mind was completely blank, but he must’ve done pretty well if the approving nodding of the trainee’s heads were anything to go by.  The judges also looked impressed. 

“Very good, but would you mind showing us a freestyle dance?”  Kahi asked.

 Seongwoo blanched.  This wasn’t something he came prepared for, and he wasn’t sure in his current state of mind how it was going to go. 

Seongwoo held up the mic, “S-sure.”

The music started once again, and he was pleasantly surprised that it was a song that he really liked.  Fueled by this sudden motivation, he let his muscles do their thing.

Halfway through his gig, his confidence was soaring and remembered to make some y facial expressions.  As his dance was coming to an end, he quickly decided to send a kiss with his hand to his audience and ended with a naughty smirk.  He was at least going to get a B rank.

A thunder of applause and whistles followed the end of his performance, and he was beaming.  It had been a long time since he felt this much confidence.  Maybe coming on the show wasn’t such a bad thing after all?

“Not only will we give you a letter rank, but you will also get a numbered rank just like your fellow trainees because your number will be imperative for the next song challenge.”  BoA explained. 

Seongwoo nodded his head in understanding.  The staff had explained some of this to him when he first got to the studio.  The trainees were to vote for his number through their little electronic hand device and producers for his letter. 

BoA began, “Letter A….” She paused dramatically for a few seconds before calling out, “Fantagio Entertainment, Ong Seongwoo.”

Seongwoo signed in relief and bowed before saying, “Thank you.”

He watched a staff member scurry to BoA with a white card that had the trainee’s votes for his number rank. 

She held the card up with a smile, “Number….4!  Congratulations!”

Did he hear that wrong?  He just entered the show and was already in the top 11?  Was someone playing a trick on him??

Seongwoo was still in his own world when he realized the producers were leaving while the trainees were coming down from their seats and walking up in his direction.  His eyes widened; there were so many, like a stampede.

He unconsciously stepped backward as they made their way to him and braced himself.  There were a lot of hand shakes, slaps on the back, arms slung around his neck, etc.  So many names were being thrown at him in an attempt to introduce themselves.  A large number of congratulations, wow really handsome, and talented comments were being tossed around from all directions. 

Before he knew it, the crowd had dispersed and he was left with only a handful of trainees.  The familiar-looking trainee held out his hand, and Seongwoo graciously took it.

“I’m Jonghyun, leader of N-“

“NU’EST!”  Seongwoo trilled with excitement.  He had always been a fan of NU’EST, but in all the exhilaration of being on a survival show he had forgotten.

Jonghyun smiled warmly at the acknowledgement, but Seongwoo’s attention was disrupted by a large figure that suddenly appeared beside Jonghyun.  “Seventeen or NU’EST,” his deep voice rumbled.

Seongwoo looked up to find NU’EST’s burly main vocal sizing him up.  “Uhh-” was all that could escape Seongwoo’s lips before a tall, handsome savior by the name of Minhyun chastised the masculine trainee, “Oh hush Dongho, don’t intimidate him right off the bat.” 

Seongwoo peered at Minhyun and was about to say thanks when he was suddenly distracted by the black-haired koala on the tall male’s back, “What?” he pointed. 

“Oh.”  Minhyun turned his neck to face the clinging person.  “Just ignore it, that’s what I try to do.”  The koala pouted, stole a kiss from Minhyun’s check, and got off his back to come introduce himself to Seongwoo. 

“Seonho at your service!”  The big-eyed boy turned to look back at Minhyun and smiled adoringly, who in turn rolled his eyes.  “And my Guanlin hyung isn’t here right now, but I’ll introduce you to him later!”  The boy turned away and took his place on Minhyun’s back, who was trying to sneak away.  Seongwoo watched as Minki, the last member of NU’EST ran to save his poor friend.

While Seongwoo was distracted with NU’EST and their pet, a cute little bubbly boy skipped his way into his vision and announced in a cheery voice, “Hello!  I’m Daehwi!  You’re probably my hyung, but let’s be friends!”  Seongwoo wanted to squish his little cheeks.  Just looking at Daehwi, he knew he’d like the kid.  He was like the epitome of rainbows and sunshine that never saw a cloudy day.  The kid skipped away humming to Nayana in a dreamy little voice.

