Bonus Material



Starting date: December 30th, 2011
Ending date: April 8th, 2012
Pages in MS Word: 39
Words: 17,752


Q: Why not SeulYeol?
A: Well, I made it pretty clear that they were just friends, and I never had the intention of changing that, so SeulYeol never happened. I like SeulJong better, anyway. 8P

Q: Why did you have to separate HyoDong? Why HyoYeol?
A: She just realized that it wasn't going to work out unless they eloped, and she couldn't selfishly turn her back on all the people and things she stands for and cares about for the sake of one person, nor did she want Dongwoo to do the same for her she found someone who wouldn't ask her to do something like that. I'm as sad as anyone that the HyoDong couple went bye-bye. Realism trumps romance this time, I'm afraid. *sigh*

Q: What happened to Dongwoo?
A: Dongwoo’s a resilient person. He failed in love once, but he’s not doomed to be forever alone. He’ll find his special someone, eventually. I just didn’t think it was important enough to the story to write about since it was supposed to focus on the three girls.

Q: What about Myungsoo?
A: Again, I didn’t feel like his happy ending was central to the plot, so I didn’t write about it. I’d like to think that he ended up with a long-, wavy-haired noblewoman who can humor him and see past his looks.

Random facts:

I hadn’t thought about what would happen to the king’s love life when I started this, but I thought it made sense to pair him up with someone for the reasons already mentioned in the story.

Having Hyora end up with Sungyeol was something I thought of later on. The original plan didn’t involve her getting together with anyone. Not that she’d never love again or marry, of course, just that it wouldn’t be explicitly stated who she ended up with.

The king’s lack of a name up until near the end was one of those dumb things I did as an author. In my head I had this idea that the king was given a title and name other than his given name when he ascends the throne (that’s how it was for the emperors of China). In addition, the vast majority of the commoners wouldn’t know the names of the royal family in the first place because they were so distant from the capital and royal family both physically and functionally. That would explain why nobody knew his actual name (Woohyun), but I just never worked it into either Locomotion or this…if I rewrite them, I’ll definitely fix that.

Again, thanks for reading! :)

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TheHotDog #1
Chapter 17: omg, seulhee i love her ;o
i like the seuljong couple too! ^0^
Ah very nice, but now I have to re-read Locomotion so I can understand it (I think I rushed it the last time I read it) XD
honeybee #3
It's a happy ending for everyone muhu :'3 it's been a while since you last updated but when you do, you completed it! Lol. Thanks for writing this!! You know i love you, right? Keke^^
li_chunei #4
YAY! One WIP complete out of... a lot!
I love how you always give your OCs strong personalities. Screams feminism. (8 ..Can we pair Myungwoo since they didn't get girls? :c

Pssst. Now you should work on Psyche... :x
littlelamb86 #5
i agree what happen to dongwoo...
Rianne2580 #6
But poor baby dongwoo and myungsoo :(
excited!! <3 woo~~~!!! <3
Rianne2580 #7
YES! <3
doublehamburg #8
Justice served with a side of understanding Howon. :D U create wonders author-nim.
Rianne2580 #9
Wait. So that means it's Sungjong and Seulhee... :O
Okay now time to work out Hyora and Jaesun's mess... :O