Hyora: Duty Calls - Part 3



Now that Dongwoo was out of the picture for good, Hyora spent a lot more time with Sungyeol. He didn’t have much time to spare since he was busy with his preparations for the conspiracy, but whatever free time he had, he often spent with her. She hadn’t even asked, yet here he was trying to fill the gap that Dongwoo left. At the same time, he didn’t try to usurp the Dongwoo’s place, and she appreciated that.

It didn’t take very long for the pain to die away. Perhaps it was because she hadn’t loved him so much after all, a thought that bothered Hyora for a while. Or perhaps it was because her heart had finally accepted what her mind had told her from the beginning. Either way, it meant she could go through her days in relative peace. Although their love had ended in failure, Dongwoo had forgiven her for her betrayal, and she had forgiven herself, and that was what mattered.


The day of the Fesitval of Lilies was a lonely one for Hyora. Her twin was spending it with Jaesun, of course. Sungyeol had gone off wandering around the capital to amuse himself or something like that. She suspected he was looking for an excuse to see Seulhee, who would have off from duties at the palace for the holiday.

In past years, she had received lilies from a few boys here and there. She’d only ever accepted them because she had felt flattered that they’d liked her, but she’d never received one from anyone she’d really loved. A small voice told her that Dongwoo would have given her one, but she knew that was in the past and a moot point now.

At the end of the day, she went to visit Sungyeol in his dorm. She wasn’t sure when he would get back, but she got lucky, and he was in. There was a small vase with a lily sitting in it on his desk.

“Did Seulhee give that to you?” she asked, pointing. Come to think of it, Sungyeol had probably spent many years with Seulhee on this holiday.

“That? No. Seulhee spent most of the day with Sungjong. They got lilies for each other.” If Hyora recalled correctly Sungjong, was one of the conspiracy members, and he was stationed in the palace. “I bought that.”

“For?” She couldn’t remember Sungyeol ever being friendly with many girls. Although there were a few who seemed to find him attractive ever since Hyora had helped break down the barrier between him and the other nobles, he hadn’t ever gotten close to any of them, preferring to stick to the people who really valued him for who he was, without prejudice.

Sungyeol lifted the vase and held it out to her. “You.”

“Me?” She gaped.

“I figured having something pretty in your room would cheer you up a bit. Plus, who else is going to give you one?”

“What are you implying?” Even though she sounded annoyed, on the inside, she was glad her friend had done this.

He grinned. “Nothing. Are you going to accept it and thank me or what?”

“Sure, sure.” She took the vase from him. “Thank you.”

He was standing up now, his arms crossed. “That’s it?”

“What else do you want?” she demanded.

“That just didn’t sound very sincere.”

She sighed and walked over to set the flower down on his desk so she could give him a hug.

“That’s more like it,” he chuckled.

With her arms around his torso, Hyora suddenly remembered the night she had slept in Sungyeol’s bed. The memory caused her to flush. She hadn’t really been thinking. She had only been seeking solace, her emotions in a wreck.

“You can let go now,” Sungyeol said, sounding amused.

She realized she’d been holding onto him longer than necessary since she’d been lost in thought. Quickly, she dropped her arms. “Sorry.” Grabbing the flower, she hurried out of the room.


The day finally arrived to reclaim the palace. She wished Sungyeol luck and joined her brother. The two of them would be at the back of the group, waiting for the fighting to be over, while their friend would be on the front line, taking down the wards and barriers and obstacles that barred them from entry into the castle—whether spells or soldiers or mages.

The fighting didn’t seem to last all that long, and it was over without too much of a struggle. The council had grown complacent in their positions. They hadn’t anticipated the attack at all.

Despite this, there were plenty of wounded. The mages who had engaged in battle were mostly too worn down to do much of anything, so the healing fell to Hyora, Hoya, and some less powerful mages. They rearranged a hall of the palace to accommodate these people. Sungyeol wasn’t injured, so he was told to use one of the neighboring rooms to rest. Rest was all he really needed.

Seulhee came looking for Sungyeol, something that surprised Hyora. She had expected the girl to escape to safety once her part was done. She redirected her to the right place and returned to her toils.

Her magical education had mostly consisted of things she could do for herself. She had never received extensive training in healing before, so it was a learning experience.

When she was finally done, she decided to check up on Sungyeol. She found him lying across several chairs, sleeping, in the neighboring room.

She walked over to his side, and he stirred. “Oh, hello there,” he mumbled, almost incoherent.

“Comfortable?” she teased. “I’m surprised you haven’t rolled off of those chairs.”

“I’ve been trying not to,” he replied. Even in his tired state, he was still amiable. He sat up and swung his legs to the ground.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”Hyora asked. “Shouldn’t you lie down some more?”

“I’m not that fragile, okay? No need to make a fuss.”

“I’m your friend, of course I’d be worried,” she protested, sitting down beside him.

“Worried enough to come warm my bed for me tonight?” he asked, raising a brow.

“What!” Her face flushed. He was referring to that one incident, of course. “Please just shut up. That’s not funny.”

“But I’m not even completely joking.” He was gazing at her with an intensity that sent a slight shiver down her spine. He’d never looked at her like this before. Had she missed something?

His face drew nearer to hers, and she found herself leaning in as well, and his lips brushed over hers, lightly. He was shaking a little, most likely from his exhaustion, but that didn’t seem to deter him. As they kissed, he laid back on the chairs, pulling her down with him so that she was resting on top of him.

However, it was uncomfortable, and eventually the two of them broke apart, laughing. Once their laughter died away, an awkward atmosphere descended on them, and Hyora left the room, calling over her shoulder that Sungyeol should rest more.

Even when she’d gotten far away, though, she could still feel her heart racing.
Uh, so I know some of you ship SeulYeol, but please don't judge Hyora too harshly, OTL. The passage of time is sped up in this, so she seems a little bit fickle/quick to change her feelings, but that's not the intent...>.<
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TheHotDog #1
Chapter 17: omg, seulhee i love her ;o
i like the seuljong couple too! ^0^
Ah very nice, but now I have to re-read Locomotion so I can understand it (I think I rushed it the last time I read it) XD
honeybee #3
It's a happy ending for everyone muhu :'3 it's been a while since you last updated but when you do, you completed it! Lol. Thanks for writing this!! You know i love you, right? Keke^^
li_chunei #4
YAY! One WIP complete out of... a lot!
I love how you always give your OCs strong personalities. Screams feminism. (8 ..Can we pair Myungwoo since they didn't get girls? :c

Pssst. Now you should work on Psyche... :x
littlelamb86 #5
i agree what happen to dongwoo...
Rianne2580 #6
But poor baby dongwoo and myungsoo :(
excited!! <3 woo~~~!!! <3
Rianne2580 #7
YES! <3
doublehamburg #8
Justice served with a side of understanding Howon. :D U create wonders author-nim.
Rianne2580 #9
Wait. So that means it's Sungjong and Seulhee... :O
Okay now time to work out Hyora and Jaesun's mess... :O