Chapter 2

Mail Day is the best day! (Hatius)

You arrived at school in the nick of time, you rode your bike to the entrance and placed it on the bike rack. You got out the chain lock from your bag and locked your bike within it. " 2,5,1,0" you whisper as you entered the pass lock to the chain. As you make sure it's locked you get up and head to the front of the school, you walk into the hall you see everyone rushing around doing their own thing. You quickly head to your locker to place your books and other school stuff, the bell rung and you made your way to class. You take a seat in the far back of the class, as you get ready for class start people slowly start to full the room. A girl then sits in the chair in front of you, as she goes to her seat she smiles and gives you a little wave, you happily wave back to her as she sits down, soon her friend comes running to her.

"Hey! did you see Boyfriend's new video!?" she happily says as she takes the seat next to her friend.

"Oh my god what video?" her friend replied back. As they continue to fangirl you smile to yourself, you yourself was a fan of Boyfriend you loved their music and thought they were all cute, you don't have a bias in Boyfriend as you love them all you just couldn't choose. Your teacher then comes in and the lesson begins.

 You made your way to your work after school, you worked at a mini grocery shop filling the stock. You rode your bike to work and when you arrived you greeted your boss.

"_______ ah" your boss calls you.

"Yes sir?" you ask as you approach him.

"I'm sorry but I have to let you go from work" he explained 

"Why?" you asked shocked from the news you just heard

"I'm sorry _____ but I think this job is not for you" he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder " You're a hard working girl, you'll get another job. I'm sure of it" he gave you a small smile. You said goodbye and headed back home, disappointed that you just lost your job you began to think of what might happen. How will you get money now? What will happen to your house? Will you be able to help support you and your mum? you started to question everything.

You enter your front door and head to your living room, where you see your mum watching tv.

"________ your home early"  Your mum said while still facing the tv

" My boss let me go from work" you said sadly. Your mum turns to you and gives you an indication for you to come over and seat next to her. You do so and you tell her what your boss had said to you.  

"It will be ok, you'll be able to get another job soon" 

"But what if I don't mum? What will happen to the house? With your health as it is, you can't wor-"

"_____!" your mum yells as she cut you off  "It will be fine I said don't worry too much, now there's a newspaper on the kitchen table there are some job applications go take a look ok?" she said as she gave you a small pat on your back

"Ok" you sigh as you headed to the table to get the newspaper. You get the newspaper and head to your room, you lie on the bed reading the applications. After awhile you give out a big sigh.

"There's nothing here for me" you say to yourself, you were about to give up and close the paper when an ad caught your eye.

Mail Delivery person wanted

looking for an active teen to deliver mail

will work two times a week, Tuesdays and Thursday

pay will be $30 a day

must have own way of transport.

for more detail call the number below


"Hmmm sounds interesting" you say to yourself "I think I will call" you reached for your phone and dialed the number, soon someone answers.

"Hello?" sounded a man

"Yes, hello I'm calling for the job that was in the paper" you said

"Ohh yes, would you like to have the job?"

"I'm interested in doing it, but only if you give me the job"

"Yes, come meet me tomorrow and we can discuss more then ok?"

"Oh sure" the man then gave you the address to meet him tomorrow. You hung up and sat on your bed thinking how the job would be if you got it.

After school you made your way to the address you got to meet your boss, you slowly found your way to the building. It was just a small and simple building, you entered slowly and looked around the place. There was mail everywhere on the benches, machines running, it seemed a bit messy but it was a mail room.

"Hello can I help you?" you heard someone ask from the door at the back

"Hello" you bowed and introduced yourself "I'm _______ and I called for the job yesterday" you explained

"Oh hello ____ it's nice to meet you, My name is Mr. Kim" he said and reached his hand out to shake yours, you gladly took it and shook hands. " I'm sorry but I was wondering if you could start work now" he suddenly said


"Well, the last person who delivered the mail went on a sudden holiday and the mail has been here for a long time and we really need to send it out until he returns" he explained to you

"Oh, it's ok I'll do it" you replied

"REALLY!? thank you so much _______ your a life saver!" he yelled in excitement. He slowly ran you though the details of how the job went. The mail that you will deliver will be placed on this table, its already sorted out by the other employer that worked here, there will be a list of address the mail will needed to be delivered too .And when your done come back and drop off the bag and go home. Sounds simple enough.

"Just follow the list of address you will be fine" Mr Kim said

"Yes, I will and don't worry I know this area pretty well" you said. It was true you knew this area like the back of your hand

"______ how will you deliver the mail? Do you have your own transport?" Mr Kim asked

"Yes sir I do, I have my bicycle"

"That's good _____, now heres the bag" Mr Kim handed you the bag "I gave you only a little mail as it's your first day" he explained

"Thank you" you took the bag and wore it. You left outside to your bike, took out the list and made your way. As you followed the list you soon delivered each mail one by one, you had one more package to deliver before you can head back, the looked at the address and you slowly made your way to the destination. You stopped in front of  bulinding which looked like a dorm, you took out the package and made your way up the stairs. In the hallway you carefully looked out for the number that was on the package, you soon found the number that matched and knocked the door. You heard a lot of movement from inside but no one answered, you knocked again a bit louder, you knew someone was coming as you head quick footsteps coming to the door. The door slowly opened and you looked up and your eyes widen at the figure that was standing at the door.

It was Boyfriend's Kim Donghyun.


Hello all! this is my 2nd update, I'm sorry if this chap was boring.

if you notice any mistakes please ignore it, it was kinda rushed this one please forgive me

So it was Donghyun at the door~

how will you react and what will happen next?~

Please wait for the next chapter!~

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chachu #1
Chapter 3: if im in her place . there will be a possibility that i might faint !! XD

please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait!!! Update soon!!! :D