Chapter 3

Beautiful Show


Your POV


‘I can’t believe this is actually happening. B2ST is coming to Toronto on my birthday’ those thoughts kept running through my head as I walked home.


‘I mean this is actually happening. I will get to meet B2ST!’


‘And on my birthday! I think this is the best present that anyone could have ever given me!’

“DAMNIT, HAERIN!” You heard someone yell and then felt a punch in your arm.

“OWW! Who the h-“ You turned to your right to see Yoomi with an annoyed expression. “Unnie! I’m sorry. I’m just thinking too much today!” You quickly apologized to you best friend while rubbing your arm.

“Yeah I could tell. You were really out of it after school, and I ended up cleaning most of the cafeteria.” Yoomi was annoyed, and you could tell.

“Unnie I’m so sorry!” I apologized again quickly, “it’s just, B2ST! They are coming here! You can’t expect to get out of shock so soon!” You giggled at you last sentence. “Oh don’t you go using B2ST puns on me now. Or I’ll give you a shock-” “SHOCK!” You yelled before letting Yoomi complete her sentence.


No ones POV


By the time the two of you got home, you were both laughing and giggling while imagining how you two would react after seeing your biases.

The two of you spent the whole night coming up with crazy imaginations. But Haerin couldn’t help but feel that she already knew that B2ST would come on her birthday.


Beginning of March


Your POV

Naega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo~!”

I groaned as I slapped my hand on my alarm clock. “I really hate getting up for school”


“Ahhhh~ I’m gonna be later for school! AGAIN!” I grumbled as I tried to get my shoes on as fast as I could.

“So beautiful my girl~ Oh oh girl~ Oh oh girl~ shigani jinado~” “Who is calling me now!” you yelled. You couldn’t help it. Being frustrated before school is something that happened a lot.

I picked up my phone, only to pull it away from my ear within a matter of seconds because some idiot was yelling on the other line.

“Uhh… Who is this? And why are you yelling at me?” I asked in an annoyed tone.

“YAH! Bapo! How can you forget the sound of your best friends voice?” the person replied with fake sobbing sounds. I knew who it was now. Who else, other than your best friend Yoomi.

“Oh unnie, I’m sorry. You know I’m not a morning person! Especially after I stayed up til 4am watching Music Bank last night.” I groaned out. “But why did you call me so early in the morning?”

I had to pull the phone away from my ear again because Yoomi had begun to spaz over the phone again. “GUESS! WHAT! B2ST just announced that their ticket sales for the world tour would be starting today! At 2:30PM EST!”

Now I know why she is so excited! Who wouldn’t be! Today you get to buy your tickets to B2ST’s concert! “Now we just need to find a way to ditch third period so we can buy them!” I was almost yelling into the phone.


No ones POV

The two girls kept discussing how much fun they would have at the concert and how much money they would need to spend.




Yoomi’s POV


‘I can’t believe Haerin and I are actually going to go to B2ST’s concert!’ I kept thinking all through math class.

New Text Message~

From: Yoseob

To: Junhyung

Ready to leave class Unnie?~ :D

Haha, I love out nicknames for each other. I get to be my y oppa Junhyung cause he’s my bias and Haerin-ah is Yoseob cause they are both so cute~’

From: Junhyung

To: Yoseob

Ne~ I’m ready to leave, I don’t want to stay in math class another second :(

I took a deep breath and started to cough really loudly. “Mr. Lee” I coughed even more, “I don’t feel well at all *cough* Can I go call home please?”

“Yes alright Yoomi. If you don’t feel well then go.” Said an annoyed Mr. Lee. I knew he didn’t like me leaving class early. I mean I miss math a lot as it is. But too bad! B2ST is worth it!

I packed up all my things and almost ran out of the classroom. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I ran up to the library where I was meeting Haerin. By the time I got there I was panting.

‘Where is Haerin.. The tickets go on sale in 5 minutes!’ I was about to dial the number when I saw Haerun running to me, also panting.

“Sorry Unnie! My teacher wouldn’t let me out of class” Haerin explained in a hurry. “Come on, dial the number. They go on sale soon!” She also said excitedly.


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angeseop #1
Chapter 15: Wah~~ great job author nim my phone was almost dead but I didn't want to charge it yet because I was too focused on this story~! It's really good really, I mean it
Awesome :)
Sequel pls
New reader here
awww such a cute ending^^
Carmelnap #6
Such a nice ending!
letsflyto-seoul #7
awww, what a cute ending :')
OMG~ so cute ^_^
ah, I wish haerin was me #sigh
anyway it's a great story congrats :D