Speeches and visitings.

I don't know what it was to me but to you it was love at first sight

No one's POV.
''Hello, I'm Julia. Most of you don't know me but I'm Anna's best friend. For today she asked me to make speech for her even though she knows I'm bad at those things. But well, Anna, since today is your day, I'll make a short speech.
I still remember those days 7 years ago when we still were two teenagers who met in internet and lived countries almost next to eachother but we never happened to meet in real life. Yes, we had cameras through which we made faces and danced to eachother and if lucky enough, talked to each other through microphones. We talked every day. But soon there came also times where we didn't talk. At least we made this whole thing up as soon as we talked again.
I still remember those times when we imagined about things that would happen in future. And even though you told me to never tell this, you already loved Sungyeol back then, 7 years ago. It is amazing how far you have become. Now, you are married with the person you've been loving almost ever since we met and we're in South-Korea. Miles away from the countries we used to live.
The day you met him, it was just one of those fanmeetings, weren't this? But it was special to us because it was our first time being in fanmeeting. And even more meaningful for you because you met Sungyeol. Ofcourse you didn't start your friendship then, this moment. You two somehow happened to meet more and more. I still remember the day two years ago when you two went to your first date and I helped you to get ready. And ofcourse I haven't forgotten the first time you broke up. You cried hard on this day. I also remember it because for the first time after arriving in Korea we saw snow. Ofcourse we had seen it before, but not in Korea.
Anyway, sorry, Anna, speech is already that long and I feel like I haven't said anything. This is just a small part of everything we have been trought together. I want you to know that I love you and I'm happy that you married with him. Congurlations.'' and the two girls hugged. They sat down after that and everybody could see how they dried their tears. And then it was Myungsoo's time to make a speech.
,,Hello, I'm Myungsoo, Sungyeol-hyung's best friend. Speeches are not something I'm good at so, I'm sorry.
Anyway, Sungyeol and I've been friends since we became trainee's. And you know, when you finally told us that you're getting married the first thing I thought was:,,Am I sleeping right now?'' because I couldn't believe anyone could ever tame you. But after you met with her something probably clicked in your head because you changed. At least for a while. But Anna was first girl ever in your life who changed you. And you loved the attention she gave to you like you were her drug, her everything, her whole world. But sometimes it wasn't enough for you. Of course Anna would hate that and then you would break up just to become couple some day later again. And it went like this. Until last year, around November, you stopped fooling around. None of us, besides you two, doesn't probably know what happened but we're happy for you two.
Ohgosh, really, Sungyeol-hyung, it's funny to see you here, right now, as a married man, a husband, and mabye, who knows, soon-to-be-dad. And no, I don't know if you're pregnant Anna, so, please, don't take my words out of contects.
Anyway, congurlations you two!'' they hugged and then ate and drank. Until it was time for Anna's and Sungyeol's first dance as the married couple. The song was slow and sung by Sunggyu and Woohyun, as Anna wanted. Everything was beautiful and the married couple looked at eachother eyes, showing how much they loved eachother.

Julia's POV:
The party lasted around 4 hours. Everybody were happy. We ate, drank, dance, talk, everything. I met with lot's of new people and I always had someone to talk with me. But I saw that guy, Myungsoo or whatever his name was, staring at me. And I swear, for the second I saw him smiling. I had also noticed that most of time during party he didn't smile. He had that weird expression on his face that can't even be called as expression. But the moment I looked at his eyes, I thought I'm in love. Or something like that. He's not my type. Not at all. I love guys who smile. And he's clearly the guy who doesn't smile much.
I saw him about to stand up and probably come to me but as soon as he saw Sungjong next to me, he sat back down.
,,Hey, Julia,'' Sungjong said.
,,Hey, Sungjong,'' and I showed him weak smile.
,,Isn't the party just awesome?'' he asked, being all bubbly and stuff.
,,Yes, it is,'' and I smiled, I smiled to him the way I should not the way I smiled before.
,,Do you wanna dance?'' Sungjong asked.
,,I'm sorry but my legs are killing me already. I've been dancing whole night already and I danced 3 times with you already. What's with that dancing?'' I asked.
,,Myungsoo has been eyeing you whole day,'' and I laughed at him.
,,You must be kidding. Why would he stare somebody he doesn't even know?'' I was clearly confused.
,,I've known him for a long time, you know, and I can almost read him like open book by now. But I don't like what he does right now.'' I thanked Anna in my head when she called me. I quickly apologized and ran to her, thanking her like crazy.

Two days after that party I felt like everything was going back to the point it was before. I went back to work at cafe and everything was normal. Until the day week later 4 of Sungyeol's friends started visiting cafe. And since I have good memory I knew that they had never been here before. Or they have been here on those days I didn't have to work, which was unlikely. But I only talked with Sungjong some times because from the four of them he was the only guy I knew. And after other three guys got to know that I talk with Sungjong, they came to me to talk with me but I was mostly intrested of Myungsoo. I don't know which part of him made me feel like that but I wanted to know more about him. And the bad thing was that as soon as Sungjong, Hoya and Dongwoo saw I talk with Myungsoo more, they wanted more of my attention.

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Love at first sight, so cute!