Chapter 6

The Neglected Twin

Since that day, Kangin stopped trying to befriend him. Kangin doesn’t pay attention to Sungmin anymore.


A week passed by. One afternoon Sunny came home looking sad and crying. When their parents asked about it, Sunny said. “Kangin broke up with me.”


Sungmin was curious. Didn’t Kangin love Sunny? Or did he find someone else? As much as he wanted some answers, he just couldn’t approach Kangin and demand them. Besides, it was none of his business and he was supposed to stay away. Kangin was angry at him anyway.


But then, the very next  day, Kangin appeared at their doorstep.


“Kangin!” Sunny squealed in delight as the sight of his ex-boyfriend. She was expecting for Kangin to apologize and fix their relationship so they could become a couple again.


Too bad for Sunny. “Sorry, Sunny but I came here for Sungmin.” Kangin apologized as he quickly came in, grabbed Sungmin’s arm and dragged him outside.


Sunny felt a mix of disappointment and confusion but more of disappointment. Sungmin was just plain confused but he allowed Kangin to drag him outside until they arrived in a grocery store. Kangin bought a dozen of beer and some junkfood before dragging Sungmin outside again. They eventually ended up on top of the mountain.


As Sungmin looked down, it was very high and his knees started to shake in fear. How was he suppose to go down again? But as he looked up, he saw the beautiful view of the city and the cool fresh wind hit his face.


“Let’s have a drink.” Kangin said as he a can of beer in Sungmin’s hand. He used the large root of the tree as a chair and sat on it. He placed the rest of the beer and junk foods on the ground before him.


Sungmin sat on the large root beside Kangin, opened his can of beer and drank it slowly. His eyes were glancing sideways and looking at how Kangin was drinking fast and in large gulps. “Did you just bring me here so that we could drink together and get drunk?”


“That’s the idea.” Kangin took some potato chips and placed it in his mouth.


“Isn’t it dangerous to be drunk on a mountain? What if one of us decides to roll down the mountain or jump off?”


Kangin laughed and patted Sungmin’s back. “You’re quite a funny guy! Hahahaha!!!” He took a few more gulps of his beer before saying. “But then again the fake Sunny was pretty funny too. Do you want to know why I broke up with the real Sunny?”


Sungmin wasn’t sure if he really wanted to hear the answer. His heart was beating fast as if it would jump out any moment now. “…why?”

“When Sunny and I became an official couple, I knew there was something different but I brushed off that feeling. But as the days passed by, that feeling got stronger. That feeling was saying that there was something wrong about this and that Sunny was acting differently before we became a couple. I thought that maybe Sunny was just adjusting with our new relationship.”


Sungmin listened intently to Kangin while Kangin would pause every now and then to drink his beer.


“Then I found out that there was a fake Sunny. I felt hurt, betrayed and confused. Before I met the fake Sunny, I really did like the real Sunny but after I met the fake Sunny, I really liked the fake Sunny more. But everything about her is fake. That’s why I can’t help but feel depressed right now.”


Sungmin decides that he also really needs beer right now so he also drank a lot. “Don’t be depressed over the fake Sunny. She doesn’t deserve you. You deserve someone better.”


“I thought that she really loved me but now, I’m not so sure. Did she really love me?”


“Kangin, just forget about the fake Sunny okay?”


“How can I just forget about my first love?”  


Sungmin sighed. His finger was tracing the scar on his cheek. The reason why the scar existed was so that he couldn’t pretend to be Sunny anymore. “The fake Sunny no longer exists.”


“But Sungmin exists and I want to know if he really loved me.”


Sungmin looked at Kangin in surprise because for once, it was finally directed to Sungmin and not to the fake Sunny.


“While the fake Sunny showed that she loved me, the Sungmin I know acts mean, cold and pushes me away because he doesn’t accept or need my friendship. I really don’t know what you’re thinking or what’s going on inside that brain of yours so I need you to tell me.”


Sungmin couldn’t think clearly. He knew that the beer was messing with his head. He wondered who leaned closer because Kangin’s face was suddenly so damn close and he could smell the beer from Kangin’s breath.


“Why does it matter to you whether I really loved you or not?”


“To know what to do next.”


“What do you plan to do next?”


“It’s either to kiss you or jump off this mountain. Depends on your answer.”


Sungmin didn’t answer. He just simply closed the gap in between them and let their lips meet with each other.


End of Chapter 6

A/N:  I think it's the longest chapter I've ever placed in here~ Hehehe. Hope you enjoyed this and don't forget to comment ^^

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sjmunchkin #1
Chapter 13: "Yeah, i do", aww you really got your way to my heart kanginnie...
Chapter 13: waah this was so amazing!! i really like how it ended!!
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 13: Kyaaa I love it you have me almost lost for words adore the story
Chapter 13: Chapter 6 was the best. Poetic really, with the mountain and back and forth between the real Sunny, fake Sunny and Sungmin while Kangin spoke. Really touching. Loved the Kyuhyun twist. The idea of him paired up with Heechul is intriguing. I must find a story with those two or write one myself and its all your fault!
hmwlove #5
Chapter 13: Haha, kyuchul in the end :p kangmin is <3
Chapter 9: OMO....die sungminnie's dad.....DIE!!!!
LovingKitty #7
Chapter 14: OMg altho it went by fast it was still an amazing story loved and the ending made me cry LOL
i'm in chap 2 now & it seem to be nice story xD
Chapter 14: Awww... I totally love this story! It has a great plot (multiple to be exact), super cute main characters and it is a little bit lengthier than your usual stories... :) I hope some of your stories I haven't read yet will be at least as equally good as this. :)