POLAROIDS X DSLR, compatible?

Polaroid. Simple yet wonderful. Antique. Vintage and old school but remains classical. Only popular among the people who really cherish it and realizes its presence. Memorable. Irreplaceable. Inseparable. Elegant in its own way as the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A symbol of confidence and the desire to move forward. Taught human beings to appreciate even the tiniest details of life. Portrays a situation when a person needs to make a best decision that could spin the whole wide world within just mere seconds. Quick, yet fast-paced. Straight forward. Genuine, needs neither editing nor remaking as it is beautiful in its own way. Honesty. Love- pure and sincerity. Strong and bold as it could stand on its own, brave enough to face all the challenges ahead. Mysterious – a lot of stories hidden in every shot that some people could not even decipher.


As fragile as it could be, how complicated and huge the meaning for every person, it is enough to picture the life of Byun Baekhyun, a student major in Creative Writing whom rather spent his time with his instax and his poetry or literature novels rather than hunt for a man. His heart is as hard as a stone, bold and confidence in every steps he take until he accidentally snap a picture of a perfect figure near the bus stand when the wind is blowing, a few strands of his hazel brown hair blown in such a perfect rhythm making he finally lets her guard down. But still, he is playing hard to get.


Modern cameras, Double Single-Lens Reflex or DSLR. Upon hearing its name, mostly every human who lives in this world would be very fond of its presence because of its popularity. Quality is a must. Popularity is a bonus despite its price. Fragile and needs extra protection. Once it broken, it will surely cost a high price to mend. There’s a liar in every truth. Replaceable. Always have a second chance in every failure. There’s secret hidden in every picture that could always be revealed in a matter of time. Some people found it’s hard to operate. Complicated. Most of the times could not be trusted. Well-known. Never been left apart. Heavy and also available in bigger size pictures bigger dreams, bigger ambitions. Taught people for always seek for quality even though they need to lie. A symbol of power, as it is in the top of the pyramid hierarchy among all of the cameras invented.



Being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Park Chanyeol, the biggest brat in the university never cared much about what people talk about him. He used to immerse himself in his DSLR cameras and would never get tired of it. Never had any girlfriends even though most of the girls are dying for him making his own friends doubt his uality. He’s a biual in general but he hardly proves it as he proclaims his camera as his girlfriend. His friends bet him to find a girlfriend within six days and Chanyeol accepted it. He believes he would find the one by using his camera until he found something weird- he didn’t realize that the same figure appears in his every shots.



Compact or digital cameras. Simple like its name. Provides better quality for those who prefers simplicity. Lighter and smaller than DSLR but still popular among people. Attractive in its own way. Unique. Automatic and easy to handle but it could be complicated sometimes. Various functions that brought satisfaction to its user. Affordable despite its price. A symbol of freedom whereas the world could be captured by such a small camera.


Being such a straight forward person made him most of the times ignores others’ feelings without he realizes. He was oblivious of the amount of heartbreak he gave to the girls who confessed towards him. With his devil may care attitude who never fails to drag other people in his miserable life as he actually rebelled for being enrolled in Literature course at the first place by both of his parents who never support his dreams to become a super star. As mischievous as he could be, nobody knows that he is actually a calm, carefree person who never missed to spent his time with stray cats in the park near his housing area as his hobby also being objected by his parents. Yup, this guy is Kim Jong Dae.



Disposable cameras. Once you used them, it could never be used again. A symbol of temporary which means that something could not last for a long time. Holds the memories that could last forever but still it would not last for a long period of time and it would not remain permanent. Limited for a period of time. The willingness to let go.


One week to search for a real girlfriend. Definitely a piece of cake for a good looking sweet talker, Oh Sehun who had a long lineup of girls and guys who was waiting for him. He never believed in true love as love is easily to be find and gone like the wind. Never stuttered in front of other girls/guys, he found himself frozen in front of a simple, casual boy who wears only simple attire that doesn’t fits him. Unconditionally, he had become his so called one-day-boyfriend only to prove to his mother that he is committed enough in his relationship.



