Mark POV

Looking into the sky trying to get the right mood that what trying to do now. I feel someone kiss my neck and when I'm looking at that person I know that was him. Yes! Jackson my boyfriend. I smile and face him. He give a y smile and I kiss his lips. Sweet right? That how we act everyday. Full with a kiss and hug. "Babe, why are you look miserable?" He ask and I just shake my head. Am I look like that? Ok let's just ignore it for now.

We walk out from our dorm to have some fun at park down there. When we arrive at that park, all the members were there but only one person who's not there. My eyes eagerly search for him until I spot him under the tree alone with his book. That kis seriously like to read. He seem like he don't care about that the other having fun. He always having fun alone. Did book really make him fun? That make me so curious. I think maybe he still hurting with what happen yesterday. For what happen really shocked me but what can I do? I already have lover. Even that he still my favorite dongsaeng. I can't live without him. Wait what? But it true that I cant live without him. He make me feel something that Jackson can't give me. He is just make me feel comfortable. I don't know why but that how I feel when I'm him. Honestly, I know how he's feeling to me. He obviously show it to me that he like me but I don't really think that he is so brave t confess to me even he know that I'm with Jackson.

Jackson pull me to play with other and I just follow him. Jaebum say that we can have fun and play whatever we want. I ask Jackson to play a skate with me but he just say that he tired and wanna get some rest. I just nodded and look at him walk to Bambam. Bambam? Lately both of them really close to each other. Jackson always find him first before me. I don't know if it was just my feeling or what but I can see like both of them have something that they hide from me and others. Maybe it was just my feeling but I can't stop thinking that way. I'm also don't know why I don't really care about that. Hurm..

I look around the park trying to observe what can I play alone but I found nothing interesting. I walk to Jackson to join him and Bambam but when I see that both of them looking happy without me I just my way to Jinyoung. Eh! I shocked myself. Don't ask me why I'm standing in front of him because I really don't have the answer. I just realise that I'm here without thinking. Oh God why my legs lead me here? Ok try to be cool Mark. Ok let's slowly get away from here but I know that he know I'm here. By the way why would I need to avoid him? I didn't do anything wrong to him. I can't control myself not to talk with him. So, here I am. Sit beside him but he just ignore me. The handsome Mark Tuan just got ignore by Park Jinyoung. Ok this is awkward. "H-hey b-babe" I'm trying talk to him nervously. "It jinyoung not a babe." He reply me without looking at me and just focus on his book. Dang! Why I feel so hurt when he act like this? I just take a deep breath and trying to talk with him again "Jinyoung ah. Talk with me. I wanna talk with you. Please Jinyoungie." "Hermm" he reply. I sigh. "Jinyoung I'm sorry for what happen yesterday. I know that you mad at me..." I look at him before continue talking but he is not listening and just focus at his book. That make be feel so bad and hurt. I take his book and throw it away. He look me with his angry eyes. "Hyung! Don't you see that I'm reading here. Can you just let me be alone now after what happen between us. Ok, it easy for you because you are not the one who broke. Hyung don't come to me when you feel bored. Please hyung. I'm trying to move on. Just avoid me for awhile? It hurt when I see you and Jackson. I know that I'm wrong. Confess to you even I know that you are with him." He say it half mad and half sad. I look into his eyes and his eyes just cover with his tears. I got shock and trying to hold his hand and he avoid it. He take his book that I threw away before and walk away. I called his name but he just ignore me. I follow him and suddenly I saw him being crash by a car. Oh my! What Happen here! My heart beat so fast now.

"Jinyoung ah!" I run to him and hold him. His face is cover with a lot of blood. His body look so weak. I crying and shout his name for many time but there no respond. All of the members run to us and shock with what happen. Jaebum shout to other to call an ambulance. I'm just crying while holding him like some who lost his lover.

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Chapter 7: it will, dont worry jinyoung ah~
markjin forever, remember :)
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 7: Just read this first to end! Love it soo much. Short and simple in every chap ^^ markjin is soo adorable!!
jung_markjin #3
Chapter 7: Nice story authornim ♥