Chapter 2

Of a Night Owl and a Lark

A wide-awake figure laying on a single bed, staring off into the ceiling. Another sleepless night, Jihoon heaves a sigh and shut his eyes in annoyance. He brings both of his palms to cover his face and rolls on his bed, muffled groans escape his lips. There are times when he wishes he is not this terrible of a night owl. Jihoon sure desires of a good night sleep the moment he lay on his bed, instead he gets this nonstop train of thoughts of every bad decision he ever made in the past, and it certainly did not help him get over his frustration any less. He gives up, throws his arms to his sides and elbows himself for support. Eyeing the surrounding of his dim little bedroom, he tries to think of anything to waste his time on. His school works and projects has long finished hours ago. He is not in mood to watch anything on the television or the internet, and is definitely not hungry enough to get up and throw his to the kitchen in order to make something decent and edible.

Then he notices his guitar resting on the shelf. Now that Jihoon thinks of it, it has been days since he last touched his treasured guitar. Daytime is spent mostly on sleeping and going to classes, while at night he would do his assignments and probably wander around alone again. He gets up from his bed and picks up the guitar, and as he strums the first tune, fond memories rushes into his mind. He closes his eyes, his lips curls into a small smile and he keeps playing the guitar with the memory of childhood, family and hometown in his head. At this rate, Jihoon is completely sure he will not be sleeping any time soon. So, he ends up bringing the guitar out and enjoy the city light.

Just like a few nights ago, he strolls down the same usual street and baths under the lamplight, heading to the park he slowly grows infatuated to. There he settles down on the same bench, and he strums a familiar melody, the very first song he created back in his adolescent age. Jihoon gets a little too carried away as he hums along the tune, eyes occasionally close and sometimes glances up upon the starry night sky, and gazing at the little crescent moon over the horizon. As he plays the guitar, inspiration flows right into his head and lyrics are slowly formed in his mind.

And now he remembers the very reason he loves the silence of the night.

Jihoon probably get a little too emotional because he is fully unaware of the birds chirping indicating the approaching of dawn, nor the presence of a standing figure behind him. As he reaches the end of the song, he flutters open his eyes, and is feeling more pleased than ever so he slings the guitar over his shoulder and resolves to go back and sleeps with this good mood.

“Excuse me…”

Jihoon quickly turns around and his heart almost jump out of his throat, he never realise the existence of this person who is completely unfazed by his reaction. “Uh, how long have you been there?” he asked hesitantly.

“Um… I came here to the sound of someone playing a guitar. I was just fascinated to hear it that I decided to give it a listen.” The person answered carefully, probably trying to not sound rude or weird.

“Ah.” Now that he has a full look of this man, he sorts of looks familiar. Dressed in sportwear, short, complete with headband and is that apple hair I see on his head? Jihoon shakes the thought as he grips the sling of his guitar. “Okay...I guess.” He is about to turn his heels and leave the place before things get awkward.

“W-wait!” The man stops him. Jihoon raises his eyebrows tentatively. “I just want to say that you play the guitar very nicely. I like it.”

God knows how fast Jihoon’s heart races at the moment. His eyes widen and his face is probably shades of red by now. So a stranger just complimented his guitar skills the first time he heard it, and he is not quite sure of how to respond to it. He is taken aback, a bit speechless and all he did is shuffle his feet awkwardly.

Probably noticing the timid reaction he just receives, the said man immediately speaks, “Sorry! I don’t mean to sound weird or anything. I really mean what I say.” Jihoon is not quite sure but he thinks he catches the stranger stealing a shy glance at him as he scratches the back of his head.

Cute, he mutters under his breathe. The way the person ties his brown hair into apple hair allowing his forehead to be shown makes him look fluffy, and Jihoon feels all fuzzy inside as he resists the urge to run his hand over those soft mop.

“Well, thanks for your compliment. I really appreciate it.” The other person’s eyes lit up and his shy smile break into a grin, Jihoon can’t help but smiles in return.

“I-I’m going for a run now, so I guess I will see you next time?” he says uncertainly. Seeing Jihoon nods as a response, he breathes a sigh of relief and waves him a goodbye before he jogs out of the park. Jihoon stands still, heart still beating fast from the sudden unexpected encounter as he rests his hand over his left chest trying to calm himself.


See you next time…


He is wondering if he would be able to even sleep a wink at all today.




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BlankMeansTestPapers #1
Chapter 2: Om this is such a great story :'^)) when's the next update xD
BlankMeansTestPapers #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh ok ok i love it already cx
Morgsters02 #3
Chapter 1: Oooooo I already love it