8 - Dancing Studio

I Go Crazy Because of You Baby


Dongwoo didn’t imagine that the guy, Yongguk, could be such a bastard. He never imagined such a thing. He swore to himself that if he saw the man again, he wouldn’t act like the happiest man on earth. He would actually break his jaw and probably a few members so he couldn’t walk ever again. He was going to make sure the guy would never talk or breathe ever again. Hyosung almost begged him not to mention it to anyone, not to speak about it with anyone, especially not with Krystal or Myungsoo. They knew what happened to her in the past, of course they knew, but there were things Hyosung hadn’t told them and they didn’t know because she was too ashamed to even speak about it. Dongwoo just accepted it and promised he wouldn’t tell anyone.

“….I’ll kill that guy…” Dongwoo whispered as he continued staring to the books in front of him. He was supposed to be studying with Myungsoo, but at that moment, the last thing he cared was about some stupid exam. As always the younger man was studying like his life depended on it and as always, Dongwoo didn’t care.  He always passed his exams, so why would he even bother with such a thing? “You need to study!” He glared to Myungsoo who was completely focused on his books.  “Why? I’ll pass the exam either way.” The younger man looked up to him. He hated the fact it was true. He hated that Dongwoo was indeed a genius but would rather pretend he was an idiot. He hated that the older man never studied for a single thing and still managed to have better grades than most people there.

It was so annoying! Sometimes Myungsoo wanted to steal Dongwoo’s brain and study it. “This is boring! I don’t want to be here!” Dongwoo was almost pouting and the younger man was doing his best not to punch the other man. Both were on their kitchen studying so there could be no distractions. “Then leave! But unlike you, I’m not a genius and I need to study to pass.” Dongwoo rolled his eyes. Why wasn’t Krystal there? if she was, at least he would have someone to annoy Myungsoo with. Annoying him alone had lost all the fun. It was so much fun to have Krystal there so they could literally burn all of the younger man’s brain cells. “Do what? There’s nothing to do!” Dongwoo complained and the younger man just glared at him. He wanted to study, but the other wasn’t helping him at all. “I don’t know! Eat, sleep, watch TV, dance, die!”

Myungsoo wanted, needed to study and it was annoying him the fact he was having Dongwoo there, doing nothing and complain about having nothing else to do. Why couldn’t the older man just leave? “That’s it! I’m going to dance!” Dongwoo got up from his sit and Myungsoo followed him with his eyes. “I’m going to take your blue shirt!” The older said as he walked away from the apartment. Myungsoo decided not to talk because if he showed he was even more annoyed, he knew Dongwoo wouldn’t leave and would stay there annoying his brain until no end. “Idiot...” Myungsoo whispered and he looked down to the books. He adored Dongwoo, he really did, but lately, he couldn’t help but think the older man was being a little different.

He looked like he was living in another place, another world and even thought Myungsoo knew the older was out of this world, literally, he looked so strange for some reason. “…..Should I ask?” Myungsoo asked to himself. “….No, I should let him be quiet.” It was probably for the best. It was probably the best idea because at that moment, he shouldn’t care. Dongwoo was a grown up man. He was a grown up man and Dongwoo looked like he was taking care of things alone, so if things kept on like that, he would stay out of it.



“I’ve the whole thing just for myself!” Dongwoo said with a happy face. He loved having the locker room to himself. No random eyes, no people smelling or people taking too long to shower. This was what he liked the most. Having the place just for himself. Dongwoo raised a brow. He was listening to music but he knew he shouldn’t. Usually at that hour, the studio was completely empty and there was no one there. He had the key, so he could go there every time he wanted. That was the vantage of being the best dancer there and being the one who brought student after student. The owner was so thankful to him; he practically gave the dance studio to Dongwoo.

Still listening to the music, he started walking towards it. “It’s coming from…” he continued walking and then he saw the only dance room with the lights on. “Here!” maybe it was a dance teacher working  on a new routine or maybe someone left everything on forgetting about everything. “Irresponsible people!” He complained and walked inside the room. At least not he didn’t had to bother himself with turning on everything so he could dance. As he opened the door, he started hearing someone talk. That scared him a little. Was it a ghost? Was it a supernatural life and was there to scare the hell out of him? He was starting to get scared, but then he started recognizing the voice, calming down. He opened the door just a little and looked inside the room. There he saw a familiar lavender head sitting on the floor looking frustrated and mad. Dongwoo decided to stand there for a little while and hear what she had to say. “God, why can’t I make a simple turn?” It was more than obvious that she was frustrated. Her voice was low but he could sense she was mad with herself. He didn’t know what to do, so he decided to keep put on his place for a little longer. He saw her touching her ankle. “Damn it! I can’t believe I twisted it…” She complained.

Not bothering himself with a quiet entrance, Dongwoo entered the room surprising Hyosung. “Dongwoo? What are you doing here?” He knelt in front of her and looked down to her ankle and then to her. “Probably the same you are.” He paused and gave her a small smirk. “Reliving stress.” Hyosung smiled sweetly to him and looked down to her swollen ankle.  “….But I didn’t came to injure myself, that’s for sure.” Hyosung almost started laughing when she heard him say that. she never injured herself with basic steps, never. So it was bothering her so much that she probably messed up her ankle for god knows how long. She was feeling really unlucky at that moment. “I think you need to go to the hospital…” He said and she nodded knowing he was right. “I’ll take you.”

He knelt in front of her, with his back turned to her. Hyosung felt a small smile crossing her face and shyly, she placed her arms around his neck. In seconds he got up and she smiled. “You’re lighter than you look.” Dongwoo said as both started walking away from the dance studio. “Sorry for ruining your night.” Hyosung knew the man went there to dance, but instead he was now taking her to the hospital. “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Dongwoo actually minded, a lot, but for some reason, because he was with Hyosung it made him feel like missing a dance practice wasn’t the end of the world. “Just don’t lose focus next time!” 

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Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOON! Kyaaa! ❤❤❤❤
IamLeaderDim #2
kyuchang #3
Chapter 15: waiting eagerly for this wonderful fic to be updated ;)
Chapter 13: dongwoo loves her and he said it!! omg Hyosung, what happen?? why u say no?? hope dongwoo does not give up on her
ichiru #5
that's it...!!!!!you need that dongwoo...someone that wake you up...go go...rescue uri hyosung...!!! update soon... ^-^
lufackingwhore #6
omg i thought you wouldnt update this amazing fic anymore. Thank god ur here. Nice update, hwaiting
aegigongjukiny #7
NOOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON'T GO BACK TO HIM. Oh Dongwoo, You need to do something! Asap! :>
I love your story, Update soon authornim. <3
ichiru #8
no way........!!!!!!!!!!!stay away from him hyo....its so dangerous for you....just report to the police....
update soon....!