Chapter Three

Your Voice

The concert is honestly the best event Changkyun has ever been to in his entire life. He gets swept up all too easily in the music, swaying to the beat. Jooheon and Hyungwon chuckle under their breaths at him, but he doesn’t care. Especially not when Kihyun takes center stage.

Changkyun can’t help but lean forward as the soloist takes his breath away yet again, gripping the back of the chair in front of him for support. He feels his eyes go wide and his mouth drop open in awe, but he can’t seem to close them, to resume a normal posture.

Kihyun smiles brilliantly as he bows at the end of the performance, a sight somehow able to match the beautiful tones that pour from his mouth whenever he sings. Changkyun tries to figure out just how someone like this can exist, so undeniably perfect, but he can’t even begin to fathom. Hyungwon manages to snap a picture of the younger without him noticing, which isn’t too difficult when Kihyun comes onstage, and sends it to Hoseok.

Check out Kihyun-hyung’s biggest fan, he captions the picture, chuckling amusedly at the sight. Hoseok, of course, doesn’t answer until after the concert’s over.

Wow, I’ve never seen anyone watch Kihyun like that before. Not even his crazy fangirls in school watch with that kind of intensity.

Should we try to get them together? Hyungwon finds himself asking his boyfriend. He immediately regrets sending such a caring message, hoping to have held onto his cold façade at least a little longer in front of the older. However, Hoseok seems to melt through all his harshness easily, something that Hyungwon absolutely adores.

Aw, Wonnie! You’re so caring!!!! I love you for that. Hyungwon chuckles at the gushing reply, but doesn’t bother to say anything as he sees the older is typing out another message.

I don’t think so, Minhyukkie’s already on it. They don’t need us butting in, too. They’ll get together soon enough.

Hyungwon laughs again at this, unable to deny the truth in the older’s words.


Changkyun finds himself making his way to his locker again the next day during his break time, making up some excuse about a book he needed. Though, if he had to be honest, it’s only so that he can hear the angelic vocals he had before. He’s a bit less obvious about it, though, this time stopping before he actually reaches the open doorway and listening as he silently leans against the lockers.

The voice has the same effect on him as it did before, the notes seeping into him and freezing him to the spot. It was a warm sort of freeze, though, his heart being set aflame by the amazing voice filling the hall. He closes his eyes, breathing deeply, feeling as if he’s somehow drawing strength from the beautiful tones.


All too soon, the bell rings, signifying the end of break, and Changkyun has to scurry back to class. He halts in his tracks, remembering his reason for coming in the first place, and whirls back around to get a random notebook from his locker before running back to his own class, completely unaware of the amused smirk Kihyun is watching him with from the choir room.


This continues for two weeks, Changkyun finding himself returning time and time again to the empty hallway. Each day he tells himself it’s the last time, but he always ends up going back the next day. Jooheon and Hyungwon for it, knowing very well where he’s going despite his attempts to tell them otherwise.

Kihyun is hyperaware of the transfer student’s all-too familiar footsteps as they echo down the hall each day around the same time. It’s almost like clockwork. Minhyuk hears the steps as well, everyday glancing at Kihyun with a knowing smirk. Kihyun ignores the older most of the time, but the longer this happens the more he just can’t ignore it anymore.


Finally, Kihyun snaps.

At the end of practice on a Friday, he doesn’t even bother waiting for his friends before storming from the room. Hoseok calls after him, but he doesn’t care. He’s on a mission.

Stupid Minhyuk, Kihyun thinks irritably. Stupid adorable third-year. Stupid choir, stupid infatuation, stupid everything. Fine, if he’s shy, if he doesn’t want to talk to me… That’s fine. I’ll just talk to him. He chuckles to himself, turning down the hall. He’s vaguely aware of Hoseok and Minhyuk hurrying after him, but he doesn’t bother to stop.


“You should just talk to him, Kyunnie,” Jooheon advises for the millionth time. Changkyun sighs, shaking his head shyly as he pokes at his food.

“Seriously,” Hyungwon says plainly, “it isn’t as if he’s going to yell at you or anything.”

“He wouldn’t be interested in me,” Changkyun murmurs, his heart hurting as he voices his concern.

