Part 2

The Night Holds Secrets (twoshot)


Yoseob hands you a bowl of steaming soup as you curl your feet under you. He insisted on cooking for you though you had refused several times. He had spent a few hours talking to you and you were starting to grow more comfortable around him, even if he did seem a little strange. But hey, he was a complete stranger; that was to be expected.

You also find it a bit odd that he doesn’t eat anything himself, just watches you as you slowly sip the soup. You find yourself blushing under his gaze and you quickly curse your actions. What are you doing, pabo? It’s not like you have a crush on this guy.

Your mind was right; you didn’t have a crush on him. It felt more like he was your soulmate, the person you were fated to be with. There was a magnetic pull betweens the two of you, making you long to wrap your arms around him and have him bury his face in your hair-

You’re shocked by your own thoughts. You barely knew this guy. No matter what “attraction” you had weaved into your thoughts, you had to slow down. You were moving way too fast for yourself.

“Thank you for the food Yoseob. Aren’t you hungry? You should eat something.” He gives you a warm smile and shakes his head as you set down the bowl on the table in front of you. “No, I’m fine. But thank you for worrying about me.” He winks at you and you blush, staring down into the bowl. Yoseob suddenly grabs your chin tilting your head up. You stare into his golden eyes, surprised.

“You’ve got something…on your lip.” You quickly swipe your hand across your mouth, embarrassed. He stops your hand with lightning quick speed and his voice sounds strained, as if he’s holding himself back. “Let me get it.”

With that, he crashes his lips against yours. You freeze, his fingers bushing your chin and holding you in place. You slowly melt, responding back with a ferocity you didn’t think you contained. You lose yourself into the kiss until suddenly his teeth brush your lip. They’re so sharp they almost cut your lip wide open. You gasp and pull away in surprise, touching your lip gently with your fingers. Yoseob meets your eyes with his and you let out yet another gasp.

His golden eyes have darkened to a deep black. Something dangerous lurks in them and it sends a shiver down your spine. “Yoseob…what-” Your cut off by his voice. It changes from sweet and soft to husky and ferocious in a matter of seconds.

“Have you ever felt like you were meant for a person and they had to be yours? Like they were your soulmate?” Your eyes widen as his words mirror your earlier thoughts. I was like he was reading your mind. “I felt that way when I first saw you; which, may not come as a surprise, was not tonight. I saw you a few weeks ago when you were walking home from work one day. I followed you and instantly fell for you; I noticed how lonely you were, living alone, and I knew I had to wipe that frown off of your face.” His breath hovers over your face and your heartbeat quickens. “You were mine.”

He smiles bitterly before he speaks again. “And I think you should know something before I do something I regret. I’m dangerous for you, ______. But I don’t care. You’re my other half, I can feel it.” He brings your hand up to his chest and you feel his heart fluttering beneath his cold skin. “Yoseob, what…what are you?” Your voice comes out breathy and curious. He looks shocked for a moment but it quickly fizzles out. He gives you a grin and his canine teeth protrude dangerously. “Take a guess.”

You know it immediately; it’s been obvious all along. So why aren’t you scared? Something, no, someone, you thought was only a fairytale, a nightmare, was real. Why were you just sitting here in his clutches, letting him kiss you?

Because you knew he wouldn’t hurt you. He was, as you knew deep in your heart, your soulmate.

“You’re a vampire.” He nods carefully. You watch his eyes drift down your face and rest on your neck. “You must know I’m an animal. That I drink blood. So why aren’t scared of me?” His voice is soft and sad. You give him a small smile. “Because I can feel it too. We’re meant for each other.”

He grins widely, fangs showing. “You don’t know how happy it makes me feel to hear you say that, _____.” He meets your lips again and you gladly wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Sparks jump back and forth between your skin as you tangle your fingers in his hair, sighing as he breaks away. His lips ghost over your jaw until they reach your collarbone. You feel your heartbeat in your throat; however, you’re not scared. You’re excited.

He brushes a kiss on the side of your neck and pauses, breathing in deeply. You know he’s asking the unspoken question that hangs in the air. You nod slightly. “Go ahead,” you whisper, and he brushes your neck again, this time his teeth grazing your skin. You close your eyes as they puncture lightly, the feeling coursing through every nerve and vein under your skin.

You sigh contently, humming a soft noise of ecstasy. Yoseob grins against your neck and pulls away, his bottom lip stained red. He tugs you closer to him and folds you into the gentlest hug you’ve ever received. The wound on your neck pulses slightly and he brushes it softly with his fingertips. His eyes have faded back to their soft gold and he smiles before speaking.

“Is it too soon to say I love you?”


that's the end of my twoshot :D i hope you all enjoy!

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Chapter 2: okay. so, i clicked for a random story, and BOOM. this awesome one shot comes up. ehhh kyeoptaaa~
i really, really lke this one^^
good job :D
Ekysdj #2
Chapter 2: can yiu please make a sequel for this?? i'm totally in love with story ><
It was good. I like it. :)
wait what! I want more! I like it!!!
wow, never imagined sobbie as a vampire before! i really liked it!
Easter #7
Eeeekkk!!! Cute!!! Yoseob seems kinda... Scary O.o
But its a y kind of scary... XP
YangyoLuv #8
Awesome! I totally love it when Yoseob is the vampire! He became so hot and OMGod~ *heart melting*