14 - Light at the End of The Tunel

I Go Crazy Because of You Baby


Krystal and Myungsoo continued looking to their friend and they weren’t sure of what to do or say. When the older man told them everything that happened in front of Hyosung’s door step they didn’t know if they should be happy for their dear friend, that didn’t had that jerk next to him or if they should be dead worried for the fact that she had been attacked and was hiding herself in her house, not allowing herself to come outside and to actually breathing her freedom. Instead she was just in her house, letting her depression to take over and to make her feel worse than before. What she was doing was making everything worse for her. They didn’t know what to do, but they also didn’t know what to do towards Dongwoo. They knew they had to help him, but how could they do that? How could they make him happier knowing that the only one that could make him happy again was locking herself in the house and didn’t want to get out?

Dongwoo was resting his face on top of a table and gave more than one groan of unhappiness. His friends looked at each other and then to him. They had to make the older man feel better! They had to make him smile at least once. “You know…” Krystal started as she placed her head on top of the table just like Dongwoo. They were staring at each other and Dongwoo looked at his friend with such sad eyes that she had no idea what to say or do. It caught her by surprise and she was sure this wasn’t the Dongwoo she meet a couple of years ago. “…I talked to Hyosung-unnie yesterday.” Just by saying her name the man’s eyes almost popped and Krystal she was on a right direction. She gave him a small smile and Myungsoo smiled slightly when he saw his girlfriend’s reaction. “She said she’s feeling really….light now that Yongguk wasn’t with her anymore. She said she was thinking about coming back to class and…” Krystal paused for a little while and looked to Dongwoo who was almost jumping from his chair, wanting to know what the girl had told his friend.

“…She misses you…” Only that made the older man almost jump from his chair, like he had been hit by a lightning and he was now full of electricity, like always. Like the old Dongwoo was. “She does?” He asked. Krystal raised her head and nodded with a gentle smile in her face. In reality, she had been talking with Hyosung and almost everything that she said to the older man was truth, except for the missing him part. But she knew that her friend, her best friend did indeed miss the blue haired man. She just didn’t want to admit and Krystal understood why. She just got out of a horrible relationship and she was scared to jump right next to one, even thought she knew both men were completely different. She was just scared that she would hurt herself and Krystal understood it perfectly. It wasn’t easy to like someone with a record like Dongwoo. Until weeks ago he used to sleep with all girls, party and just leave hopeless girls calling him, whishing that he would call back. So yes, it wasn’t easy on Hyosung who was starting to believe that she had horrible taste on man, and lately her choices hadn’t been proving her wrong, on the contrary.

But deep down Krystal knew that her best friend was the best choice Hyosung could ever make, but all those two needed was time. Yes, because Dongwoo needed time as well. He was always so fast with things that if he didn’t learn how to wait, how to wait to get what he wanted, he would lose Hyosung. He would lose the perfect moment to have her and then both would never get it back. As her mother always told her, life is made of moments, you just have to learn how to see them and grab them. She knew her friends. She knew how impulsive those two could be and she knew how it could ruin everything for both of them. They had to take things with calm. They couldn’t pressure themselves to make things move faster. That would ruin everything.

Dongwoo kept on looking to an empty space and his friends were starting to get worried, especially Myungsoo who hasn’t opened his mouth since he got there, but at that point he was sure that his words would be pointless. He saw his girlfriend looking at him and he saw she was expecting him to say something, anything at all.  He looked back at her and started wondering why in the world it had to be him to say what he was about to say. Krystal was the one who was doing everything to make everything she could to make Dongwoo smile. So why was he being dragged to it? Of course he wanted his friend to smile and go back to his old self, naturally. But he knew that only Krystal knew what to say to make the older man feel better. He wasn’t known for being good with words, on the contrary. He was still wondering, to this day, how in the world he managed to confess to Krystal.  ‘Do it!’ She mouthed to him. He rolled his eyes and glared at his girlfriend who started smiling victorious. ‘Fine…’

He mouthed back.“You know Hyung…” He started, getting the older man’s attention. “Soojung’s cousin is getting married in two days.” It was more than obvious that Dongwoo wasn’t following the conversation. Why did he care that Krystal’s cousin was getting married? He didn’t even knew the person to start with. “She and her boyfriend are coming from china to get married….” Again, Dongwoo couldn’t help but be confused. He didn’t understand what was happening there. Krystal on the other hand continued smiling to her boyfriend so he could keep on talking so he could get to the point. One thing that she couldn’t understand Myungsoo had was that he couldn’t be direct right away. He would give twists and turns until he got where he wanted and sometimes, she had to admit, it was a little annoying, but she didn’t mind because in the end he would say everything. “…Soojung is one of the maids of honor…including Hyosung.” Dongwoo’s eyes almost sparkled when he heard those words. “So…what I’m asking is…do you want to-“ Before he could continue, the older man got up from his chair and almost jumped towards his friend.

“Of course! Yes! Of course I want to go!” Dongwoo sounded like a little boy who was offered to go to an amusement park and all Myungsoo did was stare at him with very surprised eyes while Krystal got up from her sit. “Wonderful! Then you’ll be her date….unofficially!” She said and Dongwoo looked at her with a smile on his face. “But…won’t your cousin mind? I mean..she doesn’t know me.” He was starting to get worried but then he saw the way Krystal was smiling at him, which probably meant something good, right? “You know her. of course you know.” She paused and she could see the man getting rather nervous and she didn’t know if she should laugh or if she should just stay quiet in her corner. “She used to be your dance instructor.”  Dongwoo raised a brow and smiled a little, forgetting that he was almost killing Myungsoo because of his tight hold on the man who couldn’t breathe. What was worse was that either his girlfriend of boyfriend seemed to care. “…Victoria-Noona is getting married?” Dongwoo asked and Krystal smiled. “Yes. She’s marrying Changmin-Oppa. Don’t ask me how they got together, but they actually match together!”

All Dongwoo could do was smile to that. he couldn’t imagine. He was going to have an opportunity to see Hyosung again. he was going to see her and he was going to make every single thing at his power to have her. he was going to make everything, the possible and impossible to make Hyosung realize how much he loved her. and if words weren’t enough, he had to think of something else. “Alright! Operation Winning Hyosung will officially begin!” Krystal said excited and Dongwoo smiled brightly. He was going to get what he wanted, and this time he wasn’t alone.

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Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOON! Kyaaa! ❤❤❤❤
IamLeaderDim #2
kyuchang #3
Chapter 15: waiting eagerly for this wonderful fic to be updated ;)
Chapter 13: dongwoo loves her and he said it!! omg Hyosung, what happen?? why u say no?? hope dongwoo does not give up on her
ichiru #5
that's it...!!!!!you need that dongwoo...someone that wake you up...go go...rescue uri hyosung...!!! update soon... ^-^
lufackingwhore #6
omg i thought you wouldnt update this amazing fic anymore. Thank god ur here. Nice update, hwaiting
aegigongjukiny #7
NOOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON'T GO BACK TO HIM. Oh Dongwoo, You need to do something! Asap! :>
I love your story, Update soon authornim. <3
ichiru #8
no way........!!!!!!!!!!!stay away from him hyo....its so dangerous for you....just report to the police....
update soon....!