The Protector


She's in an abusive relationship and she's hoping one silent man can save her before it's too late

~~ Read the sequel The Protector 2 ~~


Whoa, this came as a shock. I've recently gotten into VIXX and over the last, two to three months or so, I've listened to them more, watched their variety shows and I've become quite taken with one Leo. The urge to write him became so strong I could no longer deny it and this came out. He is a complex person to write and I still have a way to go if I do choose to write any more of him, though I think this may just be a one time thing. Hopefully Starlights and Leo fans will think I did him justice. Feedback and constructive critism always welcome. This may be triggering for some people, while I don't actually write out any abusive situations, it is implied. I implore you to not read if you are sensitive to this kind of thing, though I will also say that I tried to be as careful and as respecful as I could be. There is some of this in my past as well, not me directly, but family members, so I get how tricky it can be, I just want to be clear. I didn't tag it as such because there is no actual scenes of it.


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Chapter 1: it was cute despite being so serious, I don't know how to say. Leo is such a sweetheart.
Chapter 1: I can picture him doing this. <3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, I love this!. My baby is my knight in shining armor & I'm here for it girl!. My only advice to you is that there's a lot of comas in each paragraph. I used to do the same thing thinking that they worked like a period but it doesn't. It makes the sentence run on & on so it confuses the reader a bit. That's all I have to say about that. I look forward to reading part 2, thanks for this wonderful piece of work. :-)
Chapter 1: Great job, Leo~ ♥