Part 1

The Night Holds Secrets (twoshot)


The night is dark as you wave goodbye to your friend. It’s not very late, but considering it is almost winter, the days have grown considerably shorter with a certain chill to them. You pull your jacket tighter around you and fix your scarf. It was a long walk, but it sure was going to be a cold one.

You take a left as you leave her street and freeze when you hear rustling in the trees beside you. There’s no wind to flutter the leaves so it has to be and animal. You watch the branches curiously for a moment before sighing and beginning your walk again. You were just being paranoid.

Barely even ten seconds later, you hear footsteps behind you. You spin around but there’s no one there. You feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up and you shiver. There was definitely someone out here, and whoever it was, they were giving you the creeps. You start to walk faster, keeping your head down. Suddenly you collide with someone as you crash to the ground. You groan in pain as you clutch your arm, feeling blood well up at the cut skin.

“Are you alright?” The voice is melodic. It takes your breath away. You look up to meet the eyes of the most beautiful guy you’ve ever seen. His dark locks fall in his eyes as he extends a porcelain white hand to help you up. You shakily take it and he tugs you effortlessly to your feet, a small smile spreading across his perfectly shaped lips.

Once you’re standing you get a better look at him. He dressed in black from head to toe, and if it wasn’t for his angelic features and gorgeous voice you would’ve been frightened of him. He wears cuffs of spikes and leather around his wrist and small chains hang in loops from his black jeans. But his flawless face and sweet smile soften the entire appearance until the style looks completely natural on him. He gives you a wide grin and you feel your heart melt under his gaze.

You gulp nervously. There was something odd about this guy.

You try to say that you’re fine but you wince as you move your arm. He grabs it quickly, surprising you. His fingertips are ice cold as they drift softly along your skin. Something flashes in his eyes when he catches sight of the blood on your arm; you can’t quite place the emotion you see, but it makes your heartbeat quicken its pace.

He intertwines your fingers and starts to pull you in the opposite direction. “Wait, where are you taking me? Hey, stop!” You start to panic as his iron grip remains steady. He may be tiny but he sure was strong. “I’m taking you back to my house so I can clean up your cut. It’s my fault you got hurt.” No way were you going to this guy’s house. You didn’t even know his name!

But you couldn’t deny the strange, magnetic attraction that you felt the moment you met his eyes. Something you had never felt before in your entire life. You didn’t know what it was about this guy, but it had your head reeling. You fight against his grasp again anyway, knowing that no matter what attraction you felt to him, going to his house probably wasn’t the best idea.

He spins around suddenly and your body hits his. He holds you in place, not making any move to put more space between the two of you as he speaks. “I won’t hurt you, I just want to help you. I promise.” His voice sounds sweet. He links his pinky with yours and squeezes tightly, making butterflies appear in your timid stomach. “My name is Yoseob; what’s yours?”

You can barely choke out a single word when you’re pressed this close to his body. “_____.” He smiles widely. “I like that name.” In a second he’s pulling you behind him again, his grasp strong but gentle, and you stumble helplessly after him. Yoseob stops in front of a huge, beautiful house and hurries up to the door, unlocking it in a second with one hand. You stare in awe at the beautiful home; leave it to such a beautiful boy to have a matching house.

He sits you down inside on the couch and you clutch your bloody elbow as he leaves the room. You stare around you in wonder at the dark room. He really did have a liking for darkness.

Yoseob returns a moment later with a first aid kit in hand. He crouches down before you and takes your arm gingerly in his hands, treating you as if you were breakable. Though the light in the room isn’t much better than the light outside, you notice something strange that you hadn’t seen before in his face. His eyes are the hue of soft spun gold. You gasp quietly and he looks up to make sure he didn’t hurt you. You give him a shaky smile and he returns to peering at your arm after returning your smile.

Yoseob eyes the blood nervously. Maybe he’s squeamish, you think as he takes a deep shuddering breath and begins to clean the wound. He looks like he’s in more pain than you. The medicine stings lightly and you flinch. He apologizes before wrapping a bandage slowly around your arm, taking care not to wrap it too tight or too loose. You flex your arm carefully and find the pain considerably lessened.

“Thank you,” You say with a smile. “You’ve been very kind. I should be going now though.” A conflicted look flashes across his face and he frowns. When his eyes meet yours, you swear you can feel an electric current pulsing through your veins.

“Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” He keeps his golden orbs trained on you, your thoughts miles away. Strangely, you can’t seem to think of a way to say no.

“Maybe just a little while longer.”

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Chapter 2: okay. so, i clicked for a random story, and BOOM. this awesome one shot comes up. ehhh kyeoptaaa~
i really, really lke this one^^
good job :D
Ekysdj #2
Chapter 2: can yiu please make a sequel for this?? i'm totally in love with story ><
It was good. I like it. :)
wait what! I want more! I like it!!!
wow, never imagined sobbie as a vampire before! i really liked it!
Easter #7
Eeeekkk!!! Cute!!! Yoseob seems kinda... Scary O.o
But its a y kind of scary... XP
YangyoLuv #8
Awesome! I totally love it when Yoseob is the vampire! He became so hot and OMGod~ *heart melting*