If It Wasn't You

i think this fic will only have like 10 chapters or less o.o"

oh welllllllllllssssssssss~~~~~~~~ teehee :333333333333333 I also brought my teen top it's album a few days ago! it's sooo awesomeeeeeeeee <33 and chunji is creeping up my biased list at a scary pace :s

anyways enjoy the second update! ima go change my dp so i can show off my new hair n color then i ll go on facebook to see if i can stalk someone muhahahha~~~ XDD


I quickly hurried to school the next morning. Sungyeol was teaching me all these ways of defending myself if a guy tries to hit on me, i doubt his ways are even helpful... His huge as speech took the whole morning almost making me late. When i arrived at school, the place was empty except a couple of rebels... Looks like i was late after all. 

"Yah, new chick!" Someone called out as i walked towards the school gates.
I turned to the direction of the voice, three of those rebel guys approached me. Something in the air made me feel uneasy, I stood in front of the gates facing them while clenching onto my bag. They looked more like retards to me than gangster or whatever they were. The three of them stood in front of me, the middle one puffed on his cigarette while the other two stared at me from head to toe.
"You should know the rules here newbie." Said the blonde one on the left.
"Yeah, greet our boss when you come to school." Said the one on the right, he made a gesture and pointed to the guy smoking.
I furrowed my eyebrows, I was right they were retards... "Hi..."
Their leader chucked his cig on the ground and blew the smoke out of his nose. The smell was extremely strong, i held onto my breath.
"Lunch money girly."
I spaced out for a second
"Or you can spend a night with us." The blonde one added in.
I snorted, "Retards..." I mumbled to myself.
it seemed like he heard me, before i could react one of them pushed me making my back hit the gate. I winced as my wings suddenly felt the impact. I tried to get away from the gate but then their boss held onto my collar pushing me against it.
"What did you say to me?" I could smell his smoky breath.
I reached for my knife which was in the pocket of my jacket, my hand shook wildly with pain. The tears were hanging on the edge of my eyes.
I closed my eyes as i swallowed my scream, a wind blow against my face. Their boss let go of me, i fell onto the ground on my knees.
Woohyun stood before me, their boss was on the ground holding onto his face. I held my shoulder as i waited for the pain to go away.
"Yah, if you want to hurt my girlfriend you have to go through me first." Woohyun said pointing at the three guy. "Thanks..." I mumbled softly.
"THERE HE IS!" Someone shouted, i sort of had a feeling who it was.
I looked in the direction of the voice, ahh... The three guys from yesterday. Woohyun helped me up from the ground, my face was slightly pale. He looked at me with a worried face then held onto my wrist pulling me behind him as he started to run. For a second i forgot about the pain on my wings.
He let go of my hand after a while, to be honest i didn't want him to. Woohyun turned the corner, i was right behind him. Suddenly my feet slipped on the sandy surface. He stopped and came back to me. I took his hand and he pulled me off the ground, for some reason i couldn't stand properly but i didn't want to tell him.
"You okay?"
I forced a smile and nodded. I took a step, it hurt more than i thought. I bit my lip. Woohyun stared at me blankly then sighed. He faced his back to me and squatted a little.
"Get on you can't walk like that" He said demandingly.
I hesitated but in the end i went on his back. I can't remember the last time i was piggybacked by a guy...
"Mianhe..." I whispered as i rested my head on his shoulder.
He chuckled but didn't say anything. I felt kinda embaressed since my body was pressed on his back with my arms around his neck.
After a while of piggybacking me he sat me down on a bench somewhere in the school. He started to take off my shoe, i didn't know how to react. I winced as he slowly turned my feet.
"You know i wasn't going to come to school today cause i knew they would be after me."
"Then why did you?" I asked, it wasn't as painful now.
"Cause my clumsy friend would be alone."
I pouted... I'm not actually clumsy...
"Whoever said i was your girlfriend...?" I suddenly asked
He gave me back my shoe and laughed as i put it on.
"I said it so they would back away."
I nodded in understand somehow i felt a tint bit of disappointment.
"How far is your house from here?"
"20minutes, why?"
"Ahh... Never mind." He gestured me to get onto his back again.
"What why?" I declined since i wasn't exactly light. "I can walk"
"Just get on, i don't want to take responsibility if your ankle gets worse." He said in a joking way. 

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