It had occurred to him to speak to the soloist before, sure, but he can’t ever bring himself to, because he knows what would happen. His heart would be broken into a billion tiny fragments, leaving him alone again. He’s just too weird for anyone to become interested in in that way, that he’d come to terms with long ago. It’s just better for him to admire from afar. After all, he’s a fourth-year. He’ll be graduating soon, and he doesn’t need some—

“Lim Changkyun!” a strange voice calls to him from behind him. Changkyun freezes, somehow knowing to whom the voice belongs despite never having heard the voice speak before. Jooheon and Hyungwon look curiously in the direction of the voice, and break out into a fit of laughter at seeing the boy.

Next thing he knows, a pair of small, fleshy hands slam with surprising force down on the table. Changkyun jolts, eyes snapping up to meet the eyes of the brunette who he’s been semi-stalking for the past few weeks.

“You’re Lim Changkyun, I’m guessing?” the vocalist asks, his voice sounding much kinder than it had only moments before. The transfer can only blink in shock at the brazen upperclassman leaning down to be eyelevel with him.

“He is,” Hyungwon answers for him, smiling pleasantly at the older. Kihyun hums, nodding as he sits down beside Changkyun. Changkyun drops his gaze to his lap, unable to stop his eyes from blinking like crazy.

“Look,” Kihyun says, staring at the younger as he speaks, “I’ve noticed you coming to watch the choir practice for a while now. Or rather, watching me practice.” He pauses, waiting for an admission to the act, but Changkyun remains silent. Kihyun in a breath through his teeth, scratching at his head. He feels his resolve slipping away, but he silently forbids it to go anywhere. As much as he hates to admit it, Minhyuk has been right to give him those all-so-annoying glances.

“Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow?” Kihyun asks before he loses all nerve. Changkyun looks up now, eyes wide and lips sealed shut. Kihyun can’t help but chuckle breathily at the almost petrified expression, finding it incredibly cute. Not as cute as the picture Hoseok had shown him of the third-year watching their last concert, granted, but cute nonetheless. Kihyun shakes his head, pulling a spare pen out of his pocket and writing his phone number down on a napkin.

“This is my number,” he explains, making an effort to keep his voice gentle. Perhaps suddenly ambushing the poor kid wasn’t the best tactic, Kihyun is realizing. Sometimes, his temper and impatience get the better of him… He needs to learn some better ways to deal with such things. However, for now, he’ll just settle with what he’s done. He then adds an address to the napkin, saying “Meet me here at three o’clock if you’re interested. Sorry to scare you like this, I just… I don’t know. You’re really cute, Changkyunnie, and I couldn’t stand this whole will-he-ever-talk-to-me thing any longer. I hope you come.”

He tries for a bright smile, and reaches over to squeeze Changkyun’s knee. The touch and expression seem to relax the younger some, a half-smile coming to his lips. Kihyun laughs again, and nods to the other two before leaving the table. He makes his way to the second-floor balcony, where he meets his friends, their jaws dropped to the floor.

“Close your mouths,” he tells them, “or else flies will fly in them. I’m not going to hear you two whine about eating a bug for the rest of your lives.” He takes his normal seat without another word, despite Minhyuk and Hoseok’s pleas to explain what just happened. He merely shakes his head at them, telling them he’ll give them the story Monday.

Kihyun glances back down at the third-year, shooting him a small, almost conspiratory smile. Changkyun’s eyes drift up to him, as if feeling the gaze, and this time is able to return the smile. He gives the older an almost undistinguishable nod, which sets Kihyun’s heart beating too fast to be considered okay. He then returns his attention to his friends, already daydreaming about what they could possibly do the next day together.

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Chapter 4: Cuuute daaaaattteeeee
Excuse while i driwn myself in my feels and fluffiness~ XD
Chapter 3: kihyun is sO BOLDDDD i love a good bold kihyun fic, that boi is not playin around
Changkyun is a cutie XD
Chapter 3: I would never be able start a conversation with my crush like that, kihyun is not wasting time
Chapter 2: Aaagghhh..... Why so cute... Kyuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn... XD
They're all adorable..
I hope you'll be able to do well throughout making this story, and your other stories as well~ =3
Good luck~!!!!
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOOOOOO rhiannon why are making this angst This Is So Cute how Dare you