Chapter 1

Mail Day is the best day! (Hatius)

I'm lying in a grassy meadow watching the blue sky above me, the clouds remain still in the blanket of the blue sky. The long grass swaying in the wind back and forth. I close my eyes and let all my worries disappear with the wind. I feel lighter, as the worries I have held vanished, a sweet sound is heard. I can't seem to make note on what it is, but its calling me, Calling me.


"Oww" you said as you're lying on your cold wooden floor. You open your eyes and found yourself face down on the floor. You have fallen off your bed, again. You roll over and face up towards the ceiling, you just lie there, staring at it. Thinking about the dream you just had, all your worries gone from you forever, time for you to relax in a peaceful meadow. You were interrupted of your thoughts when your door opened. 

"______?" you hear in a small whisper. You turn to the door to see your mother peeking though, you just give her your biggest, goofiest smile. "Fall off your bed again?" your mother said in between laughs.

"No mum, I decided to sleep on the floor last night because I LOVE my hard wooden floor!" you said sarcastically but in the fun way of course.

"Ahh I see, now go get ready your almost last for school" your mum tells use as she closes the door. You quickly sit up causing you to become dizzy, you hold your head for awhile to still the dizziness. You turn to look at your Hello Kitty alarm clock.

-7:55 am-  your clock read.

"AHHH!" you screamed, you quickly got up and ran around your room like a manic, looking for all your school supplies. You head to the bathroom and have a quick shower, you blow dry your hair and brushed your teeth then you contiuned running around the whole house. When you got everything needed for school, you found yourself standing in front of your mirror looking at every detail you have. You have dark brown shoulder length hair which you just decided to tie it into a pony tail with a few flower clips for the losse ends. You have light brown eyes, which you think is the prettiest feature of you, have a simple complex, you have curves but can barely see it. Your school uniform which you HATE wearing is a dark navy blue colour, a blazer on top on your white button up shirt and your blue and white skirt which comes right above your knees. One thing you hate about yourself are your legs.

"Well, this is as good as it's gonna get" you say to yourself as you grab your bag and head to the kitchen where your mum is cooking breakfast.

"Toast is on the table, you better hurry or you're going to be late~" she says in a playful voice. You turn to look at her, her back faced to you. she doesn't act like she's sick at all you think to yourself. You grab the piece of toast and quickly place it in your mouth, you give your mum a quick hug and you darted to the door. Putting on your black school shoes and heading outside. You go on your bicycle and start riding to school,  you only live 10 minutes away from your school, and riding your bicycle is a better option than walking, as you think. While the wind is blowing though your hair you make your way to school.

first chapter end! I'm sorry if its all boring and more of just informational text, it is the first chapter and I'm sorry for any mistakes or grammar errors .Thanks for reading this so far and hope you can stick to the end!~ Love you all.

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chachu #1
Chapter 3: if im in her place . there will be a possibility that i might faint !! XD

please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait!!! Update soon!!! :D