The World Was Being Kind And Accepting

It was back at Taemin and Minho’s high school and now that the school soccer team knows of the relationship that existed between the two, Minho receives nothing all day, but bombardments of teasing and mockery of jokes. Instead of the usual greeting of ‘Hi’ or ‘Yo what’s up?’, the first thing that greets his ears now are the high-pitched wolf whistles from his friends. Truth be told, it was getting really annoying.

‘Yah, can you stop that? Please?’ Minho pleads in utter annoyance as he pulls his head away from his friends who tries to wolf whistle in his ear. His signature ‘flaming charisma angry face’ was starting to appear.

‘No, no. No, can do lover boy!’ his friends began laughing. It was soon after, when he himself loosened his furrowed eyebrows back into their place and began laughing as well.

‘You’re a real dog you know that?’

‘Not as much as you are, chasing after beauties!’ his friends mocked him in jest.

‘WHOOT WHOOT!’ everyone began laughing and whistling again and Minho bursts out in laughter. All the boys in the whole school’s sports team surrounded him, huddled together and the whole atmosphere became similar to that of a festival. He really was popular.

‘Seriously though, aren’t you even going to kick me out of the team because I’m with Taemin or something?’ he asks and the laughter in his face from before completely fades away and his expression turns neutral. He wasn’t scared or worried or anything because he knows that he’ll always get somewhere even when maybe, just maybe, being with Taemin will drag his position down. It wasn’t because of their status of being popular or not, it was because… you know.

‘What because you’re with a guy? Dude that’s cool with us!’ his friends gave him such great support even when he was in an unusual relationship like this. He smiled to himself looking down and his friends patted his back. ‘Even with guys you still get the pretty ones!’

‘Don’t worry Choi bro, we’ve spoken to that Taemin even before we knew you were together and man was he nice! If only I knew these relationships weren’t forbidden and if you didn’t get to him first, I would’ve been in your position right now!’ the tall, chubby-ish buff guy said and everyone laughed.

‘WHOOT WHOOT’ and the festival began again.


In the locker area hallway, Taemin was packing his books from his previous subjects and was getting his lunch out. The last free period he had, he had spent outside on the oval with his Minho hyung instead of getting tutor from his Onew sunbae, so now he must spend this lunch time and any other times he can learning and meeting up with him. He laughed to himself, recalling that very unexpected day.


As soon as he closes his locker, he hears loud whistles and cheers from the other side of the hall. ‘Must be hyung’s friends’ he thought as he smiled. These days, whenever the athletes from the school sports team come across him, even when just getting a glimpse of him, they would always greet him with ‘congratulations’. He knew why this was, but he just never liked getting this much attention from so many loud people!


He quickly made his way over to the bench tables near the oval for lunch and met his Onew sunbae sitting there by himself eating his sandwich with both hands while reading a textbook on the table. He looks up from his textbook and sees Taemin approaching closer.

‘Hyung I’m here!’

‘Good! Finally! After seven months of not doing tutoring with me!’ Onew joked.

‘Hyung I only missed out on a free period.’ Taemin stared at him in seriousness.

The joke that Onew implied was that it has been seven whole months since Taemin and Minho has been officially together, and that Taemin takes more and more of his time off from tutoring to be with his Minho. Of course this wasn’t true, but after the soccer team caught the two together on the oval, and with it being spread amongst the majority of the school, Onew might as well have joked about it, true to his jester-like nature.

‘Maybe you shouldn’t get a boyfriend at all!’ Man did Onew sound like a father just then!

‘Aniyo.’ Taemin said in such an unconsciously cute tone that his sunbae just laughed.

‘Alright, let’s get started!’

‘Hey what’s this? Taemin-ah!’ as soon as they begin flipping through their textbooks, Key arrives to their table with Jonghyun tailing behind him.

‘Yah, go away, we’re studying.’ Onew glared at him jokingly.

‘Aniyo hyung I’m back from America!’ Key pokes his tongue out at Onew and wraps his arms around Taemin’s neck lightly to hug him.

‘Yah, it was only for two weeks.’ Jonghyun added.

‘Whatever, I was still gone.’ He retorted and sat himself down on the side of the vacant bench seat. Jonghyun sat himself down next to Onew.

‘So what are you two doing here? Aren’t you with your groups?’ The eldest one asked.

‘I’m just here to present to you the return of Kibum.’ said Jonghyun in the most monotonous, boring and sarcastic tone.

‘Yah, my return’s pretty epic.’ Key lashes out his tongue again, ready to insult Jonghyun this time.

‘Hey there’s Minho!’ Jonghyun points to the boy waving a small goodbye to his friends far away. ‘Tch, “mr. popular”. Jonghyun snickers. Of course he was only joking. He too was popular himself!


After waving to his friends, Minho begins jogging over to the table where his Jonghyun, Key and Onew hyung was, but most especially where his Taemin was.

‘Annyeong!’ he greets.

‘Yah, mr. popularity, get away from here, you don’t belong here.’ Jonghyun stands up from the bench and playfully pushes Minho’s chest. The tall one stumbles a bit and just glares at his hyung for awhile before looking at Taemin, their eyes meeting. He smiles but doesn’t say a word. They both knew what that meant anyway.

‘You have your whole soccer team there on the grass! Go back there where you belong!’ Jonghyun mocks him again as a joke. He knew he was joking but Minho still took it in and started to get annoyed. ‘Was he saying that i didn’t belong with Taemin?’ he thought.

‘Yah Jonghyun hyung , leave him alone! He’s here to visit his lover. If you were forbidden to visit your lover, wouldn’t you get annoyed?’ Key had a point. But Jonghyun can be sharp, witty and up himself too just as Key was.