Having a writer’s block definitely not a new thing to Byun Baekhyun. His ears had gone deaf as he had been lectured by his lecturer about his recent reputations that had gone worse. He didn’t even give a damn about it as his mind wandered nowhere as he listened to the lecture. The main reason was he had not submitted his assignment that should be sent two days ago. The task was actually easy- write a draft about a story based on the theme ‘Joy’ before they could spread their creativity further.


The word ‘Joy’ doesn’t even ring a bell in his small head. He fixed the cap on his head and swept his hair behind his ears. Turning on his MP4 on her favorite songs, he then wore his red colored Beats headphones and let himself immerse in his own world. He really didn’t want to think about college right now. Unpacking his sling bag, he took a few pieces of paper, not even sparing a glance as he crumpled them before throwing them into the dustbin. It was his draft. It contains nothing instead of scribbles and random doodles everywhere. The second thing he took out from her bag was her instax mini. He would always bring it everywhere he went as it was a very special present from his late best friend who had died in an accident on his 15th birthday.


He then took out a piece of picture that he captured just now. It was an image of his lecturer’s front door. He opened her pencil case and took a small tip marker as he wrote a simple note on the blank space in the bottom of the picture.


‘2 April 2015, being lectured by my dear lecturer. I need to think about my own future, o_0’



Another girl confessed towards him. Again. And he broke a girl’s heart. Again. But he never really cared as he already used to it. If crying is a secret weapon of women towards men, then it is definitely a ‘no’ towards Kim Jong Dae. Being a literature student itself had drive himself crazy enough, he didn’t want his brain goes haywire to think about a serious relationship right now. He never liked to study literature from the start as words could make him sleepy as it brings boredom in his life. He was once a dancer during his high school years and he was damn serious when he told his parents to further his studies as an art student. He was then greeted by laughter by both of his parents until they finally stopped and gave him a serious look as his mother took out a full filled form of his enrolment into the university. It was too late for him as they already picked up his major.


“One week. I give you only one week to bring a girl back to this house so that you would introduce her to our family.” Mrs. Oh told her son, Oh Sehun, arms and legs crossed as they gathered in the living room. “Wow, now take it seriously mom. One week?” Sehun put his smart phone onto the coffee table as he was texting three girls at the same time.


It was truly impossible as his past relationships barely last for days.


“Uh-uh, no buts, no excuses, no further questions. Just bring the girl home.” Sehun was about to stand up when his mother stopped him from doing so. “Not so fast, you young man. Sit down. Mommy hasn’t stopped yet. Remember, This upcoming Monday, 7.00 p.m for dinner. Don’t you dare coming home alone or be late.”



My girlfriend is my DSLR camera and I truly believe that I would find my true love in the lenses. That was what Park Chanyeol wanted to convey to his friends since their freshman year but he knew that he would only earned a mock or even laugh from them and even worse if they doesn’t want to befriend him anymore. As they bid him a goodbye as they wanted to fetch their girlfriends early, he still remained in the room, cleaning his DSLR lenses. There are a lot of times when his friends would talk about girls but he felt no interest towards it. He kept his face and continued his work silently as his friends to just marry his camera. Sometimes, he thought that cameras were far better than human beings. It is easy to take care of, and it guaranteed no heartbreak in the end.




“Insane. This is totally insane.” Sehun pulls his hair as he purposely break up with three girls in a row in less than fifteen minutes. He didn’t know whether he should feel frustrated or happy.


“Hey, Aerin. I want to break up with you because I don’t love you anymore. Erase my number and myself from your memory.”

“Sweetheart? I’m sorry that we should cancel our date for today because I want to break up with you. Why? Oh don’t ask me that but please, don’t ever call me again.”

“Listen up babe, I love you but that was before. I think we should break up. Babe, listen up, don’t cry, okay? Don’t call me again after this.”


He is so totally messed up. But, it’s just day one.



“Oh, hello you cute little kitten-” Baekhyun could only sigh as the ginger furred kitten run away from him as he tried to approach it. However, he still didn’t give up as he follows the kitten that run into the bushes. He keeps her slow and steady steps, afraid that he would scare the kitten again. As he was really sure about the kitten’s position, in one quick movement he entered the bushes but unfortunately, he falls down as his cap stuck at the leaves. He cursed herself for being so careless and he also didn’t manage to catch the kitten. As he opened his eyes…

A hand offers him for help. He takes them without any hesitation as his head really hurts at that very moment.

