POLAROIDS X DSLR, compatible?


Chanyeol was busy fixing his lenses towards the pigeon on the oak tree when suddenly Go Ha Na, one of the most popular girl from the fashion department blocked his view with her perfectly fake sculpted face that almost looked like a porcelain doll while showing her sweetest smile towards him and asks him if he could take a picture of her.


Of course not. Chanyeol hissed as he steps a few inches away from her and still searching for the sight of the pigeon but unfortunately, it had flew away. There goes another waste of his perfect shots.


“Hey, what are you looking for? The most beautiful girl is in front of you now, don’t you want to take a picture of me?” Ha Na curled her hair with her perfect slender fingers, not missing her perfect pink coloured nails which Chanyeol hated the most. He didn’t deny the fact that he do feel irritated whenever he encountered with girls because for him, they are the kind of creation which only put up beauty as their priorities. It’s like, they only live for finding perfection of each other’s beauty. He certainly would choose just a simple, casual girl or maybe guy who didn’t care much about their appearances to become his girlfriend or boyfriend and if he is lucky, maybe he would find a partner who likes cameras as well.


Baekhyun wakes up that morning with a bright smile on his face as he managed to finish his assignment in just a short period of time. He didn’t even know what had come over him last night that made his hands could not stop from writing and resulted in more than one million words story that he had done writing in less than three hours. Like wow. As he opened up her wardrobe, he decided to wear only his long sleeved striped shirt, added with his round spectacles, jeans and not to forget, his favourite Skecher’s shoes. He didn’t need to do much for his hair, as he only combed his black, almost wavy short hair to the side. Perfect, he thought as he walks outside of his house that morning, turning on his MP4 player and wears his red Beats.


Sehun could only look at the scene in front of him with thousands of questions running through his head. He had never seen anyone who dares to reject Go Ha Na, as she is playing very hard to get, and if she ever seduced a guy, that means she is truly serious about making him hers. He stood there, watches as the other guy seems to push her away, didn’t even pay a single attention as he is busy with his lenses. Without the both of them ever realized, people had started to gather all around them, watching the scene and blocking Sehun’s view, making him move forward to watch the scene much closer. Without bothering to look in front of him while walking, he accidentally bumped into a petite boy that made him almost dropped his spectacles.


“I’m sorry that you had to stumble onto me. I barely watch where I was going. Are you heading there too? Just what is the commotion?” Baekhyun fixes his spectacles, while taking off his red Beats from his ears. As his attention is fully drawn towards the person he bumped into earlier, he was stunned.


Click. Click. Click.


Chanyeol is totally aware of the people that started to gather all around the both of them. Oh how he wish he could escape from the girl in front of him. He didn’t even know how to get her off his way as he refused to even say a word to her because really, he doesn’t want to get involved with her. So, he just captures a lot of pictures as he could all around him while trying to walk away. He keeps snapping the pictures while Go Ha Na keeps blocking her way. He only managed to walk out from the situation when Minseok, one of his classmates appeared at the situation. Without even sparing a glance towards her, he immediately drags Minseok away with him, totally feeling relieved.


“Why on earth are you looking at me like that?” Baekhyun’s eyes bulged when he realized that the latter didn’t even utter a word but he look at him instead. Feeling the awkwardness between the both of them, Baekhyun asked for the permission to excuse himself first before he lost in the crowds, once again immersed in his Beats. Sehun was then left with thousands of questions running out from his head.

He never stuttered in front of any girls.

Not even one.

However, this one is different.

He is a guy.

And he stuttered in front of him. Totally losing his words

But, today seems he had break his personal record. By a guy.


However, his attention soon diverted when suddenly a girl which he doesn’t even recognize grab him by his arm and he just play along with it as he’s still a playboy.


Baekhyun could smile for the entire day as his lecturer gave his one of the highest marks for the writing assignment without even considering his late submission because he is one of the best students in the faculty and that was the first time he didn’t manage to send it on time. However, his masterpiece still worth a praise as it is well written added with the descriptive of the event that even a reader could feel like they are in his story and not to miss, the feeling of joy that he tried to convey could seep into other people’s minds and hearts.


He later then was greeted with her lecturer’s sweet smile as he enters her room as he had been told to do so when they were in class just now. As expected, silence started to fill up the empty air in the room as he finds out that her lecturer is holding his piece of work when suddenly a she questioned him, “Does this Jong Dae depicted in your masterpiece refers to Kim Jong Dae, the

student in Literature major?”


Baekhyun only vaguely remembered the latter’s image and the only thing that he knew about Jong Dae was his name. Not more than that. They just met once, to be precise.


“Um, Baekhyun? I was just asking because if it is true that this person is really that Kim Jong Dae that I pointed out, then I would like to ask for a help from you because he is one of the most miserable students in my class. Too much for a Literature major for a carefree student like him.” His lecturer shakes her head as she talked about the latter.