‘They’re the ones who visit me!’ Jonghyun got Key back and poked his tongue out at him.

Key rolled his eyes. ‘Tch,whatever, shortbutt.’


It wasn’t long until the lunch bell rang signalling the end of it. They haven’t done much at all after Minho came to their busy table. All Minho got to do was sit next to Taemin while everyone chatted because of their talkative hyungs, especially after Key returned from America. Onew and Taemin just looked at each other with pity in their eyes.

‘Sorry hyung.’ His hyung just sighed and packed his books.

‘Yea, it’s not our fault. There’s always next time.’ He winked at Taemin and ruffled his hair. He then turned to Minho who had his arms s around Taemin’s shoulder. ‘Yah, take care of him you punk.’

Minho just laughed. ‘Neh “sunbae-in-law!”.


He still had his arms wrapped around Taemin’s shoulder as they were walking to their classroom of destination and the more steps they took, the lower Minho’s hands travelled, further and further down until it rested on Taemin’s waist, which was really visible for anyone who walked past. Minho’s friends who were walking past high-fived him and whistled again afterwards. Taemin just blushed and wriggled out of Minho’s touch as a reflex. He was shy. Either that or he just didn’t want to be seen as a complete girl. They just waved each other goodbye when they got to their classes and smiled, still very shy.


The end of the day finally came and for all you 2min lovers out there, this is when their moment really begins. They both walk over together silently, hand-in-hand to Minho’s house to do homework, especially since Taemin has already missed out on enough tutoring sessions with Onew. After Minho found this out, he decided to teach his dongsaeng some of the knowledge he had from his previous year level which Taemin stands in now. He also wanted to convince his father and Onew that he would never pull Taemin out of his education just because they were comfortably together now.


Being the disciplined, concentrated and determined little bull Minho was, the two finally completed all their homework and even had the chance to play videogames. It was still early, only being before 6, so Minho decided to make his loved little dongsaeng stay a bit longer to relax, because they did so much work that afternoon. Or he just wanted to spend more time with him, either way.


Taemin lied his whole body down on the floor of his hyung’s bedroom and just stared at the ceiling. His arms and legs were stretched out that his shirt lifted up a small amount and revealed a little of his pale stomach. His hyung saw this and sat next to him on the floor, cross-legged and jokingly stared at his stomach directly for a long while. Taemin just ignored it. Minho’s stare was piercing but it was also a really long while before he chose to notice it. He finally averted his gaze from the ceiling to his hyung.

‘Neh, what is it, hyung?’ he asked sweetly and innocently.

Minho didn’t say anything and just stared him in the eye with a small hidden aegyo attached before resting the side of his head on his dongsaeng’s stomach. He finally lied his whole body down on the floor and hugged his sweet Taemin’s waist and stomach, his head in level with it.


Taemin felt girly and he didn’t like it one bit. But his hyung was warm and was being sweet and affectionate which he’s not always good at showing, so he just smiled and rested his hands on his hyung’s head, patting and caressing his brown wavy hair. He felt his hyung’s eyes close and his smile widen upon his stomach so he also began caressing his cheek with his thumb. He looked down on his stomach every now and again to see his affectionate-than-ever lover’s face and expression. Minho was smiling like a little boy hugging his mother’s leg in sweet, sweet affection. Taemin patted the older boy’s head to check if he was still alive and his hyung began rubbing his exposed tummy in circles in complete loving affection. ‘Hmnn, you’re really getting comfortable there aren’t you?’ Taemin thought and laughed to himself, and it wasn’t long after before Taemin fell into slumber after Minho on his stomach. The two, no doubt, were a really cute pair.


A few hours later, a knock on Minho’s bedroom was heard. It was silent and no one was answering.

‘Minho?...You there son?’

Minho’s father knocks again before finally opening the door to check up on his son. He swings the door open in a gentle and slow manner, making sure that he doesn’t disturb his son just in case he was sleeping or doing his homework. It was already 8 at night and the Lee family has called their household wondering where Taemin was, considering that they still had school early on the next day. Minho’s father just arrived home from his soccer coaching job and had received the call right after he steps foot into their house.


When he finally completely opens the door, the light from outside the bedroom peeked in, revealing his son as a spotlight does with an artist on a dark stage.  He sees his son drooling on and sleeping on his lover’s exposed stomach, using it as a pillow. His snores echoed in the room as they both peacefully slept in Lala land. His father just laughed quietly to himself, closed the door and walked out of the bedroom with a smile plastered on his face.


The world was kind and being accepting of the two.





Hope that everyone who read this absolutely giggled, squirmed, nosebled, squealed and whatever else, in all of fan girling's glory.

I dont know if it was THAT sweet, but when i wrote it, i thought it was preeeetty sweet!

I'd like to mention a reader of mine's name: SHINee_Generation13 ..   

This was because she was mainly the one who told me, motivated me and actually made me write a fic just by commenting and telling me to do a sequel! LOL XD! It amazes me how something little like this can get my big fat arse up and writing XD!

But i also DEEPLY THANK EVERYONE who read my previous fics and who read this one now ♥. You know who you are ;)...

Hope you all walk away, this time, fan girling ;). ♥

Oh and i hope you all walk away smiling too, just like Minho's dad was ;).

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Chapter 1: Lovely sequel 😍😍
I never knew that you wrote a sewuel for this!! D:
*sniffs* the end was so cute :)
carrotcake #3
AWW! so sweeeeeeeeeeeet! loved it so much! <3 thank you for writing this, hope you write more! <3
Cilover #4
Amazing...really cute <3
XxCutenessOverdoX #5
So fluffy!<br />
GOD! I love 2min fluff!<br />
SHINee_Generation13 #6
It was so cute T-T I love how you write 2min. More fluff please :)