“Stupid little kitten- aish, my clothes are already dirty!” Baekhyun wears his cap, swiping away the dirt that stained his slacks.

He was totally oblivious that someone was watching all of his actions and clumsiness just now. He began to realize the fact when he hears a laugh from a man right behind him. He turns around and he is greeted with a wide smile and a hand that offers a handshake. He refused to receive the handshake at the first place, but a feel of guilt in his heart makes him do otherwise.


“Kim Jong Dae.” The guy introduces himself.

“Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.”


“Girlfriend? Six days? Really? It’s impossible.” A laugh escaped from Chanyeol who walked all by himself at the park accompanied by his sweetheart, his camera as he fixed the lenses towards the lovebirds at the park. One, two, snap. Strangely, he suddenly felt empty. Especially when his lense caught a pair of couple were playing with the kittens near the bushes. His heart was filled with warmth and happiness, but at the same time he felt a pinch of jealousy. Maybe he was the only one who was dumb enough for taking love for granted.


Chanyeol snaps another picture of the couple before taking his leave.


“Whoa, this sure have a really white fur! I’m going to call you Snow.” Baekhyun stated as he kissed the cat’s nose, causing its tail to wiggle.

“No. Its name is Milk.” Jong Dae takes the cat from Baekhyun’s hand, causing him to pout.

“Hey, just who gave you the authority to give these cats its names? Then what? This one is Ginger, the huge one is Big and the one with stripes is Tiger?” He asks while pointing to each of the cats that he could see while trying to get his Snow back from Jong Dae’s hands. But unfortunately, Jong Dae is far too fast, able to resist from him as he moves swiftly like a dancer.


Watching the latter pouting as he sat back on the bench, taking the cat which he referred to as Ginger and snap his picture with it by using his polaroid, Jong Dae couldn’t help but smile and let out a small chuckle. How cute, he thought but it brushed away as Baekhyun snatched Snow back to his hand, earning a smirk from the other. They bid each other a goodbye then, promising to meet tomorrow evening at the same place and not to forget, bringing cats foods. Surprisingly, both of them didn’t even realized that both of them are studying in the same university.


As sun sets itself far away as the moon comes out, lighting up the night sky occupies with its cluster of stars which never bored to shine along giving more radiant to the dull, dark sky, Baekhyun takes out his notebook and a pencil, as his ideas popped out like a fresh prepared popcorns. Not wasting much time, he quickly switched on his MacBook and begin his assignment which is writing an essay based on the theme ‘Joy’ as his memory begin to recall that evening event where he played with those cats and kittens at the park… when suddenly Kim Jong Dae’s name popped out of from his head. He could feel there’s something wrong with his heart upon saying the name, but he brushed the fluttering feeling away from his heart away before he includes him in his story.


For Kim Jong Dae, he had never felt very happy in his life after his parents made his life dull since they don’t let him to fulfil his dreams to become a dancer. He couldn’t help but smiling all the way home while the image of Baekhyun replayed in his head like a broken record. Among all the girls and guys he met, Baekhyun is the only person who managed to make his heart flutter and amazingly, he didn’t feel awkward around him, like they even have a kind of chemistry.


“I’m back.” Sehun opened his shoes and go straight towards his room, ignoring his mother’s question about his task to find a real girlfriend. Sehun didn’t even give a damn about it, as he locks himself inside his room, threatening his own mother that he would refuse to go downstairs for dinner if she keeps asking him the same question. Surprisingly, the trick worked.


Chanyeol was in his room as always, cleaning the lens that had been accompanying him through the day as he transferred the image he captured today inside the hard disk because he would definitely make his memory card’s full again as he captured almost one thousand and a half for a day. When he is busy transferring each image into its respective files, he couldn’t resist the urge to click once again on the last image he captured on that day which is a picture of two men were playing with the cats at the park near his home. From the angle he managed to capture, he could see the guy with the cap was smiling brightly to the other. He really thought that the two persons inside the picture was a couple and a perfect match for each other as their eyes sparks with happiness and love.


Park Chanyeol created a new folder that very night.

End of chapter one. 

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