
Forget; 11:11 || Baekyeon

Laying my head on your stiff body

You didn't move an inch.

Biting my lip, the burning sensation in the back of my throat, broke.

Burning tears gliding down my hot cheeks, bled into your shirt.

You still didn't move.

Why weren't you moving?

The sound of your racing heart missing from my ears.

I knew.

You were slipping through my fingers like the sands of time.

Each grain falling to the bottom until the last one laid into it's resting spot.

You faded away.

Then, the warmth faded away with you.

Why, Baekhyun?

I thought we were stronger.


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I added a chapter to fill in the gap between |:14| and the after story.


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Chapter 6: feeelllss.
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful! I'm tearing up and I'm not even halfway!