



Me: KyuHyun oppa -closes eyes- Mianhe... 

I whispered to the surrounding areas around me.

Unfortunately, no one replied.

I took out my keys out of my pockets and then entered the house. I went to take a quick shower and then got dressed in my home clothes.  Then I went to the kitchen and boiled some water for my cup noodles while ruffling my wet hair with a towel. When the water was ready I poured it into the cup of raw noodles and sat down behind the coffee table leaning on the couch.

As I was eating I was retracing every moment I had with Kyuhyun and realised how caring and loving he has been to me since young and how much I have hurt him about Donghae.

I decided to call up Kyuhyun oppa to see if he was home yet and to talk.

Kyuhyun POV

I got home and took a warm shower. I then went to the Kitchen and ate some of the food that was left from Dinner. Deciding whether or not  to call ________ my phone suddenly rang.

*ring ring ring ring*


_______:oh….Kyuhyun oppa….anyeong…

Kyuhyun: oh….________-ah……

_______: ne…oppa……have you arrived home yet?

Kyuhyun: ne

_______:oh….okay….i just wanted to know if you’ve safely arrived yet and also …..i….i-I wanted to talk.

Kyuhyun:ah….chicha?(really?) so…um……what do you want to talk about?

________: um…nothing much…..just anything……um….have you had dinner yet?

Kyuhyun:_______-ah I know what you want to talk about……..*walks back to own room* I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have confessed…….i was just being selfish……because of my pain I had to say it but I never thought about your feelings……

________: anio oppa….gwenchana….it’s just that…..i was retracing everything that has happened between us and I realised how protective and caring you were to me……and thinking that ive hurt you so much because of Donghae oppa…..i feel very apologetic and guilty…..chongmal Mianhe……..i just got confused…..

Kyuhyun: anio……_______-ah , its all my fault…..if I didn’t confess and be selfish you wouldn’t be confused……I’m sorry………but we are still friends right? As long as you don’t make it so hard for me….i will be fine….just remember that im always there for you when you need someone or a shoulder to lean on…alright?

________:ne…….kumowo oppa….annyeong

Kyuhyun:Annyeong ________-ah jaljayo

___________________________________________________________________________________________________Please comment and rate our story so far out of ten? We need to know how well were doing...and also some ideas that you would like to be includded in the future of the story....thank you!

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 70: Awesome.... I really love this
Norhane #2
Chapter 70: I really enjoyed it nice story
Chapter 70: It's so good! Congrats Author-nim!
lulu88 #4
Chapter 69: The best title for this chapter for sure is missed wow :)
Thank you for publishing this story and I hope the next one would be out soon ^^
Chapter 6: I hate that feeling being in kyu's shoes!!! So sad!!
Chapter 1: First sad chapter! Omg I need to catch up alot!
lulu88 #7
Chapter 68: welcome baaaaack :D
This little girl is soooooooo cute , I love her :)
It's good that that crazy fan didn't make more trouble
lulu88 #8
Chapter 67: Long time no update , but it worth the waiting , nice chapter and cute family~~~~ :D
ReinaPark #9
Chapter 66: awesomee... i really love your story....

wait for the next chap..
xXMinYoungXx #10
I love your story, author-nim! <3 I never get tired to re-reading your fanfics! Fighting! Can't wait for the next chapter!!