
Keyboard life | 기보드 수명
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    2장 : 그의 가장 달콤한 미소

chapter 2: his sweetest smile

Seulbi froze, her shaky hands on mid air as her brain was still trying to process the fact that her stupid phone was drowning in the dirty waters of the sewers. 


She sat down abruptly on her knees, hurting her knees at the strong contact with the metal but the feeling was quickly pushed aside as she was searching for her phone in the dark hole desperately, her school uniform was drenched by the water puddle but was also not minded by the girl. She placed both of her hands on the bars of the sewer, childishly thinking of lifting the heavy metals to retrieve her phone but sadly she was only a mere weak child to even lift it slightly


Setting the fact about her murdered phone aside, she was more irritated at the fact that she could not finish the fanfic she was reading and sure as hell was left with dozens of thoughts of what would happen to the main characters and she, most out of all the feelings hated that specific feeling as well as cliff hangers 


“ get out of the way before i run you over! ”


She heard a man's voice yelling towards her direction. With heavy breaths and gritted teeth she stood up from her feet, her skirt was half wet and her knees had stains of dirt left over from the puddle 


“ run me over, retrieve my phone before i hunt you on earth for the rest of your sad life! ”


She threatened, yelling back with all her might. Her face was tomato red, not because of embarrassment but due to all the yelling she had to do. Her knuckles had lost all of the blood surrounding it making it turn pale white due to her clutching it too hard  


She was mad, oh yes she was. He was a careless driver more than she was a careless passerby. She needed the fiction and she will be getting it one way or another. She knew by fact that she was getting unreasonable and childish but noone could take her from her babies, noone. 


The male came our from the car and she swore her once furrowed eyebrows relaxed at the sight of a very youthful man with blonde hair, his blonde soft hair was style naturally and professionally making him 10 times more attractive. He was wearing a white turtle neck with a sweater ontop and lastly paired with a matching coat. She could see from afar that he was one fine lad, until he opens his mouth


“ i'll buy you that damned phone kid so stop wasting my freakin time and move out of the way ”


Reluctant of what she was told to do, she stood in the middle of the road, glaring at the male, challenging him with a staring contest. 


His tone basically splashed fuel at The fire in her heart , making it burn bigger to the point that it went up to her eyes. She was mad and her whole body was shaking in anger. He was rude, he did not apologize and did he just call her a kid?


Gritting her teeth “ i could also buy it myself ahjussi ” she said, emphasizing the ahjussi to make sure he could hear her loud and clear that he looks like an old man


And surely he did, the fact that he was called ahjussi angered him more. He was already in lots of stress and yes, he was being childish at being irritated atthe mere word of ahjussi but the girl was looking not much younger than him, 5 years tops therefore he respected his self control for not snapping at her about the said topic


Pushing the anger at the side a bit, his lips tugged up into a creepy joker smile— obviously a forced smile— and he tilted his head a bit to look at the girl  sweetly 



“ if you could then ing move! ”


He snapped with a cuss—no trace of his sweet smile left— taking the girl aback, she was surprised at his venomous tone and the fact that he cursed at a highschooler was just plain rude. Not that she had a thing for cursing since she curses too from time to time but seeing that he wanted to start with the cursing game then she's gonna have to unleash her hidden gem for cussing  


“ and who are you to be calling me an ahjussi!?!? Im on 23 for pete's sake! ”



Now seulbi, calm down. You do not want to disgrace your brother's name. Its just a fiction that you love so much and worked hard on making time to read and enjoy it in the middle of a big exam coming, nothing special right?  




No matter how much she tried to calm her nerves and hold herself from punching the older's in the face, she just could'nt find a solid reason not to do so. Knowing fully that she had been simply glaring at bim like an helpless high school student she was but her hands were just itching to land on his perfect nose and smile in satisfaction at the red blood oozing out of his nose 


Before she

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Number2elf #1
Chapter 3: I enjoy reading this story ^-^
Number2elf #2
Someone posted this on my wall... the trailer is really well made :)
Fisha99 #3
Chapter 2: I'm curious; who is that guys? small hands...? isn't it jimin?