EXO fanfic gems


I read them for you so you don't have to read them all. I'm just a voracious and quick reader with an immense appetite for good stories. A good story doesn't need to have convoluted plot twists or unique storylines. These story tellers I am about to recommend do much better; they make even the most mundane actions exciting. Their words draw daggers into your heart and make you cry and bleed. And after reading, you want to thank them and ask them to do it again. and again.

I wouldn't dare say the rest of the stories out there are terrible. Really, who am I to judge? For one, I can't even string sentences together coherently. I am recommending these stories because I honestly feel they need more love. I don't know any of these writers personally so I guess you can consider these unbiased reviews. Comment if you have other recommendations. I will read them and if I love them too, I'll put them up as well.

You will find I am as likely to recommend a story with thousands of subscribers as those with a hundred. I read them all and don't discriminate.





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WHERE DID THIS COME FROM AND WHY DIDNT I EVER SEE IT OMGGGGG <3333333 holy hell now I don’t know what to do with myself