Small Feelings

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Yoona's POV

I open my eyes and I feel someone's arms around my body.... is it Pudding, my puppy? But Pudding is small... Jin said that he had to work overtime.... I look to my right and it's not Pudding or Jin... It's a man.....

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!," I yell.

"HUH????," the guy says as he woke up by surprise.


"Can you stop smacking me with your pillow? And you're the one that made me appear," he says.

I stop smacking him and I look at him like he's crazy. I don't drink so I wouldn't do something really reckless.... I am pretty sure that I came home alone last night....

"You don't remember? You probably were really tired... Don't you have a shooting star necklace," he asks me.

"A shooting star necklace?"

I start to recall that the old man yesterday gave me a shooting star necklace... I put my hands in my pockets and I find it.

"Wait.... how did you know that I have this necklace? ARE YOU A STALKER?!?!?!," I yell and I start to smack him with the pillow again.

"Own, will you quit that? And no I am not a stalker, I am the owner of that necklace," he says.

"What?," I ask.

"Well, you're not going to believe me but I technically belong in that necklace... you see, I'm a genie and I can grant you 3 wishes. I guess you had a pure heart so the divine gave you that necklace in times of need.... that way you can call me, since you are now my master" he says smiling.

"Genies don't exist, they might exist in fairytales but not in real life .... well, if you're really a genie, prove it," I say with disbelief.

"I would love to show you something but I can't do anything unless you wish for something.... but if I were you, I wouldn't make a wish right now because you only have 3 wishes."

I still don't believe this guy but.... if it really is true.... then.....

"What's your name? How old are you? What happens to you after I make my third wish," I ask.

"Well, the divine named me Jungkook, I am 5,706 years old and when you make your third wish, I disappear from your life," he tells me.

"So am I not your first master?"

"I've had many masters before you... some were abusive... others were sweet but I don't get to choose who my master is... Well, can I ask you some q

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Gurleen098 #1
Chapter 2: I love it ❤️