“I’m sorry, Mrs. Kwon. I just met him yesterday and all that I know about him is his name. I wasn’t expecting him to be studying in this university too.” Baekhyun told his lecturer as she only mouthed an ‘okay’ and excused him from her room.


As he walked down the hallways, his eyes met the ones that he stumble upon to that morning. He tried his best to just act normal because an introvert like him would usually hard to remember by a lot of people. He hoped so that this one particular guy that could make him feel scared did not remember him. He walked as usual, head lowered as he passed through the latter when a hand managed to capture his arm.


He didn’t want to look. Baekhyun didn’t want to look. When he was contemplating whether to keep his eyes shut or wide open when he felt that his back already hit the cold wall as he had been tugged away by the latter, he could hear the latter told him to calm down.


“Hey, open your eyes now. I’m not going to eat you anyway.”


The stiff atmosphere seemed to calm down when the latter finally let him go. He opened his eyes slowly, fixing his glasses and straightened up when he realised the distance between both of them had been much spacious than it was. At least, he trusted his senses even when his eyes were closed.


“What do you want from me?” Baekhyun fidgets and keep his head lowered. He doesn’t know why, but this guy is giving him the bad vibe.


“Know your name. C’mon, let’s be friends. My name’s Sehun.” The latter offered his hand for a handshake and Baekhyun only accepted that because he didn’t want the latter to feel uncomfortable.


“Baekhyun. Now, can I go?” Baekhyun is totally ready to scoot away again but Sehun once again manages to capture his arm, thanking for his small size, he had an extra kind of advantage. Sehun was just testing his limits with the guy in his hands and surprisingly, his heart beats seemed to beat faster. Different from any girls he had ever dated before.


“Baby, I was looking everywhere for you.” A girl appeared from nowhere suddenly captured Sehun’s waist and begging for him to accompany her. As expected, Sehun let go of his hand and opting to follow the girl instead. Baekhyun heaved a sigh of relieve, he really didn’t want to meet the guy whom he know as Sehun once again.


When Sehun’s figure cleared from his vision, he takes out his polaroid and capture the image of the wall which he was pushed onto earlier, hesitating whether he would use the same route all over again.


When he is checking the fresh picture on his hand, another hand tapped his shoulder makes him flinch forward, emerging a laugh from the latter. “You’re Byun Baekhyun, right? The one I found at the park yesterday?” He totally relieved when the heart-warming smile from the person that could make his heart flutter is right there when he really needed an escape from what had happened earlier.


“Kim Jong Dae, I’m glad that it is you. But please, greet me in a much gentle way another time. You almost scared the daylights out of me. You studied here too? For real?” The shock from the previous incident has yet to be ceased from his mind, and he found a sense of comfort when he looks into the latter’s eyes.


“Yeah. I opted for an arts university but then here I am, a Literature major which was the course that I despised the most. Let’s not talk about that, then. Hey, let me treat you for lunch today, okay? Come on, cafeteria’s this way.” Jong Dae led the way for both of them and Baekhyun couldn’t hide the blush in his cheeks much longer as he felt something flutter inside his heart. To hid it from the latter, he scooted behind him while trying his best not to squeal or doing something incoherent.


“Hey, Park. How’s the bet going? Or should all of us doing preparations for your wedding with your camera? Should we book a hall already?” Almost all of his classmates laugh at his weird demeanour. It wasn’t even illegal for a university student to remain single at the first place, right?


Chanyeol was getting on his nerve when Minseok suddenly appeared and backed up on his side. “I think it is you guys who should be preparing for a wedding already, I sometimes got tired with your attitudes who keeps on changing your life partners like they are disposable and reusable items. At least respect your fellow friends who didn’t live their lives like all of you bunch of jerks because people like us knows the true meaning of responsibility and loyalty. Stop bothering other people, you bastard!” Minseok could not hold the fire that’s burning in his chest whenever he sees those groups of annoying classmates.


“Like they ing cares. Save your lecture for anyone else, Minseok.” Chanyeol is still on his table, holding his camera in his arms, trying to find the perfect shot he managed to capture that morning when the Go Ha Na incident happened.

“I just can’t hold back much longer. By the way, have you found someone yet? There’s four days left for you to present your girlfriend or perhaps a boyfriend instead? Man, I doubt your uality.” Minseok take a seat in front of Chanyeol even though he know that his friend really don’t talk that much.


“I told you. This camera will do the work for me. Just wait for the day to come when you finally understand what I am saying right now.” Chanyeol plugged in his earphones, refusing to hear more from the latter as he scrutinized and zoomed the one particular picture for a quite long time when he realised that there was the guy with the spectacles that he captured the day before who was playing with the kittens at the park.


He's studying in this university too.


End of chapter two.

My hands are getting tired of writing. Till next time, -jasmeen-



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