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About Me


Might i tell you a story.










There's this guy - well, more like man - that i love.



He's so cool and i'm so in love with Him. Thing is, i have never met Him in up close and personal before....

He's everything i want to be with.

He's my best friend, my lover, my brother, my father and everything that completes my life.

He gives me so much yet, i can only give Him a mere 'thank you'.

And yet i have hope that i will meet Him one day, and so i pray and i pray,

and believe and hope that this novel of a life of mine,

will have a happy ending.

With Him. 

I love you God.


















♫ ♫ ♫

See these music notes?... There's a certain... mystery, about them. They make me smile. Maybe if you click them, they'll lead you somewhere?

Those notes.... They're incomplete and some are still blank. Please help me fill them up with meaning.