There was only one other trainee lingering, in which Seongwoo was disappointed to find that he didn’t have the pink hair he wanted to see so much. 

The guy slung an arm over his shoulder and announced, “I’ll be your tour guide until you get settled down here at Produce 101.”  He undraped his arm and took Seongwoo’s hand.  “Yoon Jisung.  You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not!”  The guy was kind of goofy looking and tended to flail his limbs around a lot, especially when he laughed, but he seemed kind so Seongwoo didn’t mind.  Jisung cupped a hand around Seongwoo’s ear and whispered, “I’m also the king of gossip around these parts.”  He winked and starting walking away, motioning for Seongwoo to follow. 

On the way to the cafeteria, Jisung rattled on and on about how the dorm arrangements changed after the first eliminations, who hates who, who likes who, the best and worst food mnet provides for them, etc. 

“But the person you want to avoid most is Haknyeon.  He’s a super nice kid until he finds the smallest thing wrong with you.  Then he hates you.  Basically, everyone’s too afraid to be around him in case they do something to set him off.” 

As they entered the cafeteria, Jisung pointed to a cute boy with dark auburn hair, who was sitting alone at the end of a table, glaring at someone from across the room. 

“It’s just that we can’t figure out if it’s Jihoon or Jinyoung he hates most,” Jisung muttered quietly to himself. 

“I’ll introduce you to some guys after we get our food.” 

Both carrying a tray laden with food, Jisung sat down at a table with 4 other trainees, and Seongwoo followed. 

The entire time they had been inside the cafeteria, Seongwoo had been looking for a familiar pink head of hair, but failed to catch sight of Daniel’s unique peach-colored tone.  Sighing, Seongwoo tuned back into what Jisung was saying because it seemed he was never going to stop.

“Ok so we got Jinwoo.  He’s also from MMO like me.”

Jinwoo nodded his head and said hi.

“We got most of the Brand New boys sitting here with us today.”

Euiwoong, Donghyun, Youngmin, and Woojin all introduced themselves, Woojin rather shyly. 

“Oh, Hyungseoppie is here today too!”

As soon as his name was called, the cute and rather short, dark-haired boy jumped up to shake hands with Seongwoo and accidentally knocked over his glass of milk, which ended up in Woojin’s lap.  Without hesitation, the sporadic boy started dabbing up the milk on Woojin’s thighs with a string of apologies, not noticing that the victim’s face was now the color of his scarlet hair.

“And right across from you is the maknae of the show, Lee Woojin, not to be confused with big and now very red Woojin over there.”

Little Woojin was another trainee Seongwoo wanted to squeeze his cheeks because of his potato face, and because Seongwoo was feeling more comfortable with the atmosphere around him, he stood up and leaned across the table to do so.  As Seongwoo was almost face-to-face with cute little Woojin, Jisung added, “Also, the person Woojin is sitting on is my other MMO friend, Kang Daniel.”

 Woojin moved his body out of the way so Seongwoo’s face was only a foot from Daniel’s.  It took Seongwoo a second to register the name and the face with the not so pink hair, and he yelped, flew backwards, and landed -first on the ground, his tray of food covering him from head to foot. 


Multiple hands were grabbing at him, trying to help him up and brush the rice and other articles of food off the shocked boy.  Unfortunately, the curry sauce was smothered all over his black shirt and jacket.  He was pretty sure his face was covered in he didn’t know what, too.

Attempting to hide his face in embarrassment, one of the trainees offered to take him to the bathroom to clean him up, so he followed much obligingly, still not able to see.

The first thing he did was wash his face, especially around his eye area.  Next he took off his jacket and then his shirt.  The cool air bit at his upper body, giving him goose bumps and turning his s hard.  Seongwoo shivered.  He had forgotten there was another person in the room with him until they wrapped their jacket around Seongwoo’s shoulders in an attempt to warm him up. 

Seongwoo’s blood drained from his face as he looked up to find Kang Daniel staring at him through the mirror. 

“T-Thanks,” he managed to slip out.

