Chapter Two

The Fake Kind of Happy
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Author's Note (05/08/2017) : I accidentally uploaded this chapter last night before it was finished *facepalms* Sorry lol. I know this is a really short chapter, but it felt right stopping it here. 

     We are all liars. It’s not because we’re all inherently bad. No. We lie because it makes it easier to survive. We lie because it gets us what we want. We lie because everyone lies.

     I saw my father, my real father, for the first time at Haneul’s funeral. I never thought he was a bad man. No, we just weren’t very close because he had to work. When I first saw his rusty burnt out station wagon pull up to the funeral parlor I didn’t even know it was him. By then, I knew that he didn’t care for his children. I almost forgot that he even existed. But there he was— all five feet and six inches of him. My father was a small man both inside and out. But, he seemed to do everything right for once. He cried. He embraced me. He told me he was sorry, that he’d never leave me alone again. He lied. He lied. He lied. He lied.

     My father was a liar and I believed him— naively. That man didn’t care for me or Haneul. Instead, he played the role of a heartbroken father. He faked the hoarse voice that croaked in pain with every syllable. His tears. His trembling hands. They were all a lie.

     The next few weeks I stayed with him in Incheon. He cooked for me as if he cared that my stomach was usually filled by water alone. He tucked me

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