Chapter 4

Game Changer
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Seconds, turned to minutes, turned to days, turned to weeks, turned to months, then turned to years.



It was hard to imagine that we are in our last yea in High School and only months ahead to be promoted as graduates.



Time sure flies fast. One day you were getting cold feet entering the building as a freshman and the next you are already taking your last steps as one of their student.




You wanted to be an artist. Not those who creates a masterpiece through different mediums and exhibits them for potential buyers, but an artist who uses emotions to convey the true meaning and feeling of the character they are portraying.



It was a childish dream, you being an actress while I plot the sequence of your fairytale lovestory, a writer or poet is what I aimed to be, you said. You became obssessed with reaching your dream as you auditioned hundreds of times all the same broken promises in giving you a call you by which they never they did.



So you gave up, not on the your dream but in auditioning. You said you'll take Arts in College to improve your skills in acting before pursuing your career as a famous actress. You got your future planned and nothing will get in your way.



I for one, does not know what I wanted to be. I like abundant of things like poetry and photography, I would have included painting but I'm just not relatively good at it in conclusion. So when they asked us about what we will be taking in college, I blindly answered Literature, the thing I am best at.



We vowed to take the same University but incase one of us did not cut off, we'll stil be dormmates. You were afraid that the days we are apart will make a drift in our friendship, what you did not realize is that, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe just for me it will be.



I was taking a bee-line to my locker when you decided to show up.



"Boo!" You tried and failed to scare me for numerous of times, you should blame your tall self. "Aw, you caught me."



"It's nice to see you too," I sneered as I punch in my code to open my locker.



"I really need to step up my game." You leaned above your upper arm beside my locker while your other hand was inside the pocket of your skirt, watching me intently how I get items inside, giving a James Dean vibe that almost made my knees wobble.



"You sure do." I tried to steady my voice which is clogged up due to the high rate of my beating heart.



I closed the small metal door that was in between us. Channelling my inner self control not to pounce at you looking like a hot jock pinning over her girl in the hallways. That made me blush.



"Pretty." Your vision was on my pink cheeks when you voiced that out loud which I'm sure the nearby students heard, I blushed harder.



"Stop being too cute Sica," You gushed, maybe the days that went took a toll on us being far away from each other's presence that it made us became out of character and was sure of it when you pulled me in your embrace. "This is what you get from acting like an adorable person."



I was just hoping that you won't hear the pounding of my heart nor notice my patched breathing while you are in such close proximity. This isn't a surprising occurrence yet it always left me bothered down there.



I tapped your back as I am at loss on where should I put them, there were eyes everywhere and now that you are back, their attention were solely yours.



You pushed yourself out and drapped your arm around my shoulders to accompany me towards my next class.



The walk was neither boring nor awkward like the last car ride that you purposely thrown under the bridge.



You yapped about how your trip was not half bad as you expected as your relatives are more that accommodating and was enjoyable to be around at least.



"Here we are." You announced giving my shoulder a light squeeze before letting your arms fall to your side.



"I'll see you in third period, don't be late." You saluted before mocking a bow, walking backwards to impress me.



"Walk properly or you'll bump into someone or something!" I shouted to reminded you about the possibility of you getting yourself in an accident, we would not want that to happen.



I silently laugh when you almost hit the trash bin, releasing a sigh of relief before turning once more to flash me a megawatt smile that for sure I'll be musing at in class.






"Guess what?" Tiffany asked as she placed her tray on the table and occupying the seat across from ours with TaeYeon following her but with a laptop at hand.



"Whafft?" You said with chewed food showing as you opened your mouth.



"You are disgusting," She grimaced looking at your eating habits. "You got something on your chin by the way." Pointing on the said part of your face.



You let out a toothy smile as you tried to wipe the crumbs with the back of your hand.



"What's the news you got instored for us?" I decided to pry. I got curious.



"Tae will be performing in Winter Night!" She exclaimed with her arms spread wide and a proud smile on her face.



"Would not expect less from Taeyeon to be honest," You pointed your fork at the girl who is focused on the screen of her device than the talk we were having. "She has like the golden voice."



"Wait, TaeYeon sings?"



"You have got to be kidding me..." Tiffany had this offended look on her and the said person gave me a small smile as she continued with her work.



You put your hand on my shoulder and said, "Excuse her lack of knowledge to most of the students' skills, she hadn't come to any event the school offered."



"You are so going to the Winter Night this coming month."



"Oh, no that's not going to happen." Just because I got new 'friends' does not mean I'm attending those events that the school promotes for 'social purposes'.


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Chapter 6: Omg updateee. I'm so excited for their date ^^
Chapter 6: triggered.
Chapter 6: I really love how you always hit the feels. Kekeke your choice of words is hella good. Keep it up!
oungie87 #4
Chapter 2: Aigilo, is Sica love yoona? But, sica yoona disappointed because of you... what the matters? Seriously?
Chapter 1: Poor Yoongie you must volunteer your self to kissing Jess
Chapter 1: I was hoping that Yoona would offer herself to make out with Sica!!
Chapter 1: Oh my God my heart! </3 hahahaha. Good job Thor. :)
Chapter 1: wooowwwwww just wow yoongie why you didn't insist to kiss sica :( this is so exciting thor <3 <3 can't wait for the next update :*