“It’s nothing!  Are you okay, though?  You landed pretty hard,” Daniel chuckled softly, thinking back to the mishap that occurred not too long ago.

“F-fine,” his voice squeaked.

Oh god.  What was he supposed to do in this kind of situation?  How does he strike up a conversation with his celebrity-like crush?  He never thought he’d meet him so soon!

“Why did you dye your hair?” he hesitantly asked.

“Oh? Hmm.”  Daniel put his fist under his chin in thought.  “I guess I just wanted something different.  Also, it’s not very flattering to be compared to that kakaotalk peach- character.” 

Some of the tension left Seongwoo’s body as he laughed out loud. 

“Have we met before?”  Daniel was still peering at Seongwoo through the mirror since he was still washing his clothes in the sink.

What? Why would he think we’ve ever met?  There’s no way in hell.  He definitely would’ve remembered if that was the case.

“I really don’t think so, why do you ask?”

“I’m not sure, maybe you just look kind of familiar.  I really can’t put my finger on it, though.  But if you say so,” he mused.  “By the way, how old are you?” 

“I’m a 95-liner.  You?”  Seongwoo wanted to palm himself in the face.  Why hadn’t he looked up Daniel’s age before today?  For all he knew, he could have a crush on an 18-year-old, not that Daniel looked even close to that young.

“You’re my hyung!  I was born in ’96.” 

Seongwoo let out a sigh of relief, and was maybe a little too happy about the fact that Daniel was going to call him hyung. 

It didn’t take Seongwoo very long to wash out his things, so the two were back to the cafeteria in no time.  Unfortunately, neither Daniel nor Seongwoo had time to eat because the boys had to leave for their next schedule.

Seongwoo soon found himself in a room, lined up with the other trainees to pick their next song.  They got to pick from Dance, Vocal, or Rap, and Seongwoo would be fourth to pick. 

Jihoon and Samuel were the first two to go.  Seongwoo was seriously taken aback when he realized Jisung was number 3.  He hadn’t really paid attention to his number, but the kid just seemed so… silly.  Seongwoo chuckled at himself for not paying better attention.  He was next.

He knew he wanted Get Ugly, but was surprised both Jihoon and Samuel picked the same song he did.  Seongwoo was both nervous and excited to challenge the two top ranked trainees. 

Jihoon and Samuel both seemed to be a bit of the quiet type, so only ages were arranged by the time the next ranked trainee came in.  It was Daniel.

Seongwoo’s heart was pounding.  Now that he could get a full-frontal view of Daniel, he could tell that he had shed some weight because of his more masculine-defined jawline.  The blonde hair actually suited him really well, framing his face to make it more angular rather than round.  His body frame was as thick and brawny as ever, exactly Seongwoo’s type. 

Seongwoo was too busy drooling over Daniel to realize his crush was heading in his direction, holding his sign out in excitement.  He wasn’t looking at Jihoon or Samuel, but was locking eyes with Seongwoo, trying to show him that he, too, chose Get Ugly. 

Seongwoo’s eyes widened.  He never actually thought about the possibility of being on the same team as Daniel.  There was really just no way?  What a of luck. 

Daniel clapped him on the back as he lined up behind him.  “We’re on the same team, hyung!”

Seongwoo smiled weakly, not sure how he was going to survive the coming weeks. 

The last two boys to join their team was big Woojin and the boy who spilled milk all over the poor kid, who Seongwoo dubbed as Seoppie after he collapsed and made a dying goose noise. 

Once the boys were done recording for the day, Jisung and Daniel walked Seongwoo to the dorms, showing him where he’d be staying.  Luckily, the staff had already dropped his things off in his room.  Jisung explained that Seongwoo would be staying with the other A-ranked trainees, and that there were five to a room. 

“I’m actually not quite sure which room you’ll be staying in, so we’ll have to look around first,” Jisung explained.

When they reached the door to Daniel’s dorm, he bid the two good night.  Seongwoo sighed once he was finally free of Daniel’s presence.  His heart could breathe for the first time since he woke up this morning.

