If It Wasn't You

ahhh so slow at updating! i m so sorry D: < my busy life is starting really soon ><" when school starts the only day i have free is a wednesday afternoon TT. also!! amy sama had her first dance lesson today :DD it was actually suppose to be girls kpop but then they were preparing for something so i chimed into hip hop class instead but it was awesome as well <3.

also yesterday... one of my work friends after her shift she was waiting for her boyfriend along with one of the other work friend :3 then i decided to join them, well my plan was to wait for my crush to finish his shift~ n then my friends boyfriend finally came out, then it was like 9 30 so i kinda had to go. After when i was on the train a text came from a number i didn't have on my phone saying 'Thank u for waiting, Judy told me ahahah' lol... ahh my reply was 'whose this' ~~~i know he knows i know it was him ahh idk what to do TT fhkjdashgakj

lol Enjoy reading!!!


We snuck out of school from the side gate, hopefully the people after Woohyun still haven't found us. After a short walk he put me back down. I stared at the house before us while Woohyun searched for some in his bag. He took out a pair of keys and unlocked the gate. I limped after him as he went to open the door.
"Well welcome to my home~" He said moving to the side so i could get in.
I stared at the living room in amazement... I was expecting something like a messy apartment but this was actually really clean.
"Sit" He said as he went off somewhere after closing the door.
I limped over and sat on the white couch. I my fingers across the leather material... It was so pretty.
Woohyun came back with two cups of coke and handed one to me. I looked at his feet, he wasn't wearing his shoes.
"Ahh... Mianhe" I quickly took off mine.
He looked at me from the corner of his eye, and stopped sipping on his drink.
"It's okay, you are just going to have to clean the floor for me later."
"What!? I'm injured!"
He laughed at my response and patted my head. "I'm joking, take of your socks as well."
I did as told, my feet were cold against the tiles but it felt nice. He sat on the floor and put some weird cream on my ankle. It was kind of irritating since it kept tingling.
"Where's your mum?" I asked out if curiosity.
There was a long pause before Woohyun answered. "I don't have one..."
"... Shouldn't of asked" I thought and swallowed. "Mianhe..."
"Don't worry... It's been so long since she's gone i can't even remember her face..."
I could tell from his eyes that he was lying... I had to change quickly change the topic before it got anymore awkward.
"You know you're the first guy to touch my feet apart from my parents and brother..." My face blushed light pink.
I heard Woohyun chuckle, after he was done with my ankle he sat on the couch opposite to me.
"That's cause no one cares about you" He joked.
I shot him a glare and bend forward to touch my ankle that was still tingling. Omma's necklace slipped out from under my jacket. Suddenly Woohyun got up and stood in front of me. I looked up at his while still touching my ankle, he had a strangely serious face.
"That necklace..."
I sat back up straight and held onto the necklace.
"Someone i knew had the same one..." Woohyun's serious tone sort of scared me. We stared at each other silently. There was definitely something between this... Oppa and Woohyun definitely knew each other. Suddenly my phone rang, i sighed with relief. 

"Yah, buy me a americo when you come back." Sungyeol demanded through the phone
"What bu-" I heard the line beep and took a look at the phone.
"... hang up on me" I mumbled.
"Do you need to go?" Woohyun asked awkwardly.
"Yeah" I said putting my socks and shoes back on. "Thank for the drink"
"Want me to take you back?"
"Na I'm fine" It was best that Woohyun didn't find out where I lived. I limped slightly to the door.
"I got to go and get my brother a cup of americo, i had fun today bye" I quickly hurried out, Woohyun still had that serious expression on his face. 

"Woohyun knows Sungyeol and omma... What is going on." I mumbled to myself. I sighed an looked up, the street sign was in front of me. "At least i know where he lives now..."


"Oppa you know I'm broke now cause of your stupid americo." I complained as i closed the front door with the drink in mu hand.
"I'll pay you later~" Sungyeol replied taking the drink from me.
He took a sip out of it while i took off my jacket releasing my wings. I rubbed the left one lightly, it still hurt a bit from getting smashed against the gate earlier today.
"So you know where he lives now" Sungyeol put down his drink on the couch arm.
"Go get it tonight"
I stopped what i was doing and stared at Sungyeol with a shocked face.
"Huh?" He asked.
"No no no wait"
I sat down on the couch and scratched my neck. "What's the relationship between you two?"
"You and Nam Woohyun" I raised my voice slightly.
"We don't have any."
"STOP HIDING THINGS FROM ME!" I couldn't take it anymore, I've actually been wanting to say this for ages. "Woohyun knows someone with omma's necklace... He knows someone called Sungyeol..."
"Are we going to take revenge or what?"
"If you won't tell me then I won't"
"I'll tell you after you come back."
"You better... Or else you're so ed..." I hope that was threatening enough. With a sigh i went upstairs to take a shower and prepare for the hunt tonight.


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