Jisung looked at Seongwoo, having heard his sigh, “Is Daniel really that bad?  First you almost knock yourself out when you first meet him, and now you’re glad to be rid of him.  Tsk Tsk.  Daniel’s a good kid.”  Jisung made a face that was between being silly and serious, and Seongwoo wasn’t sure what it was supposed to mean.

“SEONGWOO!  JISUNG!”  The two boys whipped around as Daniel came yelling and running after them. 

Daniel stopped, hands on his thighs, bent over trying to breathe.  Daniel looked up and breathed out, “Seongwoo hyung.”  Another deep breath.  “He’s in.”  Daniel’s almost wheezing.  “My room.” 

Seongwoo’s eyes widen in disbelief.  No no no no no no.  NO.  Not happening.  Before Seongwoo knew what was happening, Daniel grabbed his hand and dragged him back to his room. 

“Night Jisung,” Daniel remembered to acknowledge his hyung.

Seongwoo looked behind him at Jisung, who looked both shocked and confused at Daniel’s actions.  Soon enough, though, Jisung shrugged and turned around to go to his own room.

They reach their room, and Daniel introduced Seongwoo to his new roomies.

“You already know big Woojin and Jihoon since they’re on our team.  This,” he pointed to a very small boy with round cheeks, “is Sungwoon hyung.  He’s basically a grandpa.” 

“Yah! Daniel!”  Sungwoon playfully complained to his dongsaeng.  Daniel smiled in turn, and Seongwoo couldn’t help but stare.  Something about Daniel’s smile was just so… familiar.  The way his eyes disappeared like a cat’s.  It was cute.

“Your bunk is the empty one across from mine,” Daniel pointed to the bunk on the same wall but across the room from his.

Seongwoo was going to have a heart attack.  Every morning when he’d sit up, he’d see Daniel right across from him.  How surreal. 

“By the way, I sleep talk a lot,” Daniel warned him.

“It’s always in his Busan accent, so you won’t really be able to understand it, anyway,” Woojin spoke up for the first time. 

Seongwoo chuckled, “I’ll look forward to it.  I might actually record it for black mail’s sake,” he teased the big guy. 

Daniel pretended to act offended and pouted, his pink lower lip sticking out, “See if I ever try to be nice to you again.”

“Alright you two, go shower and get ready for bed.  We have to start practicing our new songs tomorrow,” Sungwoon chastised them, although not too serious. 

Seongwoo unpacked, showered, and finally tucked himself into bed.  Looking at his phone for the first time that day, he realized he had a message from Euigeon. 

“I hope you had a good day!  I hope to meet up sometime soon! J

Seongwoo texted him back.

“Thanks you too!  I’m actually free Friday night for a couple of hours, does that work for you?”

Seongwoo wasn’t expecting to get a reply so soon.

“That actually works out perfectly for me!  Time and place?  You choose!”

“Yah!  Phones down and go to bed!  I can see the lights from here!” Sungwoon hyung sleepily scolded.

“One more minute!” both Seongwoo and Daniel chorused.

Seongwoo sat up to see Daniel staring at him, too.  They both chortled and lied back down.  Seongwoo hurriedly texted Euigeon back.

“How about Wings Over?  Around 10pm?  I hope you like chicken?”

Not a second later he texted back.

“Perfect!  Love chicken!  See you there!  Good night! :3”

Well that was fast, Seongwoo thought.  It’s fine because he had to put up his phone, anyway, or else his hyung would really throw a fit. 

Setting his phone aside, Seongwoo easily drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day’s events.

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nana0415 #1
Chapter 4: Please update..I really like this story^^
fymeanie #2
InGukiiieee #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon. ;)
InGukiiieee #4
Chapter 4: Hello from the other sideeeeee. Please update soon authornim xD
InGukiiieee #5
Chapter 4: Please update soon. Imma spam this comment section HAHAHAHA
Kaisoo546 #6
Chapter 4: Love this soooo much! So I hope you update soon!!
InGukiiieee #7
Chapter 4: Please updateeee
InGukiiieee #8
Chapter 4: Please update soon ;)
ayame-noel #9
Chapter 4: I really love this story!!
InGukiiieee #10
Chapter 4: Please updateu hehehe